英语:unit4 the Burger business-reading教案(牛津上海版S2A)

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教学无忧http:/jiaoxue5u.taobao.com/专注中小学 教学事业!Unit4 The Burger BusinessReading教案一、 章节分析(Reading section )(一)综述本章节主要讲述了麦当劳这个世界著名的快餐公司的历史,发展壮大以及它成功的原因。由于McDonalds几乎在同学们的生活中随处可见,与日常生活息息相关,学生们对这个主题是非常熟悉的,因此,教师可以利用这个话题充分激发学生的兴趣,积极引导学生,培养他们说的能力,同时提高学生的阅读能力 。本课的任务有三个:1.学生通过对课文的学习。掌握一些核心词汇,例如:impress, expand, introduce, adopt,及establish等。2.在学习课文的过程中,除了进行课文的整体阅读之外,还要求学生收集相关的快餐店如KFC, Pizza Hut等的资料,进行比较学习和拓展阅读,提高学生的阅读能力及自学能力。3. 通过学习课文,了解作者如何安排这样的文章,即如何构思写一篇关于一家公司的发展历史的文章,为写作部分做好准备。(二)阅读目标1 知识目标学习课文中重点词、词组、句型和语法。2 能力目标通过阅读进一步了解McDonalds的历史以及其他快餐店如KFC等的历史。3 情感目标对文中所讲述的MacDonalds的发展历史进行分析, 学习它的巨大成功的原因,由此激励学生要想成功,要有严肃认真的态度,注重点点滴滴的细节,在学习上亦然。(三)教学方法采用任务型教学法组织教学,通过听说,讨论等具体活动,达到教学效果。(四)重点和难点1 词汇学习1) 核心词汇 teamstaffimpressexpand / extend /stretchbranchesannualswiftlyintroducerightcriticadopt / adaptestablish2) 拓展词汇 milk shakeoutletburgeruniformimport /export3) 词组和短语 be surprised atin white uniformsneat and tidybe opened for businesskeep doing sth. set upbe happy within historybe accepted asstand for / stand by / stand outlook into ones eyes / look into sth. / look forward to / look up/ look outnotbutintroduceinto4) 句型学习1. It is said that MaDonalds staff training programme is one of the best in the world.2. ,but no doubt a plan is already being made for one.3. It read, “McDonalds Hamburgers”.教学设计(Teaching Designs)教学内容教学实施建议教学资源参考Pre-reading 建议老师在这个阶段完成以下三个任务:l 根据课文主题,可以从What do you know about?(P57)谈起, l 然后通过图片和食品名称连线的方式把学生带入一个他们非常熟悉的话题快餐l 通过Page 75 的听力,使学生获得一些基本的关于McDonalds 的相关知识。即锻炼了学生对于数字的听力能力,也为进入课文做好铺垫。具体处理这部分内容的建议见链接1,2 中学英语合作网牛津英语教学参考Page 57While-reading 这是本课的重点部分。因为学生非常熟悉这种快餐以及其产品,所以将课文中出现的词汇贯穿其中,使学生在结合现实生活中的实际体验中习得课文中的词汇。l Skimming中的问题对于学生来说非常简单而且通过了pre-reading 这一环节,学生能在很短时间内运用自己生活中所获得的知识及skimming技巧完成练习。 l Scanning部分练习,要求学生运用scanning技巧通过快速阅读的形式搜索到每一个问题的答案。l Further understanding 经过以上两个环节后,进入课文深层次的理解,可以通过下列两个步骤1)Raise the questions according to the numbers mentioned in the passage; 2) Synopsis.第一个步骤是在学生经过pre-reading的听力环节和scanning环节的基础上获取更多的McDonalds的相关知识;第二个步骤是要求学生概括段落大意,概括使学生熟悉本文的布局, 了解作者是如何组织本文的,同时也培养了学生的阅读能力。 具体处理这部分内容的建议见链接3 Post-reading l 设置jigsaw reading。 即教师提供阅读素材两篇, 一篇是关于Pizza Hut,另外一篇是关于KFC, 学生在这一环节里,可以用教师所提供的阅读素材向组内其他同学讲述这两个家快餐店是如何发展并取得成功。这个设计既可以锻炼学生的快速阅读理解能力, 还能锻炼学生的说的能力。l 安排学生讨论:What do these fast food restaurants have in common? What made these fast food restaurants so successful? 这是课文的拓展部分,同时也是为实现本课的情感目标,引导学生总结出成功要具备的素质。参考网站:www.google.com www.fiftiesweb.com/pop/kfc.htmwww.pizzahut.com链接1说明:课文相关知识的引入。McDonalds USA Menu ItemsBeveragesLow fat milkOrange juiceSoft drinksBreakfastBacon, egg &cheese biscuitEgg McMuffinHam and Egg cheese bagelHash brownsHotcakesSausage biscuitSausage biscuit with eggSausage breakfast burritoSausage McMuffin Sausage McMuffin with eggSteak and egg cheese bagelChicken McNuggetsDesserts/ShakesBaked apple pieMcFlurryChocolate chip cookiesShakeFruit n yogurt parfaitSundaeM&M McFlurryIce cream coneFrench Fries/Muffins/DanishFrench friesApple danishApple bran muffinSandwichesBig MacBig n tastyBig n tasty with cheeseCheeseburgerChicken McGrillCrispy chickenFilet-O-FishHamburgerQuarter pounderQuarter pounder with cheese链接2说明:More fast food brands , their motto and logo Quality, Service, Cleanliness and Value (Q.S.C. & V.) We do one thing and we do it well. “Deo Vindice,” translated as “God will Vindicate,”Have it your way Come alive, youre in the Pepsi generation ALWAYS COCA-COLA链接3说明:本部分建议采用任务型阅读教学方法。