成都市2019版英语六年级上册Module1 Unit1 Period1练习卷(II)卷

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成都市2019版英语六年级上册Module1 Unit1 Period1练习卷(II)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . _ is Dragon Boat Festival? ( )AWhenBWhereCwhen2 . He_ in the hospital last week.AisBwasCwere3 . _ is it? ( ) Its 20 pounds.AHow manyBHow muchCHow long4 . Look _ the monkey. Its so thin. ( )AatBtoC不填5 . What a big map _ the US!( )AinBofCabout6 . Daming is _ the US now.AvisitedBvisitingCvisits二、单词拼写7 . 看图数数,将英文数字填上:_8 . 按要求写出单词的相应形式。1.where is (缩写形式)_2.near (反义词)_3.thanks (同义句)_4. red (同类词)_5.stop (对应词)_单词拼写。9 . elep_ant10 . Beijing is a big c_. 11 . Lets go to the _(教室).12 . Red is my favourite c_.13 . 根据汉语意思,补全单词。(_)1. p_n(钢笔) A. e B. s C. i(_)2. t_cher(老师) A. ea B. es C. is(_)3. nine_(九十) A. ty B. ly C. vy(_)4. pen_1(铅笔) A. liB. ci C. ni(_)5. hun _ ed(百) A. dt B. rd C. dr14 . 根据首字母提示,补全单词:How old is the m_?15 . 根据句意及首字母填写单词:F_faces we can see.三、任务型阅读16 . 根据短文判断正(T)误(F)。It is five in the afternoon. There are a lot of students in the playground. Some are jumping. Some are dancing. Some are playing football! Tom and Mike are playing ping-pong. The man with small eyes are watching them. He is their P.E .teacher. He is a good teacher. The children like him very much.(1)Its five fifteen in the afternoon.(2)Their P.E. teacher is a good girl.(3)The students are playing in the sports hall.(4)Some students are playing football.(5)The children dont like their P.E. teacher.四、句型转换17 . 句型转换。1. We will stay there for four days. (对划线部分提问)_2. You can swim under the blue sky.(变为否定形式)_Rewrite the sentences(根据要求改写句子)18 . Jill plays basketball four times a month.(对划线部分提问)_19 . Alice plays chess with her father on Sundays.(对划线部分提问)_20 . Please write me an e-mail.(写出同义句)_21 . Jack wants to be a cook too.(改为否定句)_22 . Little Red Riding Hood has some big apples.(改为一般疑问句)_23 . 句型转换。1 This picture is great.(变为复数句)_ _ _ great.2 The snake is two metres long.(对划线部分提问)_ _ is the snake ?3 My father is in New York with his cousin. (对划线部分提问)_ _ in New York with his cousin ?4 It has got about eight million people.(变为否定句)It _ _ about eight million people.24 . 句型转换。1 This picture is great.(变为复数句)_ _ _ great.2 The snake is two metres long.(对划线部分提问)_ _ is the snake ?3 My father is in New York with his cousin. (对划线部分提问)_ _ in New York with his cousin ?4 It has got about eight million people.(变为否定句)It _ _ about eight million people.五、改错25 . 改错:Now you tell me anything about Beijing._26 . 改错:Ill visit my grandpa onfriday. (_)改为_A B C找出错误,并改正。27 . We buy presents in our family and friends. (_)_A B C28 . Bobby cannot see some cake in the fridge. (_)_A B C29 . Its redpillow. (_)_A B C30 . Thatshirtwhite. (_)_A B C31 . All the students is playing games under the tree. (_)_A B C改错。32 . TheseareJohn shoes. (_)_AB C33 . Whosepantsarethat? (_)_A B C34 . Mineshoesaregreen. (_)_A B C35 . Hangonyourdress. (_)_A BC36 . Isthisyour? (_)_A B C找出下列句中的错误,并改正。37 . Is it cool? No, it is. (_)_A B C38 . Whattheweather like? (_)_A B C39 . Whatisthe teachers office? (_)_A B C40 . Itstimefor get up. (_)_A B C六、连词成句41 . 连词成句, 注意标点符号和大小写:very, you, cute, were(.)_42 . 连词成句:is, Maomao, reading, book, a, (.)_Read and match。连词成句。43 . is the this office teachers (?)_44 . its office next the teachers to (.)_45 . computer have a room we new (.)_46 . have art you do an room (?)_47 . 连词成句。(1)I singing like_(2)in I sleeping like spring_48 . 连词成句。1. like, weather, in, the, whats, Sydney ( ? )_2. the, is, computer room, the, on, first floor( .)_3. to, playground, lets, go, the ( .)_4. time,is, what, it (?)_5. is, to, time, it, up, get ( .)_第 8 页 共 8 页


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