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杭州市2020版六年级上册期末质量调研测试英语试卷(II)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . We can to keep our classroom clean. ( )Athrow the rubbishBwalk to schoolCmove some factories awayDput rubbish in the bin2 . -Can Peter play football? ( )-Yes, _.Ahe cantBhe canCI can3 . Therea bird in the tree. ( )AamBareCis4 . I went to Guangzhou _summer vacation. ( )AonBinCat5 . 选出与所给单词发音相同的单词。【小题1】tea ( )AbreadBread【小题2】big ( )ApigBfive【小题3】bread ( )ApeachBhead【小题4】bike ( )AfishBlike【小题5】tomato ( )AtomorrowBthree6 . Look! Lucy is _a new red dress. She is beautiful today. ( )AwithBput onCinDwear7 . 选出不同类的单词:( )AatBforCwhose8 . My socks _ old. ( )AisBare9 . How does _ come here? ( )AZoomByour friendsCyou10 . _ a nice pen!AWhatBHow11 . I_ a kite yesterday. ( )AmakeBmadeCmakes二、阅读选择12 . 阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。Amy:Where are you going this summer holiday?John:Im going to Guilin.Amy:Oh, I went there with my mom last summer holiday. 、John:Really? How did you get there?Amy:I went to Guilin by train. It was crowded on the train.John:Im going there by plane.Amy;Good idea. Who are you going with?John:Im going with my parents.Amy:Guilin is very beautiful. We were very happy on our trip. You will have a good time. John:Thank you.John is going to Guilin with his father and mother this summer holiday.Amy went there with her parents last year.It was not comfortable to go there by train.John is going there by plane.Guilin is in north of China.三、填空题选择正确的内容填空补全句子或对话,写在横线上。13 . _ ( Lets, Let) colour the hair purple.14 . _ (What, What colour) do you like? I like white.15 . I have a green_ (cakes, kite).16 . The white rabbit is_(Mike, Mikes).17 . _(Do, Are) you like the blue crayon?18 . Colour_ (the, an) hat red.19 . Is your hair black? Yes,_ (it is, is it).20 . May I use your_ (crayons, pencils) to colour the picture?四、任务型阅读根据短文内容判断正误,对的用T,错的用F。Dogs help people a lot in many ways. In some countries, dogs pull wagons(推车). In the cold north, dogs pull sleds(雪橇). Dogs can help police look for missing people. On farms, dogs take care of sheep in the day and take the sheep home at night. Some dogs work as seeing-eye dogs. Dogs are our good friends.21 . Dogs help people a lot in many ways. (_)22 . Dogs can help police look after missing people. (_)23 . Dogs take care of sheep on farms. (_)24 . Some dogs work as seeing-eye dogs. (_)25 . Dogs are our good friends. (_)五、汉译英26 . 翻译:你好,李磊。_六、句型转换句型转换27 . This jacket is Mikes. (改为复数句)_28 . Is there a hill in your school? (作肯定回答)_29 . Hes my father. (对划线部分提问)_?30 . I want to go inside. (改为一般疑问句)_31 . My mother is an English teacher. (对划线部分提问)_七、填内容补全对话补全对话。John: Id 32 . some bread, please.Mom: 33 . you are.John: Can I have some milk, 34 . ?Mom: OK.John: 35 . , mom.Mom: Youre 36 . .37 . 根据所给首字母补全单词,完成短文。Dear Xiaolong:How are you? Summer holiday is coming. We will see you in two weeks. Its very 1. w_. We prepared(准备)many things to 2. w_ you. Dad 3. p_another bed in my room. Mum 4. m_new clothes for you. Dad 5. r_a book about Chinese history. He will talk about it with you. And he also has some questions to 6. a_you. I 7. b_a bike from my friend for you. We can 8. r_together. I hope you can come soon. One important thing-dont forget to 9. b_some CDs of Chinese songs. My family like listening to 10. t_. Thank you!See you soon!David根据课文内容补全短文One day, a mouse38 . by and39 . the lion up. The lion was very40 . , so he41 . the mouse and wanted to42 . him. The mouse43 . the lion to let him go. The next day, two men44 . the lion. The lion45 . the net46 . his sharp teeth, but that didnt help. Just then, the mouse came. He47 . a big hole in the net. The lion48 . out. From49 . on, they became good friends.八、匹配题50 . 给句子选择正确的图片ABCDE1. Those girls are playing clapping games. (_)2. They are running. (_)3. Lanlan is sad. (_)4. Lets play football together. (_)5. One, two, three, four. (_)第 6 页 共 6 页

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