南京市2019年英语五年级下册Unit 4 What's wrong with you_ Lesson 19 练习卷(2)(II)卷

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南京市2019年英语五年级下册Unit 4 What's wrong with you_ Lesson 19 练习卷(2)(II)卷_第1页
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南京市2019年英语五年级下册Unit 4 Whats wrong with you_ Lesson 19 练习卷(2)(II)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . My sister wants a teacher in the future. ( )AbeBto beCbeing2 . CanI_thisrecorder?( )AhaveaatBhavealookChavealookat3 . Iwatchbirds_thewoods. ( )AinBonCat4 . Sam,_those ice cream! ( )AlookBpointClook at5 . ( )5.Look! Who _in the lake?Ais swimmingBswimsCswam6 . _artfieldtripisinteresting. ( )AABAnCan7 . Canyoutellmesomething_you?( )AaboutBatCfor8 . Here_apetshop. ( )AamBisCare9 . Take care of this plant, it will _. ( )Agrow upBgrow intoCgrow10 . His wife told him _ some apples. ( )AfindBfoundCto find二、阅读选择阅读理解。MynameisGaoPing.MyEnglishteacherisJulia.SheisfromEngland.Shehastwochildren,asonandadaughter.HerdaughterisBetty.HersonisDick.JuliaandherdaughterareinChina,butherhusbandPaulSmithisinEngland.HersonisinAmerica.Paulisapoliceman.Dickisacollegestudent.BettyandIareinthesameschool.Weareclassmates,andwearegoodfriends.IteachherChineseandsheteachesmeEnglish.11 . JuliaandPaulareBettys_.( )AteachersBstudentsCparents12 . Dicks_ismygoodfriend.( )AfatherBmotherCsister13 . DickandBettyare_.( )AsistersandbrothersBsisterandbrotherCsisterandbrothers14 . Bettysfatherisa_inEngland.( )AteacherBpolicemanCworker15 . Paulswifeisa_inChina. ( )AteacherBworkerChousewife三、单词拼写16 . 将单词按正确的顺序排列。1. hadeaech_ 2. sepak_ 3. lli_4. arfaid _ 5. dcootr_ 6. yrouslfe_四、英译汉17 . 英翻汉。1. Can I speak to Miss Liu? _2. I have a bad cold. _3. She has a headache._4. My mum will take me to see a doctor._五、选内容补全对话18 . 从方框内选择恰当的句子完成下面对话。Tom: Hi, Amy.Amy: Hi, Tom. 1._ Whats wrong with you?Tom: I have a stomachache.Amy: What did you eat for lunch?Tom: 2. _Amy: I see. Maybe it is caused by them.Tom:3._Amy: Do you often just have snacks for lunch?Tom: Yes, very often.Amy: Oh! 4._ Snacks are bad for health.Tom: I know that. 5._ But I really enjoy them.Amy: Anyway, you should try to eat less.Tom: Youre right. Ill try.A.I ate nothing but some snacks.B.I hope so.C. You look happy.D. And my parents often tell me not to eat them.E.I guess so.F. Thats not a good habit.G. You dont look well.A.I ate nothing but some snacks.B.I hope so.C. You look happy.D. And my parents often tell me not to eat them.E.I guess so.F. Thats not a good habit.G. You dont look well.第 4 页 共 4 页

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