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重庆市2020年(春秋版)六年级下册期末测试英语试卷(一)D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . How many days are there in a _?( )Seven.AmonthBweekCyear选出下列选项中不同类的一项。2 . AtrainBflowersCship3 . AlakeBauntCboat4 . AquietBlaughCsmile5 . AMondayBFridayCday6 . Pork and mutton are_. ( )AfruitsBmeatCVegetablesDrice7 . I need a . Im too hot. ( )AkiteBdeskCfanDchair8 . Thanksgiving is my favourite. ( )AseasonBfestivalCbook二、填空题根据句意,首字母或所给词提示填入所缺单词(第1题答案不唯一)。9 . I am going to visit the Art Museum, _ Museum, _ Museum, _Museum, and _ Museum this summer holiday.10 . The new football is _ the door. 11 . Mike s_ Chinese in China.12 . Tomorrow is my grandmas birthday. Im going to _ my _ tomorrow. 13 . _ (keep) off the grass!14 . When I _ (be) young, I was ugly.15 . My brother has two _ (pair) of glasses.16 . 根据图片和句意填单词:Are you going to study _ in September? 根据图片及首字母提示写单词,补全句子。17 . I c_ my room yesterday. 18 . My father is t_ than my mother. 19 . Last night, I w_ a basketball game on TV. 20 . Tony s_ a dog and he was afraid. 21 . She h_ a cold last week. 写出下列短语。22 . _23 . _24 . _25 . _26 . 用所给词的适当形式填空,使句意完整、正确。【小题1】Whats the weather like today? Its _ (sun).【小题2】It is _ (rain) today.【小题3】Which season do you like _ (good), spring or winter?【小题4】I often go _ with my friends in winter. (skate)【小题5】How many _ (season) are there in a year?填空。27 . Susie often copies my answers, _ she cannot do the sums by herself.28 . Look at the m_. It looks like a boat.29 . The tree is _(高的).30 . How many watches do you have?I have _ watches.31 . My father can _.选词填空。32 . Dinner (is/are) ready.33 . Help (you/yourself).34 . What would you like (of/for) dinner?35 . Let (I/me) show you.36 . My brother can use (chopstick/chopsticks).37 . 用适当的时态填空1.I _(not finish) my homework . Can you help me? 2.My father _ (read) the novel twice. 3.I _ (buy) a book just now. 4.I _ (lost ) my watch yesterday. 5.My father _ (read) this book since yesterday.38 . 用所给单词的适当形式填空1.I have a cold. What should I _ (do)?You should _ (wear) warm clothes.2.You shouldnt drink too _ (much) soft drinks. They are bad for your _ (tooth).3.The tiger _ (become) a _ (tooth) tiger. Its sad.4.The wind blows _ (strong). The cloud _ (move) quickly.5.It is nine oclock. The students _ (write) a report about the Suzhou River.6.Whats the weather like?Its _ (rain).7.Can Linda _ (swim) well?Yes, of course.8.Who _ (have) wind-bells?Little pigs _ (have).9.My friend, Tom _ (make) a windmill in the classroom now. It is _ (make) of wood.三、任务型阅读39 . 阅读短文,按要求做题。 (建议用时:6分钟)Look! This is my family. They are busy at home. The girl with black hair is my little sister. She is dancing happily. My father is tall. He is reading a newspaper. Look at my mother. She is in the kitchen. She is cooking for us. This is me! My name is Fang Hua. I am eleven years old. I am cleaning the room. And my kitten is sleeping. (一) 按照人物出现的先后顺序,给下列图片排列顺序。( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )(二) 根据短文判断正(T)误(F)。( ) 1. Fang Huas sister is dancing. ( ) 2. Fang Huas grandfather is watching TV. ( ) 3. Fang Huas mother is cooking in the kitchen. ( ) 4. Fang Hua is reading a book. ( ) 5. The cat is sleeping.四、判断题40 . 判断各组单词画线部分读音是否相同。(相同的打“”,不相同的打“”。)( )(1)welcome come( )(2)teeth week( )(3)everyeleven( )(4)music Friday判断下列每组单词画线部分读音是 (T) 否 (F) 相同。41 . tiger after_42 . girl hurt _43 . arm warm _44 . ball wall _45 . hot homework _判断下列单词划线部分发音是否相同,用“T”或“F”表示46 . family funny(_)47 . eat great(_)48 . soup sound(_)49 . play may(_)50 . foot food (_)51 . 辨音(用T/F表示)。(1)( )thesesick(2) ( ) hassleep(3)( )skysoft(4)( ) musicsee五、匹配题选出与所给句子相对应的答句。A. His mother is a cook.B. Yes, he does.C. She teaches English.D. He is a policeman.E. No, she isnt. She is a doctor.F. Yes, I like writing stories.G. No, I dont.H. He works at home.52 . What does your father do? (_)53 . Is she a nurse?(_)54 . What about Mikes mother? (_)55 . Does he help sick people?(_)56 . Are you a writer?(_)57 . What does your sister teach? (_)58 . Where does Tom work? (_)59 . Do you like eating sweets?(_)第 8 页 共 8 页


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