高中英语 Unit2 《Two geniuses》-speaking&writing教案 牛津上海版S1B

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教学无忧http:/jiaoxue5u.taobao.com/专注中小学 教学事业!Chapter 2 Two Geniuses-Speaking, writing一、章节分析 (Section Analysis ) (一) 综述 本部分是围绕genius主题,进行说,写方面的训练,说部分要求学生在言语交际活动中掌握接受邀请的表达方式,并把邀请这个事讲述给第三人听。写作部分延续了课文的体裁,教学习者学习写一则故事。安排看似松散,其实有一条主线穿插其中,那就是描述事件或故事。既然说、写这两个部分和课文有一定联系,笔者认为可以把说写的教学与课文教学结合起来进行。(二)目标Speaking 帮助学习者掌握接受邀请、拒绝邀请的方式,并能根据不同场合、对象采用适合的方式。使学习者了解讲述被邀请的过程。Writing 帮助学习者了解讲故事可以按照事件顺序讲述。二、教学设计(Teaching Designs)教学内容教学实施建议教学资源参考Speaking 说部分要求学生在言语交际活动中掌握接受邀请的表达方式,并把邀请这个事讲述给第三人听,主要步骤如下:1)创设情景,给学生足够的心理准备,并引入主题。2)让学生找出接受邀请时所必须了解的信息。3)熟悉如何接受信息的表达方式。4)把整个过程转述给第三人。5)在另外给出的具体情境中操练所学内容。Writing 写作部分延续了课文的体裁,教学习者学习写一则故事1) 复习课文,了解课文结构,和写故事一般采用时间顺序。2) 完成课本中的练习:在空格中填入提示的内容。在这部分建议教师采用生生互评的反馈方式,让每一个学生都成为批改着,评价的参与者,这样不仅可以提高学生的学习积极性,在改正同学的错误的同时,自身水平也得到的提高。3) 从半控制性写作过渡到非控制性写作,让学生按时间顺序写一则在愚人节发生的小故事。链接1说明: 建议听说结合,要求学生掌握接受邀请的表达方式,并把邀请这个事讲述给第三人听。SpeakingI.Pre- speakingHave you ever invited people to an occasion?Have you ever been invited by other people?Whats your most impressive party? Why?II.While-speakingIf somebody invites you, what information you need to make sure you get?Now I would love to invite two students to read the dialogue to us, would you find out the following aspect?n The subject of the lecture n The name and background of the lecturen The date and timen The placen Where you two will meetNow please find out what sentence pattern the speaker used to ask for the details and how the speaker accepted the invitation?IIIPost-speakingMake another dialogue. S1 invites S2 to come to a lecture on :A career as a modelOld crafts of ChinaStudying in CanadaHow to do speed-readingIntroduction to flower ArrangingReport the information. Student 1 is the mother of S2. S1 asks S2 about the phone call.链接2说明: 通过这部分的学习,让学生学会按照时间顺序写一个故事。如下,提供了一份本课时的完整教案。WritingIpre- writingGet a review of the structure of the passage to remind students that a story usually follows the sequence of time.IIwhile-writingThis story is about a man called Patrick Moore. Look at the pictures and describe them.1. What is happening in the first picture?2. What did Patrick Moore see?3. What is the significance of the date?4. What do you think Patrick Moore might be planning?5. What was the result?Divide the story into five paragraphs according to the sequence of time.Complete the story.IIIpost-writingHave you experienced something incredible on April Fools day?Write an outline according to the sequence of time.客服唯一联系qq 1119139686 欢迎跟我们联系

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