广西壮族自治区2020年英语六年级下册小升初专项提优训练:单项选择 (三)(II)卷

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广西壮族自治区2020年英语六年级下册小升初专项提优训练:单项选择 (三)(II)卷_第1页
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广西壮族自治区2020年英语六年级下册小升初专项提优训练:单项选择 (三)(II)卷_第2页
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广西壮族自治区2020年英语六年级下册小升初专项提优训练:单项选择 (三)(II)卷_第3页
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广西壮族自治区2020年英语六年级下册小升初专项提优训练:单项选择 (三)(II)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . There was no gym in my school_.( )Atwenty years agoBthis yearCnext year2 . I want _ how to make robots. ( )AlearnBto learnClearns3 . Shanshan isntschool. ( )AonBatCto4 . The play is seven oclock Sunday. ( )Aat; inBin; fromCfrom; inDat; on5 . 找出下列每组词中不属于同一类的选项(_)1.A.sandwich B.dumpling C.milk D.bread(_)2.A.train B.plane C.subway D.clothes(_)3.A.Sunday B.hospital C.cinema D.library(_)4.A.newspaper B.dictionary C.magazineD.potato(_)5.A.jump B. swim C. run D. east(_)6.A.policeman B.singer C.writer D.hobby(_)7.A.sit B.down C. use D. pull(_)8. A.reporter B.dancer C.hear D.pilot(_)9.A.stream B.lake C.start D.river(_)10.A.school B. company C.factory D. minute6 . Does Linda like the black bag _ the green bag? ( ) She likes _ black one. ( )Aor, theBand, theCor, 7 . Whereyour mother yesterday?AwasBhadCwere8 . A: _is the weather like there? ( )B: Its wet and cold.AWhereBWhatCHow9 . I _like milk. ( )AdoBdontCam not10 . I have got _ knife and fork. ( )AaBtwoC/11 . A snake _ big sharp teeth.AhaveBhasCis12 . Of the three foreigners, one is from London, _ are from the USA. ( )A. two othersAthe other twoBanother twoCthe both13 . _ do you live? ( )I live _ Sunshine Town.AWhat; inBWhere; inCWhere; on14 . Danny falls! He his tail! ( )AhurtBis hurtingChurts选出不同类的单词15 . AmooncakeBmilkCtea16 . AmanBboyCwater17 . AheadacheBfeelCfever18 . AsunnyBsnowyCheavy19 . AthatBthisCplan20 . Look!There are about two _ people on the playground. ( )AthousandsBthousandCthousands of21 . I like to plant_trees.( )AfruitsBfruitCa fruit22 . What _ those? ( )AisBamCare23 . These are not my books.Theyre my _( )AsisterBsistersCsisters24 . Look _. Here _ the bus. ( ) Afor, comeBfor, comesCout, comes25 . Halloween is a festival _ autumn. Its _ October 31st. ( )Ain, onBin, atCat, on26 . I often go to_cinema with Tom. And we often have_ good time there. ( )A/,aBthe,aCthe,/D/,/27 . Its time _ eat the cake. ( )AforBtoCoutDat28 . After some time, she walkedthe road. ( )AoffBofCin29 . Im sixteen years old. you?Im fourteen.AAreBHow aboutCHow are30 . Old people like _ stories to little children. ( )AtellsBtellingCtell31 . I want to _ like a bird. ( )AflyBfliesCflying32 . April comes after_ . ( )AMayBJulyCMarch33 . That _ like a lot of fun. ( )AsoundsBlooksClistens34 . Theypineapples.( )AlikeBhasCis35 . She _ an egg for breakfast this morning. ( )AeatBhaveChad36 . Its too hot. Take _ your coat. ( )AoffBofCinDon37 . Whats the weather like in ? ( )AschoolBparkCLondon38 . _a desk and a bed in the room.AThere areBThere isCThere39 . 选出不同类的单词:( )AnervousBmusicChappy40 . Thank you for me to your birthday party, Jack. ( )AinviteBinvitedCinvitingDinvites41 . Lily will _ her friends tomorrow. ( )AplayBplay withCplays with42 . I _ a crayon . ( )AareBmyChave43 . ( ) My sister sometimeskitesSunday afternoon.Afly, inBflies, onCflies, in44 . My grandpa has _ animals. ( )Alot ofBa lot ofClot45 . ( )Little duck is _the sun go down.AwatchedBwatchingCwatches46 . John and I _ the Childrens Center tonight. ( )Aam going toBare going toCbe going to47 . _ the weather like in Qingdao? ( )AWhatBWhatsCWhere48 . My bed room messy this morning. It tidy now.( )Ais/wasBwas/isCwas/was49 . _. You are late. ( )AJust a minut.BHurry upCGo on50 . This is Mike. _ is ten. ( )ASheBHeCIt51 . I my homework now. ( )Aam doingBdoCdoes52 . What the weather be like tomorrow? ( )It will be.Awill; sunnyBwill; sunCis; sunny53 . There are _ apples in my bag. ( )AaBanCmanyDany54 . Shea fever. ( )AhaveBhavingChas55 . I want to _a bag. ( )AtakesBtakingCtake56 . I have a _class on Wednesdays? ( )AcookBcookingCcooksDcooker57 . - _ orange juice do you want? ( )- I want five bottles .AHow much B. How many C. How old58 . We _ thirty yuan. ( )AhasBhaveCare59 . I want to take pictures _ the flowers. ( )AatBonCof60 . - What your father do? ( )- He is a police officer.AdoBdoesCis61 . Would you like _ my birthday party? ( )Acome toBcoming toCto comeDto come to62 . Can I have _ ice creams?( )Yes, please.AaBsomeCany63 . Liu Feng _ three yuan for the lost library book.ApaidBpayCspent64 . I want _some food. ( )Ato buyBbuyCbuys第 7 页 共 7 页

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