武汉市2019版五年级上册期末模拟测试英语试卷 (2)D卷

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武汉市2019版五年级上册期末模拟测试英语试卷 (2)D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . The little boy _ the king and laughed. ( )Alooked atBpointed atClaughed at2 . Lily always _home with her sister Lucy. ( )AwalkBwalk toCwalks toDwalks选出每组中不同类的单词3 . AweatherBsunnyCcloudyDcold4 . AsunBrainCwindDdry5 . AsaidBhadCreportDchanged6 . AumbrellaBfinishCcoatDbowl7 . AChinaBEnglandCUSADhome8 . Peter likes_. ( )Ado kung fuBgoing hikingCplaying piano9 . Billy is too fat. He cant get _the door. ( )AofBatCout of10 . Where _you live?( )AareBdoCwas11 . Toms mother is washing clothes. Tom is helping _. ( )AthemBsheCher12 . 选出不同类的单词 。( )AarmBfootCswim13 . 选出划线部分发音与其余三个不同的那个单词。【小题1】AblouseBtouchCmouseDhouse【小题2】AhorseBsportsCfortyDworld【小题3】AsadlyBangryCwakeDhappy【小题4】AwoodBfoolishCtoothDsoon【小题5】AwindowBslowCclownDsnow14 . Children like Halloween because they can get _ from their neighbours. ( )Achocolate eggsBcandyCpresents15 . ( ) Nancy always _ her homework first, then _TV.Adoing, watchingBdoes, watchCdoes, watches二、阅读选择根据短文内容,选择正确答案。One morning, a fox saw a small duck. He thought, “This is my breakfast. It must be delicious.” He came up to the duck and said, “I know you can sing very well. Can you sing for me?” the small duck was glad. He closed his eyes and started to sing. The fox saw that and caught him in his mouth and carried him away. The people in the field(田地里) saw the fox. They shouted, “Look, look! The fox is carrying the duck away. ” The duck said to the fox, “Mr Fox, the people say you are carrying their duck away. Tell them I am your duck, not their duck.” The fox opened his mouth and said, “It is my duck, not your duck.” Just then the duck ran away from the foxs mouth.16 . The title of this passage is “_”. ( )AThe small duckBA foolish foxCA foolish duck17 . What does “carried him away” mean? ( )AIt means “the fox took the duck away”.BIt means “the fox ate the duck”.CIt means “the duck was the foxs”.18 . Did the fox eat the duck at last? ( )AYes, he did.BNo, he didnt.CWe dont know.19 . Was the small duck clever? ( )AYes, it was.BNo, it wasnt.CWe dont know.三、填空题选择正确的单词填空,写在横线上。20 . _ (Who, What) are the children?They are Bill and Rose.21 . I have a sister and two_ (brothers, brother).22 . How many_ (photo, photos) do you have?23 . Is that tall boy Jim? Yes,_(she, he)is.24 . There are seven people in your picture,_ (so, but) you have a big family.根据提示完成单词或词组。25 . Where did you go _ (上周日)?26 . I _ (野营) with my friends last weekend.27 . Are you _ (身体好)?28 . John _ (骑马) yesterday.29 . Mike _ (从跌落) his bike and hurt his foot.用括号内所给词的正确形式填空。30 . Mr. Brown can play basketball very _(good).31 . My birthdays on the _(five) of February.32 . Jims parents are doctors, my parents are _(farm).33 . Please help _(they) do some housework.34 . My brother Mike likes _(play) football very much.35 . The box is _(heavy) than that one.36 . It means you shouldnt _(cycling) here.37 . The weather is going to be _ (rain) tomorrow.38 . It is an _day, we are all very _.(excite)39 . The _(Australia) like koalas very much.四、汉译英汉译英。40 . 科目_41 . 数学_42 . 散步_43 . 钢笔_44 . 多雨的_45 . 天气_五、英汉混合英汉互译。46 . 在旁边_47 . 电影院_48 . 餐馆_49 . second _50 . first _六、填内容补全对话补充下面的小诗。51 . R_ d_ r_. (quack) R_ d_ r_. (quack)52 . U_ the s_. (quack)U_ the s_. (quack)53 . R_ d_ r_. (quack) R_ d_ r_. (quack; quack)第 6 页 共 6 页

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