河北省2020版英语二年级下册Module 10 Unit 1 练习卷D卷

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河北省2020版英语二年级下册Module 10 Unit 1 练习卷D卷_第1页
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河北省2020版英语二年级下册Module 10 Unit 1 练习卷D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、判断题1 . 判断句子与图片是(T)否(F)一致。( )(1)She is riding her bike.( )(2)My mother is watching TV.( )(3)There are some snow.( )(4)My sister likes to sing.( )(5)The baby is crying.( )(6)I am flying in the sky.2 . 判断句子描述与图片是(T)否(F)相符:He is good at table tennis.(_)判断下列句子与图片是否相符,相符的写“T”,不符的写“F”。3 . There are many people in the park. (_)4 . Zhao Yan arrives in Kunming at 3:00. (_)5 . A man is running. (_)6 . Some girls are dancing. (_)7 . They are playing basketball. (_)8 . 课外阅读 ,判断下面句子是否符合课文内容,正确的写T,错误的写F。1. The snail loses her house. ( )2. The house is on the rock. ( )3. The man with a lantern is a blind.( )4. The tiger is near the house.( )5. he blind man carries a lantern for others.( )下列句子与图片是否相符,相符(T),不相符(F)。9 . There is a picture on the wall. _10 . I have two pencils. _11 . Put your storybook on your head. _12 . -What colour is your eraser? -Its yellow._二、改错13 . Read and choose the wrong one: Its next of the school. _选出有错误的一项并改正。14 . Howmuchisyourshoes? (_)_A B C15 . Lookinthatdress,anditspretty. (_)_A B C16 . Apairofglovesatmyson. (_)_A B C17 . Iwantawatermelonandtenbanana. (_)_A B C18 . Howmuchareyourskirt? (_)_A BIts 60 yuan.C19 . Read and choose the wrong one: Go straight in. _选择正确的应答语。A. Of course. Here you are. B. Its $87. C. OK. D. Yes, they are. E. Its mine.20 . Are those hens? (_)21 . Whose coat is this? (_)22 . Can I try them on? (_)23 . How much is this skirt?(_)24 . Lets go to the playground? (_)25 . Read and choose the wrong one: The teachers desk is on the front of the classroom. _三、匹配题给下列单词选择正确的汉语意思。A. 坐 B. 云 C. 横过 D. 尝试 E. 读26 . try (_)27 . read (_)28 . cloud (_)29 . cross (_)30 . sit (_)31 . 从右边找出左边问题的答语,将字母序号写在题前括号中。(_)1. Whats this in English? AIts red.(_)2. What colour is it?BThats OK.(_)3. Is it a Chinese car? CThank you.(_)4. Here you are.DIts an apple.(_)5.Thank you very much.EYes, it is.四、连线题32 . 连一连。(1) Please tell us about this plant.AYes, there is.(2) Are there any snakes in your garden?BIts red and beautiful.(3) Is there any bamboo? CThis is a sunflower.(4) This is a rose.DNo, there arent.第 6 页 共 6 页

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