重庆市2020年(春秋版)英语三年级上册Module 1 Greetings 单元测试卷(二)D卷

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重庆市2020年(春秋版)英语三年级上册Module 1 Greetings 单元测试卷(二)D卷_第1页
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重庆市2020年(春秋版)英语三年级上册Module 1 Greetings 单元测试卷(二)D卷_第2页
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重庆市2020年(春秋版)英语三年级上册Module 1 Greetings 单元测试卷(二)D卷_第3页
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重庆市2020年(春秋版)英语三年级上册Module 1 Greetings 单元测试卷(二)D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . you often your clothes?( )ADo; washBAre; washCDoes; washes情景问答。2 . -( )-Yes, they do.ADo firemen use water to put out fires?BIs there a lot of water in the tap ?CIs the wind blowing strongly?3 . -What mustnt we do at home? ( )-ADont play with fire.BWe must be careful with fire.CWe mustnt play with fire.4 . -( )-We use it to wash vegetables.AHow do we use wind?BHow do we use water?CHow to use fire?5 . -Do you use water to clean the floor? ( )-AYes, I have.BYes, I do.CNo, I cant.6 . -How does the meat taste? ( )-AI like it.BThe meat smells nice.CIt does not taste good at all.7 . -What mustnt we do in the forest?-( )AWe mustnt play with matches.BWe use fire to cook food.CWe mustnt smoke at home.8 . 看图选出正确答案( )AteacherBpupilCstudent9 . That isnt _ toy car. ( )AIBmeCmy10 . Whats _? ( )Its 1:00.Athe timeBa timeCtime11 . Amy and Sarah _ now. ( )Aare do their homeworkBis doing their homeworkCare doing their homework12 . Good morning, Mrs. Fox.( ) , Mr. Pig.AGood morningBThank youCNot at all13 . How is Amy going to tomorrow? ( )ABeijingBby planeCon the weekend14 . - Does Kitty have long hair? ( )-.AYes, he is.BYes, she does.CNo, she cant.二、情景交际15 . 你告诉别人你来自美国,应说:_( )AIm from the UK.BIm from the US.CIm from China.16 . 当有人问你想吃糖果吗,你想吃,应该怎样表达? ( )AYes, please!BI dont like candy.CNo, thanks.三、选内容补全对话选择适当的单词补全对话,将其大写字母编号写在横线上。AFineBHowCHiHelen: Hello, Sam.Sam: 17 . , Helen. 18 . are you?Helen: 19 . . Thank you.第 4 页 共 4 页

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