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河北省2020版五年级上册期末测试英语试卷(二)D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . Eddie is very _. He doesnt want to do anything. ( )AlazyBbusyChard-working2 . Whats your name? ( )_AGood morning.BOK.CMy name is Mike.3 . ( )AHes good at Maths.BHes good at Science.4 . 选择填空,将序号标在括号里。(_)1. _ from the UK.A. MyB. Im(_)2. We_two friends.A. haveB. has(_)3. _ ,Im Amy.A. HiB. Goodbye(_)4. What _ you?A. aboutB. are5 . lunchAunderBuseClanguage6 . Where was my purse? _AYes, it was.BNo, it wasnt.COn your bed.DThey are in your pocket7 . I _ a room. There _ a big bed and a new closet in it. ( )Ahas, isBhave, areChave, is8 . The teachers office is next _ the library. ( )AtoBinCat9 . Are you Mr ? ( )AdogBrabbitCPig10 . Will you play_ flute on Friday?AaBanCthe11 . He is tall strong. ( )AonBandChelp12 . How _ you spell Dino?( )AdoBareCis二、阅读选择13 . 阅读短文,选择正确的答案。John is an English boy. He is thirteen years old. He lives in London(伦敦). He studies English, Science, Art and PE at school. He likes Chinese very much. He also likes singing Chinese songs. He has a Chinese friend, Wang Bing. He usually writes emails to Wang Bing on Saturdays. He helps Wang Bing with his English and Wang Bing helps him with his Chinese. They learn from each other.( )(1)How old is John?A. 3 B. 13 C. 30( )(2)Where does John live?A. In the UK B. In China C. In the US( )(3)Does John study Chinese at school?A. Yes,he does B. No,he doesnt C. Sorry,I dont know( )(4)Whats Johns hobby?A. He likes singing Chinese songsB. He likes writing emailsC. He likes studying English( )(5)Whats the meaning of “learn from each other”?A.相互学习 B.一起学习 C.相互写电子邮件三、填空题根据句意及首字母提示填空,使句子完整。14 . I like _ best. I can go swimming.15 . I always c_ my room on the weekend.16 . That s_ like a lot of fun.17 . Tree Planting Day is in M_.18 . Chinas National Day is in _.19 . 用所给单词的正确形式填空。(1)We would brush our _(tooth)twice a day(2)This book is the lightest and _(thin)of all the books(3)Jane _(get) up at 7:30 every day(4)She is _(good)than Alice at swimming(5)Whats your _(friend)name?四、单词拼写20 . live(第三人称单数形式)_五、排序题21 . 根据所给内容排序,在题前括号内填上阿拉伯数字。( ) A girl. Shes quiet and friendly.( ) Her name is Lucy.( ) Mum, I have a good friend.( ) Whats her name?( ) Really? A boy or girl?六、任务型阅读阅读理解,判断正(T)误(F)。Last Sunday, my sister and I went to the book store. We bought many interesting books. We wanted to buy a picture book for Tom. My sister found a picture book about the Monkey King. But I didnt like it, because I thought the science book was more interesting than the picture book. At last, we bought the science book.22 . Last Saturday, they went to the book store.(_)23 . They wanted to buy a book for Tom. (_)24 . My sister wanted a picture book about the Monkey King. (_)25 . I thought the picture book was more interesting than the science book. (_)26 . At last, they bought the science book. (_)七、句型转换按要求完成句子。27 . a, there, big, is, watermelon (.)(连词成句)_28 . dirty, are, very, the, rooms(.)(连词成句)_29 . the, is, where, ball (?)(连词成句)_30 . Whats in your room? (根据实际情况作答)_31 . Is there a computer in your room? (根据实际情况作答)_八、连词成句32 . 连词成句: is in there New York Chinatown(.)_第 5 页 共 5 页

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