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长沙市2019-2020年度英语六年级下册专题练习:完形填空D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、完形填空完形填空。Last Sunday afternoon, Nancy _ in a bookshop. She wanted to buy a book _ animals. Suddenly she saw a short man behind _. The man stole her purse and ran_ the shop. She followed him along the street, but he_ than her. She shouted, “Stop thief! Stop thief!” At that time a policeman came to help. Then a woman came and told them, “I saw him. He ran _ the street and _ left at the _ crossing.” The policeman started to run. He ran faster than the _. Soon he stopped the thief and Nancy got her _ back.1 . A. is B. be C. was2 . A. about B. in C. for3 . A. she B. her C. hers4 . A. out B. out of C. into5 . A. runs faster B. ran faster C. run fast6 . A. along B. at C. behind7 . A. turned B. turn C. turning8 . A. one B. first C. a9 . A. thief B. girl C. woman10 . A. book B. bag C. purse完形填空。Bob and Sue are in the same school, _they are in different classes. After school, Bob and Sue often play games with their friends. Class begins at eight in the morning. Now Bob and Sue are in_own classrooms. They are_to their teachers. Bob is studying English. Sue is having an art lesson. She_to make a birthday card_her mother. Her teacher Miss Li is helping her.11 . AandBbutCor12 . AherBhisCtheir13 . AlistenBlisteningClistens14 . AwantBwantsCwanted15 . AforBwithCof选出合适的单词补全短文。I am _ a bus. I am _ out of the window. It is sunny. Some children are _ a kite. Some monkeys are _ under the _. Thats interesting!16 . AatBon17 . AlookingBmaking18 . AflyBflying19 . AsleepingBsleeps20 . AbusBtree阅读短文,完形填空。Im Jack. I am a boy. I am ten _ old. I am tall _ strong. I study at Sunshine School. I like my school. We _Chinese, English, music, art, PE and science every week. Wednesday _ my favourite day. We have a swimming _ on Wednesday.We have eggs, tomatoes and noodles _ lunch on Mondays. They _ my favourite food. My favourite teacher is Miss Wu. She _ us English. She is young and funny. I like English teacher, too. On Saturdays I _ chess with my friends. On Sundays I sweep the floor _ home.21 . AyearByearsCa year22 . AandBorCwith23 . AhasBhaveChaves24 . AareBisCam25 . AclassBclassesCclasss26 . AonBinCfor27 . AisBamCare28 . AteachesBteachsCteach29 . AplayBplaysCto plays30 . AatBinCon完形填空The Americans were getting ready to send their first man to the moon, and an old Irishman(爱尔兰人)was watching them on the television in the bar of a hotel. There was an Englishman in the bar, too, and he _ the Irishman,” The _ are very clever, arent they? They are going_ some men to the moon. It is a long _ from the world.”“Oh, thats _,” the Irishman answered quickly.” The Irish are going to send some men to the sun in a few months. Thats _ away from the moon, you know.”“Yes, it is.” The English man said,“ _ it is too _ for the people to go to” The Irishman laughed and said,” Well, the Irish arent stupid. You know, we _ go to the sun during the day; of course, we will go there_.”31 . Asaid toBtoldCtalk toDspoke to32 . AEnglishmenBAmericanCIrishDFrenchmen33 . Ato reachBto sendCto giveDto rest34 . AtimeBstreetCroadDway35 . AgoodBniceCtrueDnothing36 . AlongBfarCfurtherDmuch farther37 . AandBbutCorDbecause38 . AhotBwarmCcoldDcool39 . AdontBcantCwontDmustnt40 . Ain the morningBin the afternoonCon MondayDduring the night41 . 完形填空。This is a 1 girl. 2 name is Wu Yan. 3 is twelve. Shes 4 No. 8 Middle School . She is in 5 .Bill is 6 American boy. 7 eleven . He is in No.8 Middle School, 8 .Miss Gao is 9 English teacher. She is a 10 teacher.( )1.A.Chinese B.English C.American D.Japanese( )2.A.His B.Shes C.Hes D.Her( )3.A.She B.He C.I D.We( )4.A./ B.on C.in D.a( )5.A.Grade Two, Class One B.grade two, class oneC.Class one , grade two D.Class One , Grade Two( )6.A.a B.an C.the D./( )7.A.His B.Her C.Hes D.Shes( )8.A.and B.too C.student D.teacher( )9.A.they B.their C.your D.my( )10.A.very good B.very C.old D.right第 5 页 共 5 页


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