内蒙古自治区2019年英语三年级下册Unit 2 Colors_单元测试卷(II)卷

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内蒙古自治区2019年英语三年级下册Unit 2 Colors_单元测试卷(II)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题选出不同类的单词。1 . AhotBoldCcold2 . AwarmBcoolCreport3 . ABeijingBLondonCoutside4 . Aput onBhatCshoes5 . AbreakfastBweatherClunch6 . -Whatcolorishercat?( )-Its_.AanorangeBorangeCtheorange7 . 读单词,选出不同一类的一项。( ) 1.A. cake B. bread C. guitar D. chicken( ) 2.A. desk B. pen C. blackboard D. basketball( ) 3.A. boy B. rain C. girl D. woman( ) 4.A. fish B. chicken C. flower D. rice( ) 5.A. balloon B. math C. English D. history( ) 6.A. bike B. train C. plane D. skirt( ) 7.A. banana B. shorts C. apple D. orange( )8.A. long B. thirteen C. short D. small( )9.A. green B. yellow C. red D. two( )10.A. that B. P.A C. music D. English8 . - _ is that quilt(被子)? ( )-Its black.AWhich colorBHow colorCWhat colorDWhats colour9 . 选出不同类的单词:( )AmapBdeskCfat10 . 选出不同类的一项。(_)1. A. pizza B. yesterday C. pie(_)2. A. dinner B. breakfast C. milk11 . _ is this? Its blue . ( )AWhat color.BWhat.CWho.12 . 选出下列单词中不同类的单词1.( )A. them B. our C. his2.( )A. strict B. find C. funny3.( )A. Chinese B. art C. young4.( )A. are B. do C. is5.( )A. who B. what C. kind13 . Yang Liwei told _ about his space travel. ( )AweBourCus14 . 噢,一个红色的气球和一个黑色的气球! ( )AOh, a red balloon, and a black balloon!BOh, a green balloon, and a yellow balloon!15 . There15 chairs and desks in our classroom. ( )AamBisCare16 . Can you clean the room? ( )Yes, _.AI amBI canCyou are17 . 找出与所给单词不同类的一项:Chinese( )AAmericanBEnglishCCanada18 . What _ is it? ( )AcolorBcolorsCthe color19 . -There_ a big photo here. ( )-Yes, _mine(我的) !Aare, itsBis, itsCare, theyre20 . Are you happy? ( )AIm fine, thank you.BYes, I do.CYes, I am.21 . 选出不属于同一类的单词。(_) 1. A. English B. which C. what(_) 2. A. kiwi fruit B. watermelon C. carrot(_) 3. A. apple B. six C. eight(_) 4. A. bread B. rice C. fruit22 . How many cherries there?( )AareBisCdoes23 . Lets go to Beijing _ train. ( )AbyBonCin24 . This is a book, and these are_.AwaterBpensCpencil二、填空题按分类把苹果放到不同的篮子里,写序号。25 . _26 . _27 . _根据提示,给下列单词分类,将序号写在横线上。A. John B. crayon C. carry D. book E. bye F. Sarah G. hello H. Close28 . Mike _29 . pencil_30 . Hi _31 . open _选词填空。painted goodhelphelped wastookbecome gold32 . MaLiangwasa_boy.33 . Hehadapaintbrush.It_magic.34 . He_people.35 . MaLiang_foodfortheoldwoman.36 . Therewasabadman.Hedidnt_people.37 . He_MaLiangsmagicpaintbrush away.38 . Thebadmandidnthave_.39 . Butitdidnt_gold.Itmadeasnake.三、任务型阅读阅读短文,判断正误:正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”。Jane White is an American girl. She is a student. She is fifteen. Her father is Mr. WhitE.Her mother is Mrs. White.Bob is her brother. He is a student, too. He is in a black jacket. Jane is in a red jacket. She is a nice girl.40 . Jane White is English. (_)41 . She is a student. (_)42 . Mr. White is her mother. (_)43 . Jane is fourteen. (_)44 . Jane is Mrs. Whites daughter. (_)45 . Bob is Janes brother. (_)46 . Jane is Bobs brother. (_)47 . Bob is a teacher. (_)48 . Jane is in red and Bob is in black. (_)49 . Jane is a nice girl. (_)四、英汉混合英汉互译。50 . happy Halloween _51 . 进来_52 . Here you are! _53 . 当然_54 . turn on _55 . 生日快乐!_56 . trick or treat _57 . 抱歉,对不起_58 . come here _59 . 一些糖果_五、判断题判断, 正确的写T, 错误的写F.60 . 你让别人画一个香蕉,可以说:Draw a banana,please.(_)61 . 你想知道鸡蛋是什么颜色,可以问:What color is the egg?(_)62 . 你让别人把树涂成黄色,可以说:Color the tree yellow. (_)63 . 你想知道这是不是一个礼物,可以问:Is this a hat? (_)64 . 告诉别人这顶帽子是她的,可以说:The hat is for me. (_)六、匹配题短语或句子翻译,把正确的答案填在括号内。A圆脸B给你。C长头发D吃午餐E不用谢。65 . long hair(_)66 . Here you are.(_)67 . round face(_)68 . You are welcome.(_)69 . have lunch (_)七、连词成句70 . 连词成句,注意大小写。1. have dont maths they Mondays on (.)2. have at Amy I lunch and often school (.)3. are your onions favourite vegetable (?)4. need box I a crayons of (.)5. should play you sports day every (.)第 8 页 共 8 页

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