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武汉市2020年(春秋版)六年级上册第一次月考英语试卷D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . Was he naughty then? ( )No. _AHe was.BHe is cute.CHe was cute.2 . SomeEnglishchildren_toChinalastweek.( )AcomeBgoCcame选出画线部分读音不同的选项。3 . AcousinBhouseCmouthDabout4 . AfindBlikeChappilyDdiet5 . AmustBrunCcutDcomputer6 . AnoodlesBlookCcookDfoot7 . AcleanBmeanChealthyDmeat8 . Mrs White is a doctor._ can help people. ( )AHeBHerCShe9 . My grandma some tangyuan for us just now. ( )AmakeBmadeCmakesDmaking10 . They will meet the teachers in the room.( )AmeetBmeetingCmeets选出与所给单词同类的选项。11 . library ( )AwhereBexcuseCcinema12 . go straight ( )Aturn rightBput onCtake off13 . post office ( )AnorthBmuseumCsouth14 . play football ( )Aride a bikeBby trainCget off15 . stand up ( )Athe rulesBred lightCsit down16 . They often _ on Saturday afternoon. ( )Aplay the footballBplaying footballCplay football17 . One day, the lion _the mouse. ( )AcaughtBcatchCcatches18 . Did you _ to the West Lake Park? ( )Yes, we _.Ago; didBwent; didCgo; didnt19 . The supermarket is_ your left. ( )AinBtoConDat二、阅读选择阅读理解。One day, a hungry tiger met a fox(狐狸). He wanted to eat the fox. He said, “Fox, I am hungry. I want to eat you today.” The fox was very clever. He said to the tiger, “I am stronger than (比)you. You cannot eat me”The tiger asked,“Why?” The fox answered, “Please walk after me. The animals see me, and then they will run away. Because I am very strong, they dont want me to eat them. ”Then the tiger walked behind the fox. A monkey saw them. He ran away quickly. A rabbit saw them, and he ran away, too. A goat saw them, and he ran away, too. The tiger knew the fox was stronger than him, and he didnt dare(敢,敢于) to eat the fox then.根据文章内容,选择最佳答案20 . The tiger was _.( )A. weak B. hungry C. thirsty21 . The tiger wanted to eat _.( )A. a rabbit B. a monkey C. a fox22 . Why did animals run away? ( )A. Because they saw the fox.B. Because they saw the tiger.C. Because the fox was stronger.23 . What will the tiger do? ( )A. He will ran away, too. B. He will eat the fox. C. He will not eat the fox.24 . Who is cleverer? ( )A. The fox B. The goat C. The tiger三、完形填空完形填空。My name is Daming. I am twelve years old. I am a student. This is a photo_ my family. This is my father. He is a policeman. He_ to work at 8 oclock. This is my mother. She is a nurse. She goes to work late. And she is very busy. She helps the _. This is my brother. He is a taxi driver. She goes to work_ half past five. Thats very early. He takes me to_ every day. I love my family.25 . AaboutBofCfor26 . AgoesBwentCwill go27 . AchildrenBpatientsCworkers28 . AatBinCon29 . AfarmBfactoryCschool四、填空题词汇。(根据句意,首字母,汉语或所给词提示填入所缺单词。)30 . I am going to visit the Art Museum, _ Museum(科学博物馆), _ Museum(历史博物馆), _Museum(机器人博物馆), and _ Museum(汽车博物馆) this summer holiday.31 . Is Qiqi _the box?Yes. 32 . There is a sofa, a _(桌子), a _(电视), and a _(台灯) in the sitting room.33 . Its not a desk. Its a t_34 . Now Danny is _ (put) on his winter coat.35 . What _ (happen) to you? I _(lose) my keys.36 . Everyone wants to be _ (health) and strong.五、任务型阅读读下面短文,根据文章内容,判断句子正(T)误(F)。Long long ago, there was a king. He liked to write stories. He thought his stories were very good. He showed his stories to some people. These people didnt like the stories, but they were afraid of the king. So they said the stories were good.One day the king showed his stories to an old man. The old man said the stories were bad. The king was very angry and sent the old man to prison (监狱).Some days later, the king asked the old man to have dinner in the palace. The king gave some of his stories to the old man again. “What do you think of these stories? The king asked the old man. The old man said to the soldiers (士兵). “Take me back to prison.”37 . The king liked to write stories. (_)38 . Some people liked the kings stories. (_)39 . The old man made the king very angry. (_)40 . The king asked the old man to write stories in the palace. (_)41 . The kings stories were very good. (_)六、汉译英根据中文提示写出相应的英文42 . 我的第一天_43 . 味道很好_44 . 一些有趣的东西_45 . 不同口味_46 . 例如_47 . 在西方_48 . 在午餐时间_49 . 下大雨_50 . 用刀和叉_51 . 某一天_七、英汉混合英汉互译52 . 又饿又渴_53 . 在前面_54 . 正合适_55 . 在我们俩之间_56 . 在森林里_57 . 一张硬床_58 . 在房子旁边_59 . 一些汤_60 . 一栋新房子_61 . be afraid of the bear_八、句型转换62 . 按要求改写句子。1. Whats wrong with you?(同义句转换)Whats _ _ with you?2. He has a toothache.(对划线部分提问)_ _ with _?3. You should take some medicine.(对划线部分提问)_ should _ _?4. She should put on her coat.(改为否定句)She _ _ _ her coat.九、书面表达63 . 写作。请以“A happy family”为题,根据下面表格中的信息写一篇短文。要求:语句通顺,书写认真,不少于5句话。TimeWherePeopleActivitiesFeelingsLong long agoOn the mountainA manWork hard on the farmBusy, happyA womanWash clothes, cook, look after the childA happy family第 8 页 共 8 页


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