昆明市2020年(春秋版)英语三年级上册Unit 5 Look at me单元测试卷(II)卷

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昆明市2020年(春秋版)英语三年级上册Unit 5 Look at me单元测试卷(II)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . Look, the children are chasing each other in the playground. The underlined part means _.( )AcatchingBrunning afterClooking afterDfinding2 . Whos that boy? ( )Hes my _.AfatherBuncleCbrother3 . _nice! ( )AhowBICHow4 . This is_Miss Li.( )AaB/Cmy5 . Its a _ cat. ( )AfanBfatCfive6 . Are _ pandas? ( )No, they arent.AthatBthisCthose7 . Welcome _ home. Happy birthday! ( )AtoBbackC/8 . 选出不同类的选项(_) 1. A. watermelon B. bananaC. cokeD. grape(_) 2. A. footballB. baseballC. sometimesD. basketball(_) 3. A. funnyB. helpfulC. cleverD. Our(_) 4. A. mathsB. picture C. reading class D. Chinese(_) 5. A. youB. heC. sheD. they选出与例词同类的词,将其序号填入括号内。9 . he ( )AmyBareCshe10 . jacket ( )AskirtBmotherCme11 . brown ( )AwhatBcolourCblack12 . nice ( )AgreatBlookCMy13 . morning( )AatBgoodbyeCevening14 . Whats this? ( ) a flower.AItsBIt15 . Long long ago, there many trees here. ( )AwasBwereCis16 . 选出下列单词中与其它三项不同类的一项。(_)1.A. friend B. desk C. chair D. blackboard(_)2. A. light B. fan C. chair D. bread (_)3. A. student B. teacher C. boy D. blackboard (_)4. A. Chinese B. maths C. chair D. English (_)5. A. study B. bathroom C. chair D. kitchen (_)6. A. father B. mother C. uncle D. milk (_)7. A. aunt B. fork C. spoon D. knife (_)8. A. bread B. hamburger C. rice D. picture (_)9. A. rice B. chopsticks C. chicken D. beef (_)10. A. parents B. farmer C. driver D. nurse17 . 你问别人是否想要一件女衬衫时,你可以说:AWould you like a blouse ?BDo you like a blouse ?CWhat would you like?18 . ( )(3)你想问“这是什么?”,你可以说:AWhat colour?BWhats this?19 . -Good evening, Mike. -_ ( )AGood evening.BGoodbye.20 . It _ a door. ( )AisBmeCus21 . - Is _ your mother? ( )-Yes, she is.AsheBheCyou22 . ( )(4)School _ over.AisBareCdoes二、阅读选择23 . 阅读理解。Im a Chinese girl. My name is Liang Xinyu. Im in Class Three, Grade One. My English my teacher is a Chinese boy. My good friend is Lucy. She is an English girl. She is in Class Three, too. She is eleven.请仔细阅读,选择正确的选项。【小题1】Liang Xinyu is a _ girl. ( )AEnglishBChineseCJapanese【小题2】Liang Xinyu and Lucy are good _.( )AstudentsBfriendsCgirls【小题3】Lucy is in Class _.( )AOneBTwoCThree【小题4】Lucy is a(an) _.( )AEnglishBChineseCJapanese【小题5】My English teacher is a _ boy. ( )AEnglishBChineseCJapanese三、情景交际24 . 你渴了,想喝一些水,你会对妈妈说:_( )AId like some juice.BCan I have some water, please?25 . 别人夸赞的新衣服很漂亮时,你可以说:( )AIts nice.BThank you.26 . 你快迟到了,妈妈总是这样提醒你:( )AHurry up.BLets go.27 . 你想让吴一凡的眼睛变大,应说:AMake your arms short, Wu Yifan.BMake your eyes big, Wu Yifan.28 . 你想询问某物的颜色,可以说:( )AWhat is that?BWhat color is it?CIts red.29 . 你想告诉刘涛自己喜欢在夏天游泳:( )AI like fishing in spring.BI like swimming in autumn.CI like swimming in summer.30 . 当你不知道医院在哪儿,,应该问: ( )AWhere is the hospital, please ?BHow can I get the hospital, please?31 . 当你想让别人看你的夹克时,你可以说:( )ALook at my jacket.BLook at my cap.CLook at my T-shirt.32 . 你想让别人看你的夹克衫,应说:_( )AThis is my jacket.BLook at my jacket.CLook at me.四、排序题33 . 排排队。(将下列句子组成一段对话)(1) Good morning, Helen.(2) Look at my new skirt. Its orange.(3) Thank you.(4) Good morning, YangLing.(5) How nice!五、英汉混合英汉互译。34 . 来看Tina_35 . 带你们四处参观一下我们的房子_36 . 走进客厅_37 . 又大又干净_38 . 我的卧室_39 . see a lot of books_40 . on the floor_41 . under the bed_42 . put.in order_43 . in ones bedroom_六、匹配题44 . 看图,读句子,将图片与句子相匹配ABCDE1.Its time for PE class.Lets play basketball(篮球)._2.Sydney is snowy now._3.The gloves are cheap._4.School is over.Lets go to the library._5.Put away your sweater._七、字母题看图片,写出图片对应单词首字母的大写和小写形式。45 . 46 . 47 . 48 . 49 . 写出下面字母相应的大写或小写。c B F Z x h i d e g H八、连词成句连词成句。50 . my, is, computer, This (.) _51 . the, office, that, Is, teachers (?)_52 . our, That, library, is (.)_53 . to, Welcome, school, our (?)_54 . is, Where, classroom, your (?)_第 8 页 共 8 页

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