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郑州市2019-2020学年英语三年级下册Module2单元测试卷D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . Sarah usually _ sports in the park. ( )AplayBplayingCplays看图, 选择与图片相符的句子。2 . ( )AShe wants to go to Guilin tomorrow.BHe wants to go to Beijing this weekend.3 . ( )AThere are people from different countries.BThere are flags from all around the world.4 . ( )AI want to take a photo of the lake.BI want to go swimming in the lake.5 . ( )AWhat a big building!BWhat a beautiful present!6 . ( )AHeres a picture of China.BHeres the flag of China.7 . _ can I get _ there? ( )AHow; /BWhat; toCHow; to找出下列每组单词中不同类的一项。8 . AriverBhighCforest9 . AlakeBtreeCgo10 . AbridgeBmountainCcome11 . AbesideBbehindCboat12 . AofBatCthe13 . The mice are _ of the black cat. ( )AangryBafraidCcold14 . Look at skirt. ( )Its nice.AherBhesChis15 . is on 5th June. ( )AEarth DayBWorld Environment DayCMothers Day16 . _interesting storybook it is! ( )AHowBWhatCWhat aDWhat an17 . What will the weather _ like in Beijing? ( )AbeBisCare18 . Whats the weather _ ? ( )AlookBatClike19 . I see orange. ( )A让我看看黄色。B我看到了橙色。20 . 选出与其他两项不同的一项:( )AshowBslowCtake21 . We listened_music and they talked_ some friends. ( )Awith; toBon; toCto; with选出每组单词中不同类的一项。22 . AWednesdayBAprilCFebruary23 . AMarchBAmericanCJanuary24 . AMayBJulyCcontest25 . AChristmasBEasterCholiday26 . AchocolateBcakeCyear选出每组单词中不同类的单词。27 . AunderBinCdesk28 . AchairBdeskCon29 . AonBmanCunder30 . AinBchairCon31 . AhandBfootCunder32 . Whats in your desk? ( ) _.ATwo notebooks and a toyBIts blueCIts near the door33 . There _ a cat and two dogs in the room. ( )AbeBto beCis34 . Im going to _Sun Wukong. ( )AseeBlookCwatching35 . I have a fish. It has two _ eyes. ( )AlongBshortCbig36 . Here _ his hands. ( )AbeBareCis读一读,看一看,选出正确的一项37 . ( )This is the _ and this is my _ teacher.Amusic room; artBart room; artClibrary; P.D38 . ( )This is the playground. And this is my _ teacher.AmusicBartCP.D39 . ( )This is the _.AlibraryBscience roomCcomputer room40 . Its so tall. ( )AB读一读,选出能够替换画线单词的一项。41 . How can I get to the park? ( )ArestaurantBhelmetCfeather42 . I want to buy a notebook. ( )AlessonBgoalCdictionary43 . Lets take the subway. ( )AfootBplaneCprice44 . The mice are too bad. ( )AgrassBantsCpizza45 . He feels so sad. ( )AworriedBworryCmud46 . Find the different word. (找出不同类的单词。) (_) 1. A. brother B. sister C. pencil D. parents(_) 2. A. China B. England C. America D. uncle(_) 3. A. morning B. night C. afternoon D. sometimes(_) 4. A. library B. west C. factory D. bookstore(_)5. A. shop B. teacher C. doctor D. worker47 . He teaches lessons. He is a _. ( )AteacherBcleanerCwriter48 . Im _years old. ( )AsixBmany二、匹配题英汉互译。A.超市B.强壮的C.儿童公园D.两双袜子E.地图F.叔叔,伯伯G.一条裤子H.法国I.扫地J.筷子49 . France(_)50 . a pair of trousers(_)51 . uncle(_)52 . supermarket(_)53 . chopsticks(_)54 . strong(_)55 . sweep the floor(_)56 . two pairs of socks(_)57 . map(_)58 . Childrens Park (_)三、抄写题59 . 读一读,写一写。1. We will have breakfast at 7.2. Will you read books this weekend? Yes, I will.3. Bob, come and have breakfast.4. Well have lunch at 1.5. Well have a tea party at 4.60 . 读一读,写一写。1.My mother usually cooks on Sundays._2.Today Im in the kitchen and Im cooking._3.Today is Grandma s Birthday._请用正确的手写体格式书写下列单词、短语和句子。61 . policemen62 . beautiful63 . a small rabbit64 . turn left65 . What are those?66 . These are flowers.抄写练习。67 . Theyre afraid of them.68 . The cat is angry with them.69 . Whats wrong?70 . Your father is ill.71 . He should see a doctor this morning.72 . Dont be sad.第 9 页 共 9 页

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