拉萨市2019-2020学年英语三年级上册Module4 单元测试卷(II)卷

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拉萨市2019-2020学年英语三年级上册Module4 单元测试卷(II)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . Is there a post office near here? ( )_AYes, there is.BYes, it is.选出所给单词的正确汉语意思。2 . primaryA小学B中学3 . foreverA永远B曾经4 . togetherA一起B不久5 . futureA将来B爸爸6 . lovelyA关爱B可爱的7 . happinessA兴奋B幸福8 . 选出不同类的单词。(_)1. A.orange B.white C. blue(_)2. A. in B.on C. box(_)3. A. desk B.chair C.zoo(_)4. A. pencil B.ruler C. cap(_)5. A. bike B.map C. boat9 . 我的椅子在哪儿?( )AWhere is my desk?BWhere is my chair?CWhere is my car?10 . 选出不同类的一项:( )AsnowBwindyCcloudy11 . He is talking _ the library. ( )AatBinCwith12 . Is there a monkey? ( ) _AYes, there isnt.BNo, there isn.CYes, there is.DBoth A and B.13 . It will snow tomorrow. So it is going to be _soon. ( )AwarmBcoldChot14 . 选出单词中的不同类的一项:( )AknowsBcarryCtake15 . Miss Cat is _.( )AbigBtall Cfat二、单词拼写16 . 根据图片,将短语补充完整:_ fast17 . 看图,写短语。1. 2. 3._speak _ _4. 5._ _18 . 根据图片,补全句子:He _ with his friends yesterday.19 . 将单词补充完整,并写出汉语意思:w_nn_r _20 . 看图,写单词:_21 . 看图选择字母填空。1. 2. b_ _ch hor_ _3. 4. sh_ _s b_ _t22 . 根据汉语填空。1. _(什么)can you see?2. I can see a_(大山).3. I can see a _ (江).4. I can see some _(星星).5. I can see some_(云).23 . 根据汉语提示写单词: Can you _(跳跃)far? No, I cant.24 . 根据汉语提示写单词:This baby cant _(步行).25 . Look and write:_三、任务型阅读阅读理解,根据短文内容判断正(T)误(F)。Ben and Bill are brothers. Theyre ten years old. Ben likes dogs. He can swim. Bill likes cats. He can run fast. On Sundays, they go to the park. They can play with their friends in the park. They are very happy.26 . Ben is nine years old. (_)27 . Ben likes dogs. (_)28 . Bill likes dogs, too. (_)29 . Bill can run fast. (_)30 . They go to the park on Saturdays. (_)四、连词成句31 . 连词成句1.love, my, family, I, (.)_2.is , Amys , small , bag_3.you, Happy, to, birthday, (.)_4.close, book, your (.)_5.blue, bag, where, is, the (?) _32 . Yuan Yuan, helping,likes,people_33 . 连词成句1. I, May, go to, Guilin, bus, by (?)_2. you, No, not, may (, .)_3. are going to, We, by train, travel (.)_4. I, Guangzhou, arrive in, Tuesday, on (.)_5. interesting places, There are, many, in Beijing (.)_34 . (题文)连词成句。1. is, classroom, small, my (.) _2. clean, me, Let, the, blackboard (.) _3. picture, at, the, look (.) _4. Let, floor, me, the, sweep (.) _5. near, the, door, is, my, seat (.) _35 . Rearrange the words.(连词成句。)1.Fridays,We,beef,on,have (.)_2.do,have,What,Tuesdays,on,we (?)_3.can,swim,I (.)_4.there,a,Is,bridge,my,in,village (?)_5.have,teacher,We,new,art,a (.)_第 7 页 共 7 页

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