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哈尔滨市2020年四年级上册期末测试英语试卷(II)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . is your grandma? ( )Shes in Zhucheng.AWhatBWhoCWhere2 . Show _ your left foot.AIBmeCmy3 . At the end every year. ( )AofBforCwith4 . 选出发音不同的一项。(_) 1.A. lunch B. headache C. teach D. watch(_) 2.A. wash B. brush C. mushroom D. much(_) 3.A. driver B. drink C. traffic D. draw(_) 4.A. hospital B. doctor C. shop D. metro(_) 5.A. bedtime B. medicine C. evening D. dentist5 . _ Helen._ is my sister. ( )AHes; HesBShes; ShesCShes; She6 . _one do you want?( )AwhichBwhatCwhere7 . Look at the girl. _ _ Pat? Sorry, I dont know.AIs sheBAre you CIs he8 . - What _ Helens family do after supper? - They play chess.AareBis Cdo9 . There arent river in the park . ( )AaBanyCmany10 . This white T-shirt is _ you. ( ) Thank you!AatBforCin二、填空题11 . 选择合适的词填空。1. The students are _ (get/getting) very excited.2. How about _ (watching/watch) the running race?3. Su Hai,_ (put/to put) your hands on the desk.4. Dont speak_ (loud/loudly) in class, please.5. The little girl cried _ (sad/sadly).6. Dont _ (laughing/laugh)loudly, the baby is sleeping.7. I could not _ (find/to find) my book.8. The children _ (were/was) in the playground a moment ago. But now they _(are/were) in the classroom.9. My father _(reads/is reading) newspapers every evening三、任务型阅读阅读理解。根据短文内容判断对T错F。Last week we had an exam. Our teacher is giving the grades now. Jack and Nina are upset because they get poor grades. Some students get a high grade, like Tom. He is very happy. Im tired because I stayed up late to watch TV last night. But Im excited because I get a high grade.12 . Were having an exam now. (_)13 . Nina gets a high grade. (_)14 . Tom is happy today. (_)15 . Jack and I are upset now. (_)16 . Im tired because I didnt sleep enough last night. (_)四、选内容补全对话看图,选择正确的单词补全句子。teacher sister China Australia father17 . Hello, Im Lin Tao. This is my_, Lin Li. We are from _.18 . Hi, my name is Tom Jones. This is my_, Mr Jones. He is a maths (数学)_. We are from _.从方框中选择合适的选项补全对话。AIm hungry.BHere you are.CYoure welcome.DGood morning, Mum.ECan I have some juice, please?Chen Jie: 19 . Mum: Good morning, dear(亲爱的).Chen Jie: 20 . Mum: Have some cake, please.Chen Jie: OK. But Mum, Im thirsty(渴的). 21 . Mum: 22 . Chen Jie: Thank you.Mum: 23 . 五、匹配题24 . 阅读句子,选出与句子意思相同的词,把单词的字母编号写在括号内。AbowlBchocolateCearlyDcinemaEhungryFmarket(_) 1. Its not late.(_) 2. You can see a film there.(_) 3. You want to eat something.(_) 4. You can put the rice in it.(_) 5. Its a kind of food. Its sweet.(_) 6. You want to buy something there.六、连线题25 . 连线:1.Do you have a pet?AIts white.2.I have a snake.BYes, I have a rabbit.3.What does it look like?CIts long.第 5 页 共 5 页

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