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青海省2019年英语六年级下册小升初专项训练:固定搭配D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . The dog wants to bite (咬) Joe. Joe is _. ( )AhappyBafraidClovely2 . 它在课桌上。( )AIts on the chair.BIts in the desk.CIts on the desk.3 . I want _China next year . ( )AvisitBto visitCvisiting4 . The old man lives _ an island. ( )AatBinCon5 . You are hungry. Lets go to the _.( )AcinemaBrestaurantCschoolDpark6 . Its time _ wake up, Mike. ( )AatBforCto7 . In our class, everyone _ reading books.AlikeBlikedClikesDis liking8 . 选出下列单词中不同类的一项:( )AvisitBsockCswimsuit9 . Danny and I _ friends. _ like making paper balls. ( )Aam, IBare, WeCis, he10 . 选出不同类的一项。(_)1. A.elephant B. monkey C. animal(_)2. A. short B. tall C. zoo(_)3. A. this B. what C. that11 . Im going to visit Mr Li and _ him some questions.Ato askBasksCask12 . You _ leave rubbish in a park. ( )AneedntBmustntCcantDmay not13 . Can you speak English? ( )Yes,_.AI amBI canCyou are14 . 选择正确的语句表达,将其序号填入题前括号里。( )1. A. We have three new teachers.B. We have two new teachers.C. We have two new pupils.( )2. A. Sit in the first row, please.B. Sit in the second row, please.C. Sit in the third row, please.( )3. A. Im Chinese.B. Im Canadian.C. Im American.15 . ( )AbirdBstone16 . Why are you so sad? ( )_ I dont have any nice clothes.ABecauseBBecause ofCSo根据图片提示选择正确的短语。17 . ( )Afly a kiteBmake a kite18 . ( )Arow a boatBride a bike19 . ( )Aplay footballBplay basketball20 . ( )Ajump farBjump high21 . ( )Arun fastBride fast选出每组中不同类的一项。22 . ArodeBmilkCfelt23 . AheavyBgrandpaCuncle24 . AfeverBheadacheCmedicine25 . AbringBwonderfulCgreat26 . AquiteBhealthCcrowded27 . Let _ go to the park now. ( )AusBisCwe28 . Do you like this park? Yes, _.AI amBI doCI like29 . Mrs. Smith is going to _ tomorrow. ( )Abuying some foodBbuy some foodCbought some food30 . - _ you like this boat? ( )- Yes, I do.AWouldBDoCCan31 . The radio says its going _ tomorrow. ( )ArainBrainingCto rain32 . Would you like _e-friend in other countries?( )Ato haveBhaveChaving二、填空题用适当的介词填空33 . The shoe shop is _ the fifth floor.34 . Lets go to the supermarket. I want _ buy some milk.35 . Im sorry, Sir. But that chair is not _ sale.36 . Peoples Square is _ the centre of Shanghai.37 . The bakery is not far _ here. Its _ two restaurants.38 . Mr Blacks home is _ a busy street. My home is _ No. 3 Rain Street. Its really a quiet street.39 . Do you want to have a cup of coffee _ me?40 . 填空题。1. I can hear a _ and a _ .2. _ Gu Dong?Its a monster.3. What can you _ ?4. The toy rabbit is _ the bed. (填上合适的介词)5. Its ears _ white. (填上合适的系动词)41 . 语法填空1. Would you like_(visit) London one day? Of course.2. We like to go _(swim)in summer.3. Its late. I have _ (go) to school by taxi.4. Amy likes _(read)stories.5. Sarah likes _(dance).6. I dont know how _ (drive) the car.7. Lets _ (play) football after school.8. Do you want _(see)my photos ?9. We also go _(swim)and ride our horses .10. Im sorry_(hear) that you have a toothache.11. Zhang Peng likes _(draw) pictures.用所给词的适当形式填空42 . Liu Tao likes_(laugh) very much.43 . The girls talked_(excited).44 . My brother_(wake) me up early yesterday morning.45 . A dog_(bite) me, and I had to see a doctor.46 . My friends are chatting_(happy).47 . Mr Turkey is walking_(sad).48 . My little brother_(read) an email now.49 . The factory_(pour) the dirty water into the river five years ago.50 . The baby_(cry) last night.51 . Please read the newspaper_(quiet). Your father is sleeping.52 . My grandpas birthday is on _(Oct. 12th/ Oct. 12nd )53 . 用括号中所给词的适当形式填空1. Children are _(run) on the playground.2. Yesterday we _(have) a picnic in the park.3. I can _(jump) high.4. He _(send) me an email now.5. We want _(visit) Zhongshan park.三、单词拼写54 . 单词拼写:a_所有第 8 页 共 8 页

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