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广西壮族自治区2019年六年级上册期中模拟测试英语试卷(II)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . They _ Canada last year. ( )AvisitBvisitsCvisited2 . Its 5:30. Its time to _ home. ( )AgoBgo toCgo to the3 . My brother _ to Shanghai last month. ( )AcomeBcomingCcame4 . _there _ apple trees on the farm now? ( )AWere, anyBAre, anyCAre, some5 . 找出与其他三个不同类的单词或短语。(_) 1. A. writesB. studiesC. cooks D. bus(_) 2. A. singB. drawC. danceD. song(_) 3. A. cooksB. studiesC. goesD. hobbies(_) 4. A. hikingB. dancingC. writing D. playing(_) 5. A. CanadaB. Australia C. SydneyD. England(_) 6. A. going B. doingC. reading D. see(_) 7. A. busB. taxiC. trainD. go(_) 8. A. Monday B. SundayC. next weekD. Tuesday(_) 9. A. turnB. stopC. office D. take(_) 10. A. withB. whenC. whereD. what6 . I _ dinner last night. ( )AcooksBcookedCcook7 . She _ to see the doctor. ( )AgoBgoesCgoing8 . Little John has no time_ his bedroom. ( )AcleanBcleansCto cleanDcleaning9 . Look _are my new classmates and _is our teacher, Mrs Wang. ( )AThey, heBWe, sheCThey, sheDYou, she10 . I often _ my homework after supper. But yesterday evening I _ newspapers. ( )Ado; readedBdo; readCdid; read二、阅读选择阅读理解。阅读下面的短文,然后根据短文内容,从A、B、C三个选项中选择最佳答案回答问题或完成句子。Hello, Im Susan. Look, this is my family photo. This is my mother. She is a teacher. Her birthday is in March. She likes going shopping. Her favourite season is winter. My father is a doctor. He likes winter best. His birthday is in September. He often climb mountains with his friends on weekends. Haha, this is me. I like summer best because I can eat ice-cream, and I can wear pretty skirts in summer.11 . How many people are there in Susans family? ( )A. Four. B. Three. C. Five.12 . Mother is a . ( )A. doctor B. teacher C. nurse13 . When is fathers birthday? ( )A. In September. B. In April. C. In March.14 . Why does Susan like summer? ( )A. Because she likes ice-cream.B. Because she can wear pretty skirts.C. A and B.15 . Which season does Susans father like best? ( )A. Spring. B. Summer. C. Winter.三、填空题用所给单词的适当形式填空。16 . How many _(box) do you have?Only one.17 . Miss Li can play the piano very _(good).18 . Look at _(I), Bobby.19 . Do you have _(some) hot dogs?No, I dont have _(some).四、单词拼写根据中文意思,完成下列句子。注意每空一词。20 . Jims mother is ill , he has to go to the _(医院)to look after her.21 . What do you usually do on weekends? Sometimes I go to _(电影院)22 . We must be careful at the _(交通)light.23 . Are you _(饱)? No, I would like another bowl of rice.24 . My mother often does some shopping in the _(超市)on Sunday.五、任务型阅读25 . Read and judge. 阅读短文,参考图片,判断正“”误“”。My mother bought me three goldfish last June. I was excited. I put them in a glass jar(玻璃缸). They swam happily. I took pictures of them. I fed them every day. They liked the food. They became bigger and bigger. I visited my grandparents yesterday. When I came back, my fish were gone(不见了). “Where are my fish?”I asked my mother. “Our cat broke the jar and ate them.” She answered. I was sad. I cried. 1. My father bought me three goldfish. ( ) 2. I put the goldfish in a glass jar. ( ) 3. I fed them every day. ( ) 4. They didnt like the food. ( ) 5. The cat ate the fish. ( )六、汉译英翻译词组。26 . 去年 _27 . 十年前 _28 . 查阅 _29 . 在网上 _30 . 在那个时候 _31 . 去骑自行车 _32 . 滑冰 _33 . 打羽毛球 _34 . 与. . .赛跑 _35 . 醒来 _七、英汉混合英汉互译。36 . 一把扇子_37 . 做得好!_38 . 多少钱?_39 . 我能帮你吗?_40 . 一双鞋_41 . fifty yuan_42 . forty-five yuan_43 . two pairs of shoes_44 . Here you are._45 . How much is it?_八、句型转换46 . Will you read a book this afternoon? (作肯定回答)_, I _.九、匹配题47 . 把下列英文与其汉语意思对应起来(_)1. The New Year is coming.A让我们跳舞吧。(_)2. Good idea.B好主意。(_)3. Lets sing.C新年就要到了。(_)4. Lets dance.D让我们唱歌吧。(_)5. Lets make a card.E让我们制作一张贺卡吧。第 6 页 共 6 页

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