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昆明市2019版六年级上册期中模拟测试英语试卷(II)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . Thistree_aman.( )AlikeBlooklikeClookslikeDlikes根据图片选择正确的描述。2 . ( )AMy little cat is on the sofa.BMy little cat is behind the sofa.3 . .( )AChildren like playing hide-and-seek.BChildren like playing table tennis.4 . ( )ADad is watching TV in the living room.BDad is reading a book in the living room.5 . ( )AAmy is in the toilet.BAmy is in the bedroom.6 . ( )AHe found his shoes.BHe found his schoolbag.7 . She has _ eggs every week. ( )Aa littleBa fewCan8 . Lets go _ on Sunday. ( )AshopBshoppingCshops9 . How much _ the ball?( )AisBare10 . _ do you usually go to school? ( )AWhatBHowCWhere11 . Mike is going to _the Monkey King. ( )AbeBisCam找出不同类的一项。12 . AMrBMissCMs13 . AoldBteacherCtall14 . AourByoungCold15 . AkindBfunnyCmusic16 . AmathsBEnglishCChina17 . Amy likes tothe dress.( )AwearBwithCin18 . Read and circle(读一读,圈出在意义上属于不同类的单词):(_)1.A. Peter B. Tom C. boy (_)2.A. ten B. thin C. tall(_)3.A. are B. am C. it(_)4. A. nine B. fine C. five19 . Lily with his parents in Shanghai last year. ( )AliveBlivesClived二、填空题20 . 在下列各句的空白处填入适当的单词,使句子意思完整,语法正确。1. Thats _ interesting story.2. Whats this_ English ?3. Look _ that little goat.4. I want _ make a friend.5. Is that a lion ?_, it isnt.6. Dont _sad , little calf.三、判断题21 . 判断每组单词划线部分的读音,是()否()相同。1. Saturday play(_)2. have take(_)3. picnic dance (_)4. will with (_)5. homework tomorrow (_)6. football small(_)7. motherThursday (_)8. readeat (_)9. drumdraw(_)10. good football (_)四、选内容补全对话22 . 选词填空(每空一词)。( in, is, help ,cook, visit, then, play, at, have, with )Amy_ going to have a busy weekend. _ the morning, shes going to _ her mom to do the housework. She is going to _ lunch.she is going to _ her aunt. She will go back home at 5:00. She is going to _ sports _her mom _ 5:30. They will _ a good time.五、书面表达23 . 写作乐园。周末就要来了,请写一写你的家人和你的周末计划吧。要求:不少于五句话。可选用句型:Imgoingto.Mymother/fatherisgoingto._第 5 页 共 5 页

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