广州市2019-2020学年英语六年级上册Module 2 单元测试卷(II)卷

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广州市2019-2020学年英语六年级上册Module 2 单元测试卷(II)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . Mary _ the piano two years ago. ( )Aare going to playBplaysCplayed2 . Whats wrong with your brother? ( ) Hes ill. He is not _.AwellBgoodCgreat3 . Huangshan is a famous mountain in .( )AGuangdongBXinjiangCAnhui4 . 趣味英语。(1)What number can you put in?35,( ),21,14,( ),0A.25;7 B.12;7 C.53;41 D.28;7(2)Why can a frog jump higher than a tree?A.Because the frog is great.B.Because the tree is old.C.Because the tree cant jump.D.Because there is a tiger in the tree.(3)I have four pencils.Mike has half(一半)of mine(我的铅笔).Jack has half of Mikes.How many pencils does Jack have?A.four B.two C.one D.eight(4)The pandas _ climb the trees(爬树).A.can B.cant C.dont D.do5 . Its time for _. ( )AlunchBhave lunchCrun找出与所给图片意思相符的单词,将序号填在括号里A. B. C. D.E. F. G. H.6 . hospital(_)7 . school (_)8 . on foot.(_)9 . by bike(_)10 . dictionary (_)11 . newspaper (_)12 . post office (_)13 . cinema (_)14 . speak ( )A说B街道C惊奇15 . Herea book for you.AareBamCis16 . Yesterday, there _two apples on the table. ( )AwasBwereCare17 . The worldvery fast now. ( )AchangeBchangingCis changing二、阅读选择18 . 阅读理解。Henry Ford was the eldest son of a farmer. He grew up on a farm in Michigan. Like most farmers at that time, his father William hoped his eldest son would help him on the farm, but Henry was not interested in farm work at all. He did everything he could to avoid it. Once he wrote:“ What a waste it is for a man to spend hours behind a slowly moving horse.”However, Henry was not a lazy boy. He liked to do mechanical(机械方面的) work very much. When he was twelve, he became quite interested in clocks and watches. He mended clocks and watches for his friends in his bedroom. Later he took a job as a mechanic in Detroit. He began to show great interest in steam engines (蒸汽发动机) at his time. In 1892, he built his first car. In 1908, he built the famous “Model T”. This car was so popular at that time that it was unchanged for twenty years. Five years after that he stared the Ford Motor Company.( ) (1) Henry grew up in _.A. Detroit B. Michigan C. Canada( ) (2) His father wanted him to be _.A. a worker B. a mechanic C.a farmer( ) (3) Henry was interested in _.A. farm B. horse C. clocks and watches( ) (4) He started mending clocks and watches for his friends _.A. in 1908 B. when he was twelve C. in 1892( ) (5) He built his first car in _.A. 1892 B. 1908 C. 1928三、阅读回答问题19 . 阅读短文,用简单的词语或者句子回答所给的问题My name is Amy. Tomorrow is Saturday. We have no classes. My parents arent going to work, but we are going to be very busy tomorrow. My mother is going to buy something for next week. My father is going to visit my aunt and uncle. Im going to the bookstore by bus. Then Im going to buy a dictionary. Tomorrow evening we are going to visit my grandparents and have a big dinner. After that we are going to the cinema. I think we are going to have a nice weekend.【小题1】Does Amy have classes on Saturday?_【小题2】Whats Amys mother going to do tomorrow?_【小题3】Whos Amys father is going to visit?_【小题4】When is Amy going to visit her grandparents and have a big dinner?_【小题5】Where is Amy going by bus?_四、任务型阅读20 . 阅读理解,判断正(T)误(F)。Look, shes my best friend Alice. What does she do? She is a student. Her mother is a teacher in a university. Her father is a police officer. They go to work by car every day. Her brother Jeff is a worker. He goes to work by bike. Her sister Ann is a saleperson(售货员). She goes to work by bike,too.What is Alice going to do this afternoon? Oh, she is going to buy an English book with me. Oh, shes coming!【小题1】There are four people in Alices family. (_)【小题2】Ann is a factory worker. (_)【小题3】Alices mother goes to work by bus. (_)【小题4】Alices father is a police officer . (_)【小题5】Alice is going to buy a book this afternoon. (_)阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。Dear Ann,I hope youre well. Im on holiday in London with my friend, Lucy. I arrived by plane last Monday. On Tuesday we saw Big Ben and Buckingham Palace. The next day we visited the British Museum and had dinner at a Chinese restaurant. On Thursday we went to Tower Bridge on the River Thames and looked at the city. Today is Friday. We did some shopping. I took lots of photos and Im sending them with email to you! Tomorrow were going to fly home. It was a short holiday, but it was great!Yours,Amy21 . Amy and Lucy arrived in London last Sunday. (_)22 . On Wednesday Amy and Lucy saw Big Ben and Buckingham Palace. (_)23 . On Thursday Amy and Lucy saw the River Thames and visited Tower Bridge. (_)24 . Amy did some shopping on Friday. (_)25 . It was a long holiday, and it was great. (_)五、选内容补全对话26 . Complete the dialogue.AWhat about you?BIs he happy in China?CIt was very interesting.DI got an email from Mike.EDid you see your grandparents?Joe: What did you do yesterday?Mike: _ He is in China now.Joe: _Mike: Yes. He visited the Ming Tombs yesterday._ There were lots of stone animals, and he likes Chinese food very much.Joe: I like dumplings. They are delicious._Mike: Me too.六、匹配题27 . 在B栏中找出与A栏相应的答语,并将其序号填入括号内。A B(_) 1. Nice to see you.AAll right. (_) 2. Can you draw them?BAt twelve.(_) 3. What day is it today?CThey are Tom, Jack and Nancy.(_) 4. What do you usually do after school?DIts difficult. But I can try.(_) 5. When do you have lunch?EWe can see a tree and some flowers.(_) 6. Who are they?FNice to see you, too.(_) 7. What about Sunday?GI usually fly a kite.(_) 8. What can you see over there? H. It is Sunday.七、音标题根据范例找出发音规则,把单词补充完整,并写出汉语意思。28 . teddyFebruary b_d_29 . thisfeather_ese_30 . shirtbirdsk_t_31 . brushfishca_八、连词成句32 . 连词成句you, with, going, Im, to, go (.)_33 . 连词成句1. at/ look/the/tiger (.)_2. elephants/ like/ you/ Do (?)_3. hats, I, this, like(.)_4. Hats, are, they, our(.)_34 . 连词成句teachers, you, new, have, do (?) (连词成句)_science , very , teacher , our , funny , is (.)_is , your , computer , who , teacher (?)_Liu ,like , Miss , whats (?)_four ,have , I , teachers , new (.)_连词组句。35 . there, Is, forest, nature park, the, a, in _?36 . There, many, fish, in are, river, the_.37 . any, in, the, Are, there, pandas, mountain_ ?38 . there,small,houses,are,many, in, the,village_.39 . there, are,yes_.40 . 连词成句(1)have,I,a,friend,new(.)(2)music,she,likes(.)(3)Amy,her,is,name(.)九、书面表达41 . 书面表达。假设现在是晚上8点,描述你和你的家人正在进行的活动。注意时态使用现在进行时,字数不少于60词。_第 9 页 共 9 页

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