高中英语 自主广场(Module1 Basketball)教学素材(外研版选修7)

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教学无忧http:/jiaoxue5u.taobao.com/专注中小学 教学事业!自主广场. 根据句意及单词的首字母或汉语释义,写出空白处单词的正确形式。1. Clever children a_ knowledge quickly. 2. The car _ (加快,加速)as it overtook me. 3. To everyones satisfaction, the _(救护车) arrived on time. 4. He was a_ to the vacant post. 5. Its very inconvenient for her to do homework with a _(绷带). 6. When asked, she _(证实,证明) that she was going to retire. 7. He richly _(应受,应得) all that happened to him. 8. They lack the _(动力) to study. 1.解析:动词的一般现在时作谓语。句意:“聪明的孩子容易吸收知识。”答案:absorb2.解析:动词的过去式形式。句意:“那辆汽车一加速就超越了我。”答案:accelerated3.解析:名词形式作主语。句意:“令大家满意的是救护车及时赶到了。”答案:ambulance4.解析:appoint sb.to sth.任命,委派。答案:appointed5.解析:句意:“她带着绷带干家务很不方便”。答案:bandage6.解析:动词的过去式。句意:“有人问她时,她肯定了她将要退休。”confirm that.证实,确认答案:confirmed7.解析:动词的过去式。句意:“他得到这一切确实是受之无愧。”答案:deserved8.解析:句意:“他们缺乏学习的动力。”答案:motivation. 单项填空1. The meeting starts at 3 oclock _. We have to go now. A. sharpB. exactC. rightD. accurate解析:sharp 此处用作副词,表示“准时地”。答案:A2. I bought a shirt because it was good in quality and _ in price. A. reasonableB. valuableC. comfortableD. enjoyable解析:由句意可知reasonable意为“合理的”。答案:A3. Its a pity that so many _ historical records were destroyed. A. meaninglessB. powerlessC. valuelessD. priceless解析:priceless “无价的”;valueless “无价值的”。答案:D4. Our new house is very _ for me as I can get to office in five minutes. A. adaptableB. availableC. convenientD. comfortable解析:由句意可知convenient意为“便利的,方便的”。答案:C5. I caught a _ of the car before it disappeared around the corner of the street. A. gazeB. stareC. lookD. glimpse解析:catch a glimpse of 意为“瞅了一眼”。答案:D6. The weather report says the rain will _ until the end of the next week. A. keepB. lastC. stayD. move解析: “天气预报说雨会一直下到下个周末”,last此处用作谓语动词。答案:B7. In your scientific lecture, you should _ your findings in logical order and clear language. A. writeB. raiseC. presentD. put解析:present 此处用作动词, “介绍”。答案:C8. Why did Professor Wang enter for the team to work in Tibet?Obviously, he wants to _ his dream there. A. dreamB. takeC. liveD. make解析:live a dream “实现梦想”。答案:C. 完形填空When I was 14, I was hired for an after-school job selling subscriptions(征订) to my hometown paper, the Houston Post. I was sent to some of the citys worst neighborhoods to “beg” door-to-door. Even though I was often scrambling (moving with difficulty) around after dark in bad areas 1 for garage apartments, I was 2 for the work. It was a 3 because people didnt like a stranger knocking on their doors, 4 a kid trying to get them to buy something. One time, a man shut his door heavily in my face and 5 , “I dont want your dawn paper!” I 6 myself to knock again and was able to tell him how 7 the paper was. I ended up selling him a subscription. I was soon among the 8 subscription sellers and, like other successful 9 , was given the chance to train newcomers. 10this time I started playing the harmonica and guitar. Before long I was playing in a 11at barbecue (烧烤) and other events. When I 1218, I fixed my 13on becoming a professional musician. I never lost 14of this dream. Im sure my determination came from what I 15 knocking on strangers doors. That 16 helped me in many ways. Early in my music life I was17in a legal disagreement with a former manager. He18me to back off, but I refused. Having all those doors shut in my face as a kid gave me the19to stand up to this frightening figure. Except this time there was one20:I was the one saying no. And I won. 1. A. leaving B. searchingC. caring D. reaching2. A. sorryB. readyC. doubtful D. thankful3. A. challenge B. puzzleC. surprise D. failure4. A. certainly B. obviouslyC. especially D. usually5. A. screamed B. agreedC. begged D. announced6. A. allowed B. forcedC. wished D. reminded7. A. expensive B. worthlessC. softD. great8. A. richB. largeC. fastD. top9. A. reporters B. managersC. salesmen D. secretaries10. A. ForB. SinceC. Around D. Until11. A. kitchen B. bandC. concert D. press12. A. seemed B. grewC. appeared D. turned13. A. attention B. attractionC. service D. trust14. A. sightB. useC. ability D. fortune15. A. accepted B. decidedC. expected D. learned16. A. experience B. accidentC. problem D. introduction17. A. sentenced B. treatedC. locked D. reasoned18. A. invited B. pressuredC. excused D. charged19. A. painB. rightC. strength D. imagination20. A. conclusion B. differenceC. chance D. decision1.解析:由“begdoor-to-door”和“scrambling (moving with difficulty) around after dark”可知,searching符合语境。答案:B2.解析:根据句首连接词even though可知前后句是让步关系,故主句应意为“我对这份工作是心存感激的”。故用thankful。答案:D3.解析:由上下文可以判断,挨家挨户卖报是一种“挑战”。答案:A4.解析:与第3题一起理解,especially表示“尤其是”。答案:C5.解析:根据shut his door和下文的话可以判断出,screamed符合语境。答案:A6.解析:force sb.to do sth.强迫某人做某事。答案:B7.解析:great在此处的意思为“好的,优秀的”。答案:D8.解析:由下文的successful一词可以判断,此空应用top。答案:D9.解析:因为“我们”都是卖报人员,即推销员,故用salesmen。答案:C10.解析:around this time在这个时期。答案:C11.解析:根据上文“playing the harmonica and guitar”可判断,在a band (乐队)演奏。答案:B12.解析:turn可表示“达到(年龄,数量等)”,符合句意。答案:D13.解析:fix ones attention on doing sth.聚精会神做某事。答案:A14.解析:lose sight of “看不见,忽略,忘记”。答案:A15.解析:what I learned (我所了解的东西)作came from的宾语。答案:D16.解析:上文提到的这些都是“经历”,故用experience。答案:A17.解析:be locked in在此强调“被困在之中”。答案:C18.解析:pressure sb.to do sth.强制某人做某事。back off表示“后退”。答案:B19.解析:strength表示“力量”。答案:C20.解析:由下文的“I was the one saying”可知,有一个不同之处。答案:B客服唯一联系qq 1119139686 欢迎跟我们联系

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