成都市2019版英语六年级下册Unit 6 An interesting country单元测试卷A(II)卷

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成都市2019版英语六年级下册Unit 6 An interesting country单元测试卷A(II)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . There are so many _ in our school. ( ) Yes, they are cool.AAustraliaBAustralianCAustralians2 . We can play games _ the Internet. ( )AonBofCat3 . _ is your birthday?AWhenBWhatCWhere4 . What _ your cousin like?( )Donuts.AdoBdoesCare5 . Tokyo is in . ( )ARussiaBCanadaCJapan6 . It is _ to run or play football on the road. ( )AgoodBnot badCnot safeDexciting7 . -Are you Peter? ( )-_AYes, I am.BYes, Im not.CYes, it is.8 . My dad is a . ( )AheBdoctor9 . Welcome_ our country. ( )AvisitBvisitorCto visit10 . _ you going to the park tomorrow? ( )ADoBWillCAre二、完形填空完形填空。A letterDear Susan,How are you? Its very nice of you to write _ me. _ your letter I know a lot _ you and your school now. I will tell you _ about me and my school.I am eleven _ old. I _ in Jinling Primary School. My mother is a _. She teaches Maths. My father is an engineer. Hes good at his _.There are 1,500 students and 100 teachers in our _. Our classrooms are big and bright. Please come and _ our school if you have time.Yours,Wang Ying11 . AforBtoCin12 . AAtBOnCFrom13 . AinBaboutCwith14 . AanythingBsomethingCsometimes15 . AmonthsB/Cyears16 . AstudyBgoCteach17 . AstudentBteacherCdoctor18 . AworkBreadingCpictures19 . AcityBcountryCschool20 . AlookBrestCvisit三、填空题21 . 用所给词的适当形式填空1. Liu Tao and I_ (fly ) kites in the park yesterday afternoon .2. My friends and I are watching an _ (excited ) film . We are talking about the film _(excited ).3. Would he like_ (come ) to my party? 4. Sam _(not need ) any drinks . There are a lot in the fridge .5. Its not _ (safe) to run or play on the road. 6. A reasonable(合理的) diet can keep my body _ (health) .7. Look ! The children _ (put ) on a play in the classroom .8. There _(be ) some fruit and some vegetables on the table yesterday .9. We _ (play) with some balloons at the birthday party next Sunday.用所给词的适当形式填空。22 . I want _ (find) out more about Australia.23 . This show is very _ (excite).24 . Yang Ling cant wait _ (have) the picnic.25 . Ill learn about _ (cook) some day.26 . I _ (read) newspapers and magazines tomorrow morning.27 . My uncle went to many _ (city) last year.28 . There were many _ (visit) in the park last Sunday.29 . My mother _ (make) some sandwiches for us tomorrow.四、任务型阅读阅读理解。根据短文内容,判断句子的正误你认为正确的写T,错误的写F。A French woman goes to London to see her son. She knows a little English, but can not speak it very well. One day she goes to a shop. She wants to buy a hen for supper. But she doesnt know the English word for hen. Just then the shop waiter asks her: Can I help you? I want the eggs mother the woman answered. The shop waiter does not understand her and says: Sorry, we dont have any bigger eggs. Suddenly(突然) the woman thinks of the word cock(公鸡). She says: “I want the cocks wife(妻子)! This time the shop waiter laughs(笑).30 . The woman goes to London to see her daughter. (_)31 . The woman knows much English. (_)32 . The shop waiter thinks the eggs mother is a cock. (_)33 . The shop waiter laughs because he does not understand the woman. (_)34 . The woman is clever. (_)阅读理解,判断正误,用T / F 表示。Canada is the second largest (第二大)country in the world. It is in North America (北美洲). Canada and the US are neighbours (邻国). Ottawa is the capital of Canada.There are many interesting things about Canada. It has many large rivers and lakes. Niagara Falls (瀑布)is very famous. In the northern part of the country, there is almost ice and snow all year around (全年). In the south , there are large forests. In Canada, most people speak English, but some people speak French. Many people in Canada speak both English and French.35 . Canada is the largest country. (_)36 . The US is next to Canada. (_)37 . Canada is an interesting country. (_)38 . It is cold in the northern part of Canada. (_)39 . Some people in Canada do not speak English. (_)五、英汉混合40 . 英汉互译。1. 不能;不会_2. 是的_3. ride_4. 滑冰_5. 自行车_六、句型转换句型转换。41 . Jim often has some bread and milk for breakfast. (对划线部分提问)_ Jim often _ for breakfast?42 . Mary always visits her grandparents. (用next Sunday改写)Mary _ her grandparents next Sunday.43 . We mustnt play football on the road. (对划线部分提问)What _ you _ on the road?44 . I went to school by bike just now. (改为同义句)I _ a _ to school just now.45 . She is going to read books at home tomorrow. (改为一般疑问句)_ she _ books at home tomorrow?七、选内容补全对话完成对话。根据对话内容和所给的句子选项,将对话补充完整,使其通顺达意。答题时,将所选句子的序号写在答题卷上相应的空格内。(有两句是多余的)A. How can we get there?B. Whats the talk about?C. What about you?D. Im interested in music.E. Shall we go to see a film?F. Why not go to listen to it with me?G. When shall we meet?A: Jim, what are you going to do this evening?B: I plan to see a film. 46 . A: Im going to listen to a talk in the City Hall. (市政 )B: 47 . A: Its about the history of music.B: That sounds great. 48 . A: Me, too. 49 . B: Good idea! When shall we start?A: We must start early. Its a little far from here.B: 50 . A: Lets take a taxi.B: OK.第 7 页 共 7 页


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