郑州市2020年英语一年级上册Module 10 Unit 2 That's his car练习卷D卷

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郑州市2020年英语一年级上册Module 10 Unit 2 That's his car练习卷D卷_第1页
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郑州市2020年英语一年级上册Module 10 Unit 2 Thats his car练习卷D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . This is father. ( )AIBmeCmy2 . This is _ cap.AyouByour3 . She is my cousins mother. Shes my_.( )AsisterBauntCmother4 . 选出与所给单词同类的一项。(_) 1. banana A. fruit B. grape(_) 2. USA A. China B. cap(_) 3. nineteen A. twelve B. under(_) 4. short A. tall B. she(_) 5. grandmother A. teacher B. father选择出不同类的单词。5 . AmeatBjuiceCmilk6 . AappleBorangeCfruit7 . AbuyBparkCschool8 . AflyBgoChome9 . AwhatBwhiteCwho10 . Its _. The children are making a snowman. ( )AspringBautumnCwinterDsummer选出与划线单词同类的一项。11 . Im new here. ( )Aold BageCgrade12 . This is my hand. ( )AheadByearCold13 . My name is Alice. ( )AyouByourCHe14 . Let me help you. ( )AfaceBbiteCmatter15 . Good morning! ( )AbadBsummaryCafternoon16 . 选出与句中画线单词同类的一项:Look at the picture near the window. ( )AwallBforChour17 . Whats your favourite_?( )Autumn.AfoodBcolourCseason二、判断题18 . Look and write (T) or (F). I can find Daming. (_)判断下列句子与所给图片是(T)否(F)相符19 . ZhouJiasmotherisafactoryworker.(_)20 . Heisabusinessman.(_)21 . Myfatherworksonaboat. (_)22 . Iwanttobeascientist.(_)23 . Mybrotherisacoach.(_)24 . 判断句子与图片是(T)否(F)相符:.Sam is going to Shanghai by train.(_)25 . 判断句子与图片是(T)否(F)相符:Tingting goes to the zoo in autumn. (_)26 . 判断图片与句意是()否()对应。(_)1. The birds often sing in the morning.(_)2. He plays with a ball after school.(_)3. There is a toy on the desk.(_)4. They fly kites in the park on Sunday.(_)5. She watches TV after dinner.读一读,判断下列行为是(T)否(F)正确。27 . I go to school on foot every day.(_)28 . Tom kills birds.(_)29 . People plant more trees.(_)30 . Mike uses a lot of water to wash his socks. (_)31 . People always do something to keep the air clean and fresh. (_)判断正误32 . Their names is Harry, Dick, Spot and Jerry .(_)33 . The other usually follows.(_)34 . And they sings a happy tune.(_)35 . They wears strange clothes.(_)36 . 根据图片判断句子正误:Tom is playing with his toy car. (_)三、连词成句连词成句。37 . is, ball, a, it (?)_38 . Su Hai to may I speak (?) _39 . likes, Sam, laughs, because, others, he, nobody, always, at, (.)_40 . is, this, flag, a, of, Canada (.)_41 . ping-pong, favourite, is, sport, my, (.)_连词成句。42 . to, Welcome, show, our, art, clay (.)_43 . bigger, than, This, the, one, bird, first, is (.)_44 . Tom, shorter, is, Mike, than (.)_45 . book, is, than, smaller, third, the, one, This (.)_46 . David, highest, the, is (.)_连词成句。47 . doonWhattheyouweekenddousually(?)_48 . atclassin3:00Wetheafternoonfinish(.)_49 . eatyoudoWhendinner(?)_50 . aonclassdancingItakealwaysSaturdays(.)_51 . forIwalkgowithaoftenmymother(.)_四、连线题52 . 将单词与相符的图片连线。1. spring 2. summer 3. autumn 4. winterABCD第 6 页 共 6 页


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