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广西壮族自治区2020版英语五年级下册小升初专项训练:情景交际(II)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、情景交际1 . 你想问你的朋友的妈妈是干什么的,你应该说:_( )AWhats your mothers job?BWhos your mother?CWheres your mother2 . What did you do during your holidays? ( )_AIm going to Shanghai.BI went to Wuhan.CI stay at home.3 . 你的朋友指着相册里照片上的人问你:_ ( )AWho is this?BDo you have any cousins?4 . 当你想表达我将要在六点钟起床,你会说:( )AIm going to go to bed at 6 oclock.BIm going to get up at 6 oclock.5 . 当你想说:不要在班级吃。你要说_( )ADont eat in class.BDont sleep in class.6 . 你的同学问你身体好不好时,你应说:AIm fine, thank you!BIm five, thank you!7 . 你想问那个男的是做什么的, 应该说:AWho is the man?BWhat is he?8 . 当想询问喜欢夏天原因是,你应该说:( )AI like playing sports.BWhy do you like summer?CWhich season do you like best?DI like winter best.9 . 到吃午饭的时间了,你会说:( )AWheres your lunch?BIts time for lunch. CIts time for dinner.10 . 假如你们的英语老师是位女士,名字叫LiYan,那么我们不可以这样称呼她: ( )AMissLiBMr. Li11 . 当你和朋友们情况相同的时候,你要说什么?( )AMe, too.BIm OK.COkay.12 . 当你想知道别人去哪儿里时,你问:A、Is that far from here ? B、Where are you going ?C、Do you have a map ?13 . 当你进入商店时,营业员会说:( )AWhat do you want?BHello!CWhat do you do?DCan I help you?14 . 你看见外面云彩很多,你会说:( )AIts cloudy.BIts windy.15 . 当你想知道朋友的感觉时,你会问:AHow do you feel?BHow about you?CHow are you?16 . 询问别人的英语老师长的怎么样时”,你应该说:_AWhats your English teacher like?BWho is your English teacher?CDo you like your English teacher?17 . 这是他的椅子,该怎么说?AThis is he chair. ( )BThis is his chair. ( )18 . 当你想说:故事很有趣。你要说_( )AThe story is interesting.BThe story is boring.19 . 在动物园里见到长颈鹿时,你会说:_ ( )AIts so short.BIts so tall.20 . 你想告诉别人你的花园里有好多植物,可以说: ( )AThere are many plants in my garden.BThere is a tree in my garden.CThere is a plant in my garden.21 . 当你把橙子递给陈杰时,你说:( )AHere you are.BHere are you.CThank you.22 . 当你想询问那些故事书在不在床上时,你可以问:_ ( )AAre the storybooks under the bed?BAre the storybooks on the bed?CAre the storybooks near the bed?23 . 当你想请别人照看一下你的小弟弟时, 你应该这样说:_( )ACould you please look after my baby brother?BPlease look at my baby brother.CWill you look after my baby brother?24 . 别人问你昨天是否去看电影了,你没去,应回答:_( )ANo, I didnt.BNo, I dont.25 . 你想知道Peter的书包是什么颜色的,你会问:_( )AWhat is it?BWhat colour is it?26 . 当你想问别人暑假的时候,想要去做什么, 你可以这么说:( )AWhat will you do in summer holidays?BIs there any milk?27 . 你想知道对方想不想打篮球,你问:_( )ADo you want to play basketball?BDo you want to play football?CDo you like to play basketball?28 . 上课了,老师请同学们坐下,该如何表达?( )APlease stand up.BPlease sit down.CDont sit down.29 . 根据实际情况回答问题。【小题1】What do you wear at school?_【小题2】How tall is your father?_【小题3】What size does your mum wear?_【小题4】Is blue your favourite colour?_30 . 你想让朋友将他的眼睛变大,你应说:_( )AMake your eyes big.BMake your eyes small.31 . 你想表达“我们经常去野餐”时,你会说:( )AWe often go on a picnic.BI like to go swimming.CWe sometimes plant flowers.32 . 当别人想让你尝一尝自己种的蔬菜时,他应该说:( )ATry some. They are good.BLook at these vegetables.33 . 如果窗外正在下雨,你应该这样说:_( )AIts cool.BIts snowing.CIts raining.34 . 班里来了新同学,你想表达欢迎怎么说?( )AThank you.BWelcome.35 . 跺跺你的脚,用英语怎么表达_.( )AStamp your feet.BStamp your foot.CStand up.第 5 页 共 5 页

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