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哈尔滨市2019-2020年度六年级下册小升初模拟测试英语试卷(八)(II)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . Look _ the giraffe. Its so _.( )Aat; tallBin; short2 . How much for one donut? ( )Two _.AdollarBdollarsCcent3 . _ Tom _ Chinese food? ( )Yes, he does.ADoes; missBDoes; missedCDid; miss4 . Ann _ from Canada. ( )AisBare5 . 选出划线部分读音不同的一项:( )AliveBlikeCgive6 . I have got nineteen _.( )ApointBpointsCpointing读一读,选出画线字母读音不同的单词。7 . AcatBcakeCcrayon8 . AbagBblackCabout9 . AfaceBpandaCdad10 . ACanadaBappleCeraser11 . AChinaBhandCant12 . - _ did you go? ( )- I went to Beijing.AWhatBWhenCWhere13 . I _ nine.AisBam14 . There _ a birthday party this Sunday. ( )Ashall beBwill beCshall going to beDwill going to be15 . Go to the library. _( )AWater the flowers.BHand in the homework.CRead a storybook.找出划线部分的发音不相同选项。16 . AmakeBfavouriteChave17 . AwhenBexerciseCbasketball18 . AcontestBNovemberCalso19 . AislandBpickCtrip20 . AforBworkCsport21 . Someone _ singing in the room. Can you _ it? ( )Aare; hearBis; hearCis; listen toDis; listen22 . Daming _ the music is good. ( )AthinksBthinkingCthink选出每组单词中画线部分读音与众不同的一项。23 . AteacherBtigerCgirl24 . AstudentBcomputerCnumber25 . AgardenBlibraryCart26 . AnextBsecondCwe27 . AthirtyBafterCruler28 . I want a writer.( )AbeBto beCto二、阅读选择29 . 阅读理解,根据短文的意思,选择最合适的答案。The Roses(罗斯一家)like having picnics on Sundays. This Sunday they want to go to the Red Park. Jack and Mike, their sons, get up early in the morning. Jack puts on a shirt and jeans, and Mike puts on a T-shirt and jeans. They also put on their running shoes. After that they help their mother put bread, milk, eggs and some fruit in a basket and carry it to the car. Mrs Rose also takes four glasses of juice with her. The little dog Jerry is running after her. It wants to go with them, too. They are all very happy. ( ) 1. On Sundays, the Roses like_.A. going shopping B. watching TV C. having picnics ( ) 2. Jack and Mike wear_. A. shirts and jeans B. jeans and running shoes C. jackets and jeans( ) 3. Mr Rose and Mrs Rose have_. A. two sons B. a little cat C. a new car ( ) 4. They go to the park with_.A. some apples and oranges B. some bread and milk C. some food and drink( )5.Who is Jerry?A.He is Mikes brother B.It is a dog C.It is a cat三、完形填空Choose the best words d complete the passage (选择最恰当的单词完成短文)One morning, Charles left his house with six donkeys to the town. After a while he felt _and got on one of them. He counted (数) the donkeys, and there were only five, so he got _and went to look for the sixth. He looked and looked but didnt _ it. Then he went back to the donkeys and counted them again. This time there were six, _ he got on one of them again and went on.After a few minutes he counted again. A friend passed by and Charles said to him, I _my house with six donkeys, then I had five, then I had six again and now I have only five! Look! One, two, three, four, five.But Charles, said his friend, you are_on a donkey. Isnt that the sixth donkey?30 . AbusyBhappyCtiredDcareful31 . AupBoffCtoDon32 . AseeBhearCfindDwatch33 . AbecauseByetCsoDbut34 . AleftBboughtCmovedDbuilt35 . AputtingBgettingCcarryingDsitting四、填空题用括号中所给单词的恰当形式补全句子。36 . There are four _(season)in a year.37 . She can _(run)very fast.38 . Do you like _(swim)in Dameisha in summer?39 . I dont like _(rain)days.40 . Be quiet. Please dont disturb _(he).五、排序题41 . 下面是一段对话。请将下列句子按顺序排列,使对话意思正确。Great! Is Nancy going to play at the concert?Of course, Ill come with Wang Bing, Liu Tao and Yang Ling.What are you going to do tomorrow?Theres a concert in the school tomorrow afternoon. Im going to play the violin.Sure, shes going to play the piano. Would you like to come?_42 . 给下列句子排序,组成一段意思通顺的对话。AOne kilo, please.BI want some pears.COK!DThey are pears.EWhat are these?FHow many kilos do you want?GHow much money?H. Eight yuan._六、任务型阅读阅读对话,判断正误Zip: What do you do on the weekend?Dog: I usually go hiking. Sometime I go shopping. But not this weekend.Zip: Why?Dog: Its going to rain this Saturday.Zoom: Really? I often play football. But I cant play this weekend.Monkey: I usually watch TV and play the piano on the weekend. But my TV doesnt work. And my piano teacher is ill.Dog: Why dont we read some books together(一起) ?My mum bought(买) some new books for me.Zoom: Great!43 . Dog usually goes shopping on the weekend.(_)44 . Zoom often play football on the weekend. (_)45 . Monkey usually watches TV and plays sports on the weekend. (_)46 . They will have a party this Saturday.(_)47 . Zip sometimes goes shopping. (_)七、选内容补全对话48 . 选择合适的句子补全对话AWhere is it?BIs it far?CHow can I get there?DHave a good time.EWhat do you usually do on Sunday, Lucy?A:【小题1】B: I usually go to the Music Center(中心)to play the pipa.A: Oh, really? 【小题2】B: Its in front of the City Hospital.A: 【小题3】B: Yes. Its a little far.A: 【小题4】B: You can take the No.6 bus.A: I see. Thank you.B: Youre welcome. 【小题5】A: Thank you.八、匹配题49 . 将短语与正确的图片相连。( ) 1. go to the park A ( ) 2. go to the cinema B ( ) 3. fly kites C ( ) 4. eat ice cream D ( ) 5. toy shop E 单词辨认。将下面的单词与图片配对,请将图片的字母序号填到相应的括号里。ABCDEFGH. I. J. 50 . stamp (_)51 . rabbit (_)52 . chess (_)53 . computer (_)54 . angry (_)55 . umbrella (_)56 . Do not talk. (_)57 . sweep the floor (_)58 . violin (_)59 . Do not smoke. (_)九、书面表达60 . 书面表达小练笔。根据上周末你的活动表格写一篇小短文, 50词左右。Saturday morningafternoonSunday morningafternoonwent to the park, saw a lot of flowers.played happily, went fishingsaw a film, visited grandparents, atesome delicious food第 10 页 共 10 页


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