郑州市2020年(春秋版)英语四年级下册Module 1 Unit 2 He's cool 练习卷D卷

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郑州市2020年(春秋版)英语四年级下册Module 1 Unit 2 He's cool 练习卷D卷_第1页
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郑州市2020年(春秋版)英语四年级下册Module 1 Unit 2 He's cool 练习卷D卷_第3页
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郑州市2020年(春秋版)英语四年级下册Module 1 Unit 2 Hes cool 练习卷D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . Dont worry. Let _ help you. ( )AmeBICwe按要求填空2 . I(宾格)_3 . cut(现在分词)_4 . of course(同义词)_5 . here(对应词)_6 . dont(完整形式)_7 . have(现在分词)_8 . he(宾格)_9 . want(单三)_10 . helpful(动词)_11 . wash(单三)_12 . see(同音词)_13 . cant(完全形式)_14 . Read and choose.选出不同类的词,把编号填在括号内。(_) 1. A. garden B. wall C. park D. playground(_) 2. A. season B. spring C. summer D. autumn(_) 3. A. kind B. good C. build D. nice(_) 4. A. with B. through C. from D. far(_) 5. A. OctoberB. March C. January D. festival(_) 6. A. watch B. invention C. camera D. TV15 . 选出每组单词中不同类的一项。(_)1. A. teacher B. student C. girl(_)2. A. girl B. today C. boy(_)3. A. he B. she C. and(_)4. A. Canada B. from C. China(_)5. A. new B. UKC. USA16 . How are you , Mike ? You look so _.Its raining outside . I cant play football .( )AsadBexcitedChappy17 . Please try on this dress. Clever people can see _. ( )AoneBitCtheirDthem18 . Look at the giraffe, its . ( )AtallBshortCsmall19 . He learns to write books by himself. Hes _. ( )AbraveBcleverCdifficult20 . This is Tom. is my brother. ( )ASheBHeCIts二、填空题21 . 选词填空。AtakeBopenCwithDroomsEholiday1. We are going to visit the Great Wall this summer _.2. Kate is going to America _ her parents.3. We can _ the train around the zoo.4. I hear there are 9999 _ inside the Forbidden City.5. The Singapore Zoo is in the _ air.22 . 选择正确的形式填空1. I _ taller than John. (is, am , are)2 . _ you heavier than Tom? (Is, Am, Are)3. She _ three years older than her little sister. (is, am, are )4. How _ is your brother? (tall, taller, high )5. An elephant is _, and it is _than a panda. (big, biger, bigger )6. The monkeys tail is _ than the rabbits tail. (long, longer, short )7. Im taller than _. (him, his) But he is stronger than _.( me, my)8. My arms are longer than _. (you, your, yours )23 . Choose and fill in the blanks.(选词填空,每词限用一次。)and not from boat beautiful hiking1. The pictures are_ Zhao Kang.2. Gao Wei works on a_.3. Come_ see my new friend.4. Wu Yifan likes going_.5. Why_ go on Wednesday?6. Im going to look for some_ leaves.选词填空,使短文内容完整,每个词只能用一次Singer,teacher,nurse,family,playerThis is my 24 . photo. This is my father. He works in a school. Hes a 25 . . This is mymother. She likes helping sick people. She is a 26 . . My sister is a 27 . . She sings well. I like sports. I want to be a baseball 28 . .看图选择正确的单词。A.fat B. tall C. short29 . _30 . _31 . _三、任务型阅读任务型阅读.Hello, my friends. I have some new teachers. They are all very nice. My Chinese teacher is Ms Lin. Shes old and thin. And shes strict. My maths teacher is Mr Ma. Hes thin and tall. And hes very clever. Miss Lee is my English teacher. Shes young and pretty. She has long hair. We all like her. My PE teacher, Mr Chen, is very strong and tall. He often teaches us to play football. My science teacher, Mr He, is very young and funny. And hes very heavy, too. I love them.32 . 根据短文内容,写出图片中人物的名字。1._2._3._33 . 判断下列句子正误,正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”。1. Miss Lee is old and strict.(_)2. Mr Ma is thin and tall. (_)3. Mr Chen often teaches us to play basketball. (_)4. Mr He is a science teacher. Hes old and funny. (_)5. The new teachers are all very nice. (_)四、连词成句34 . 连词成句:man, is, this, tall (.)_连词成句.35 . touch / the / dont / machine / ! _36 . this / cuts / machine / the / potatoes / . _37 . write / in / books / dont / the / ! _38 . on / dont / the / walk / grass / ! _39 . these / wear / glasses / please / ! _40 . a / class / you / are / very / good / . _41 . 连词成句。1.are, plants, there, in, garden, my, many (.)_2.grow, the, grow, plants, and (.)_3.plant, some, the, has, leaves, big (.)_42 . 单词宝宝跑乱了,我们来帮它们排排队吧。(只写序号)1okay Are you_?2is matter What the_?3am sick I_.4see doctor Lets a_.5head My hurts_.第 7 页 共 7 页

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