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中文专业英文自荐信目录第一篇:中文专业英文自荐信第二篇:中文教育学英文自荐信第三篇:关于考研自荐信(中文+英文)第四篇:贸易专业应届毕业生自荐信(中文+英文)第五篇:中文自荐信正文第一篇:中文专业英文自荐信dear leaders: hello! xx university, i was 97 year professional chinese graduates. into education has always been my dream, xx li lian university a few years the realization of a dream for me to lay a solid foundation for a more professional expertise to make a choice i made it clear goal: to be a secondary school language teachers. heard so much about your school is an important base for training qualified personnel, teachers show the growth of the沃壤only attach importance to education and ability to unite as one whole, a solid educational foundation, which, i am yang-screen. is a real form of written, i presented to you, hope your school give me an opportunity to display their talent, and efforts to win glory for your school, as well as educating people round my dream. chose education, chose the xx university, giving spring breeze and education will be filled with the belief engraved in mind. after entering university, i pay close attention to each days accumulation of professional knowledge and teaching of basic skills training, and continuously enrich the minds of their own. only high for the division, who is fan. health as a teacher, i actively sought the progress in terms of ideology, optimism up for a major to keep a clear understanding, do not fan the fear of difficulty, confidence, sense of responsibility. in capacity-building, the school actively participated in various activities outside the broad attempt to carry out teaching practice on many occasions, both the practice of the school, but also the ability to exercise. deep wings, flying horse has to have its own world. school of scientific management system and the concept of informed people *; so i truly believe that your school work is a wise choice. finally, i wish you(来源说明好范 文网.)r school recruit more capable personnel to succeed! sincerely, salute 第二篇:中文教育学英文自荐信中文教育学英文自荐信范文dear sir or madami am writing this letter to remend myself as a qualified candidate for the position advertised on the newspaperpart-time english reporter.i am a student from xinhua middle school, aged 17.i think im qualified for the job .first of all, as a student, ive read a lot and have much knowledge in many fields. im enthusiastic about english and do well not only in speaking but also in writing. besides, im easy to get along with an enjoy working together with others. last but not least, i once worked as a reporter for my school broadcasting station. so im sure i can do the job well if i get the position.i would appreciate it if you could allow me an interview.im looking forward to your reply.chinese is one of the worlds major language. it is spoken by the largest number of people in the world, more than 1 billion, most of whom live in china. there are about 50,000 characters in written chinese, about 20,000 of which are known to most people. there are 8 main varieties of chinese, which are different from each other in pronunciation. putonghua, closely similar to the language spoken beijing, has been developed since the late 1950s.at the same time, chinese plays an important role in munication in the world. as a result, more an more forigners are being interested in learning chinese.第三篇:关于考研自荐信(中文+英文)自荐信我写这封信的目的是向您推荐我自己,因为我真心想成为你的研究生。