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南昌市2019年三年级下册期中测试英语试卷(II)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题Read and choose.(选择正确的翻译。)1 . Do you know Mr Jin? ( )A金先生是你的老师吗?B你认识金老师吗?C你认识金女士吗?2 . Hes tall and strong. ( )A他又高又壮。B他又高又瘦。C她又高又壮。3 . Whats he like? ( )A他喜欢什么?B他长得什么样?C他是做什么的?4 . Whos your science teacher? ( )A你的数学老师是谁?B你的科学老师是谁?C你的语文老师是谁?5 . He is very helpful at home. ( )A他在家很愿意帮忙。B她在家工作很努力。C他在学校很愿意帮忙。6 . Can I have the cap?( ) _AHere you are.BI want a cap.选出下列每组单词中不同类的一项。7 . AfiveBfirstCtwelfth8 . AfatherBbirthdayCgrandpa9 . AkittenBelephantCspecial10 . AdiaryBopenCnoise11 . AOctoberBThursdayCDecember12 . strong ( )A强壮的B虚弱的13 . Beijing is the capital of _. ( )AEnglandBAmericaCChina14 . Where is the milk? _AI drink some milk.BHere it is.CHere you are.15 . How _is the ostrich? ( )It can run at 70 kilometers an hour.AfastBoldCheavy16 . _is that ? Its a chair.AWhatBWhereCWhat colour二、任务型阅读阅读短文, 判断下面的句子正(T)误(F)。Mike was busy yesterday. In the morning, he went to the supermarket with his father. They bought some vegetables and eggs. Then he helped his mother cook lunch. In the afternoon, Mike went to see his grandfather and grandmother. He took some fruit to them and helped them clean the house. In the evening, Mike did his homework and he went to bed early.17 . Mike is busy today. (_)18 . They bought some fruit and bread. (_)19 . Mike helped his mother clean the house. (_)20 . In the afternoon, Mike went to his grandparents home. (_)21 . Mike did his homework in the evening. (_)三、判断题22 . Read and tick “T”or cross “F”: The apples are on the table. (_)四、其他23 . Write and match.1. Chinese_ a. 2.the_ b.3.send_ c. 4.coconut_ d. 第 3 页 共 3 页

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