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长春市2019年六年级下册名校小升初全真模拟测试英语试卷(十二)D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . 选出不同类的一项:( )AminuteBhoursCseconds2 . Lookatthese,John. _ arethey? ( )AWhyBWhatCHow3 . A:When is Teachers Day? ( )B:Its in September.AB4 . It _ got a panda on it. ( )AisBhasChare5 . Look! Liu Tao with his friends _ a picnic. ( )Shall we join them?Ais havingBare havingChad6 . Im from. Im. ( )AUK ; BritishBUSA ; AmericanCJapan ; Japanese7 . Please be _. The little girl is sleeping. ( )AquiteBquietCbusy8 . I had a cold . ( )AtodayByesterdayCtomorrow9 . Nancy was so and he laughed at the party. ( )Aexcited; excitingBexciting; excitedCexcited; excitedlyDexciting; excitedly10 . Soon a man came _the shop. ( )AonBunderCinto11 . 选出与图片相应的单词(_) 1 .A. teddy B. puppy(_) 2.A. bag B. box(_) 3.A. bag B. box(_) 4.A. puppy B. teddy二、阅读选择选择最恰当的答案Mrs. Brown is very fat. She has a lot of health problems. Her husband (丈夫) and she go to see the doctor. Her doctor says to her, Dont eat meat and cakes. Her husband says, I am going to make her stop eating them, doctor. The next morning Mrs. Brown buys a can of meat and her husband eats half (一半) of it. Then he leaves home to work. Mrs. Brown cuts (切) a very small piece of it and eats it. It is very good. She cuts a big piece of and eats it. Ten minutes later she eats it all.My husband will be angry. What shall I do? she thinks. She buys another (另一个) can of meat very quickly.She eats half of that and leaves half on the table. Her husband comes back later and he sees the half meat on the table. He is very happy.12 . Mrs. Brown is _.( )AtallBslimCshortDunhealthy13 . The doctor tells Mrs. Brown not to eat meat and cakes because _.( )AMrs. Brown likes themBmeat and cakes arent goodCMr. Brown tells him to say soDmeat and cakes make her fatter14 . The next morning Mrs. Brown buys a can of meat for _. ( )AherselfBher husbandCher childrenDthe doctor15 . Mrs. Brown buys another can of meat because _.Ashe is good at making cakesBher husband likes meat( )Cshe wants to eatDshe is afraid that her husband will be angry三、任务型阅读Reading(阅读短文)Alices birthday is on the 20th of December. Her parents say to her, “Happy Birthday, dear! We have a present for you. Go and look for it in your bedroom.”Alice runs to her room. She sees a red box on the bed. She opens it, but there is only a card in it. She reads the card.“Dear Alice, Im your present. My first three letters are the same as in the word come. My last two letters are the same as in the word water. My middle three letters are the same as the word put. What am I? Come and look for me in the study.”Alice thinks hard . Then she knows what present it is. She runs to the study and finds her present on the desk. What is Alices present?16 . Read and write(阅读短文,填入合适的词)Alices birthday is in _. Her parents ask her to look for her _ in her bedroom. Alice sees a red _ on the bed in her room. There is only a card in it. She _ the card. At last, she finds her present in the_.17 . Read and answer(阅读短文,回答问题)1. When is Alices birthday?_2. Is Alices birthday present in the red box?_3. What is in the red box?_4. Where does Alice find her present at last?_5. What is the birthday present?_阅读短文,根据短文内容填空Father, my mother and I are going on a trip to Beijing. I invite my friend Linda to go with us. Linda lives in Shenzhen. It is far from Shijiazhuang. She wants to come to Shijiazhuang by plane. She will stay with my family in Shijiazhuang for three days. After that, we are going to Beijing by train. We will visit the Palace Museum and go shopping in Beijing. We will stay in Beijing for five days.18 . My family is going to travel with _.19 . I live in _.20 . We are going to take a _to Beijing.21 . Shenzhen is _Shijiazhuang.22 . Linda is going to stay in _for three days.四、匹配题选出对应的答句AIts red.BThank you.CHow nice!DYes,please.EGood morning.23 . Good morning. (_)24 . Would you like an egg?(_)25 . What colour is your new dress?(_)26 . Its a beautiful jacket.(_)27 . Look at my skirt.(_)五、书面表达28 . 写作。以Christmas为题,介绍一下你们全家是怎样过圣诞节的。_第 5 页 共 5 页


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