我来自河北科技大学,数学系,信息与计算科学专业。现经过初试选拔排名第六。与其他人相比,我认为我有如下优势。首先,我具备一定的数学基础,在大学期间,我数学方面的成绩一直排在专业前几名。另外,我具备一定的计算机语言基础,并能熟练应用一些数学软件,比如matlab。而且我相信,不断加强信息共享的物流供应链管理必定离不开计算机。最后我想说一点,我是一个勤奋、认真的女孩子,我相信我能完美完成老师交代的每一个任务。另外,我非常敬佩您的年轻有为,钦佩您对学生的关心,对生活充满热情的品质。我相信我必定是最合适的人选,期待以后再您的带领下开始我的学术之旅。i am writing this letter to you to remend meself, because i really want to be your graduate. i e from hebei university of science and technology, department of mathematics, information and puting science. now i ranked sixth after the first test selection. pared with other people, i think i have the following advantages.first of all, i have a certain mathematical foundation. in college, my math scores have been ranked in the top of my professional. secondly, i have some basic puter language, and i can skillfully apply some mathematical software,for exle,matlab. and i believe logistics and supply chain management which continue to strengthen information sharing will rely heavily on puter. finally, i want to say that i am a hard-working and serious girl. i believe i can perfectly plete each task teacher arrange.also, i admire young and promising from you, your concern for students and your passion for quality of life. i believe that i must be the person you need most,andi look forward to the beginning of my academic journey under the leadership of your in the future.thank you very much.第四篇:贸易专业应届毕业生自荐信(中文+英文)dear sir,on my graduation from college this fall, i am desirous of securing a position that will offer me opportunity in the field of import and export trading. knowing something of the scope and enterprise of your huge export department, i thought perhaps you would keep me in mind for a possible opening. i am strong and alert, and shall be twenty years of age in july next year. at present i am a student in the college of _ but i shall graduate from the college this ing july, finishing the requirements in three years. i have had no business experience, but my college record has been good. a copy of my antecedents is enclosed for your reference. dr.b.c, president of the college of _ will be glad to tell you more about my character and ability, i shall be glad to call at any time for an interview. very truly yours, 参考译文: 欢迎你 敬启者: 本人将于今秋大学毕业,届时拟谋与进出口贸易有关的工作,我对贵公司出口部的业务范围略悉,谅阁下也许能为我安排一份工作。 我身体健康、机智,到明年七月满二十岁,目前尚在xx大学就读。在三年内已完成所修课程,将于今年七月大学毕业。虽然缺乏商业经验,但我大学成绩甚佳。兹附上资料一份,供阁下参阅。 关于本人行为与能力,某大学校长赵博士将乐于奉告。本人愿随时晋见并按受面试。 xx启第五篇:中文自荐信求职信尊敬的用人单位:非常感谢您在百忙之中抽时间来阅读这封自荐信。我叫李文麒,是广西财经学院金融系证券投资与管理专业。在临近毕业之际,我希望能得到贵单位的赏识和栽培。为了发挥自己的才能,特向贵单位自荐。 在校期间,我认真的学习了相关金融专业的知识,同时辅修英语自考本科。课余时间,也注重培养自己的沟通能力与组织协调能力。曾担任过金融系主任秘书和校广播站编辑,对于文字处理编辑,组织学生,统筹安排上有一定的能力。曾获得学校“十大歌手”比赛三等奖与学院“校园之声”广播站优秀编辑。 大2至大3的课余时间,曾担任南宁lg分公司的parttime promoter,这段经历深化了我在社会中与人沟通的能力,同时也对销售工作有一定的经验。XX年78月间,在广西南宁市宣胜投资管理咨询有限责任公司,担任经理助理。主要负责,高新企业认定的申报工作,再此期间学到了,如何更好的协调配合企业之间的工作,也对各企业文化有了一定的理解和认识,同时也强化了微软办公软件的应用。通过这三年有关金融方面的学习,对于证券,基金,银行,保险掌握了一定的知识。希望从事金融行业,如证券公司,期货公司,银行及其相关金融类工作,适合在保险、工商企业、政府管理部门等行业从事投融资、理财和投资管理工作。在校期间,学习的有关课程有:证券投资学、证券发行与承销、证券投资基金、投资银行学、房地产金融、公司金融、西方经济学、统计学、个人理财、期货与期权、投资学、金融法规、大学英语、金融学、金融市场、线性代数、会计学原理、财务会计、投资心理学、银行会计、市场营销学、金融工程、国际金融概论、高职应用写作、政治经济学、证券投资模拟实践、沟通技巧、投资银行理论与实务等。我性格开朗,带人诚恳,态度上认真负责,有团队合作意识,同时具备金融人士所必需的高强度抗压力,灵活的组织沟通能力。现将我的简历一并附上,希望你能考虑我的应聘要求。如果你认为我有机会能胜任这项职务,希望能尽快收到您给以面试机会的答复!最后,不管您是否选择我都请您接受我最诚挚的谢意!诚祝:事业蒸蒸日上!自荐人默认推荐其他精彩文章:中文自荐信汇总中文自荐信中文自荐信自荐信中文英文自荐信英文自荐信第 8 页 共 8 页

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