通过略读、扫读、细读等不同手段来提高学生的阅读理解能力,从而培养学生的阅读技巧。Teaching proceduresStep One Warming-upl Match the following pictures and the names for it.ShakeFrench FriesHamburgerBig MacSundaeIce cream coneBaked apple pieChicken McNuggetl Finish Listening on Page 75 Step Twol Skimming Skim the text and try to answer the following questions. Questions for the students to consider and answer1.What do you know about?2. Whats your impression on McDonalds? Use some adjectives to describe it. 3. Where do you think this passage is taken from?4. How is this passage arranged?l ScanningScan the passage and find the answers to the following questions(Part B, Page 58) Step Three l Further understanding建议教师通过下列环节带领学生进入课文学习。1. Synopsis: 通过让学生填空的形式完成段落大意的概括,Paragraph 1-3 Ray Kroc see the original Mcdonalds restaurant.Paragraph 4-7 He starts setting up more restaurants ,buys the rights and the business expands very fast.Paragraph 8-9 McDonalds expands into HK.Paragraph 10-12 Some reasons for the success of Macdonalds1) “Q.S.C.V” motto2) Sufficient training for the employeesParagraph 13 The present and the future2. 因为这篇文章提到好几个数据,所以教师可以通过先给答案然后让学生根据答案设置问题的方式进一步让学生了解文章的细节。1) eight milk shake machines-How many milk shake machines did Mcdonalds Hamburgers buy in 1954?2) in 1948-When did Mac& Dick start that business?3) the 100th McDonalds-In 1959, what was opened inMcDonalds history?4) US$2.7 million-How much did the McDonald brothers get in 1961?5) US$1million-What was the annual sales by 1972?6) in 1975-When did McDonalds expand into HK?以上环节有助于理解全文的框架,从而加深对于课文的理解。 Step Four Post-readingl Jigsaw reading: 这一环节中,教师引领学生在进行了以上对于课文的整体理解以及细节讨论的基础上,通过阅读和小组交换信息, 进一步获取更多的有关快餐店的知识。 McDonaldsKFCPizza hutWhen was it founded?Where was it founded?Who founded it?How many branches ?Motto (If any) Step Five Homework1. Read the text after the tape.2. Make a poster for a certain food or drink product and display it in the next class.链接4说明:关于著名的几大快餐店的补充阅读材料,拓展学生的阅读能力,并加深对课文主题的理解。 Kentucky Fried Chickens Humble BeginningsColonel Sanders was always experimenting with food at his restaurant, Sanders Court & Cafe, in Corbin, Ky., in those early days of the 1930s. He kept adding this and that to the flour for frying chicken and came out with a pretty good-tasting product. But it was sloooow. Customers still had to wait 30 minutes for it while he fried it up in an iron skillet. Most other restaurants serving what they called Southern fried chicken fried it in deep fat. That was quicker, but the taste wasnt the same. Then the Colonel went to a demonstration of a new-fangled gizmo called a pressure cooker sometime in the late 1930s. During the demonstration, green beans turned out tasty and done just right in only a few minutes. This set his mind to thinking. He wondered how it might work on chicken. He bought one of the pressure cookers and made a few adjustments. After a lot of experimenting with cooking time, pressure, shortening temperature and level, Eureka! Hed found a way to fry chicken quickly, under pressure, and come out with the best chicken hed ever tasted. In the early 1950s a new interstate highway was planned to bypass the town of Corbin. Seeing an end to his business, the Colonel auctioned off his operations. After paying his bills, he was reduced to living on his $105 Social Security checks. Confident of the quality of his fried chicken, the Colonel devoted himself to the chicken franchising business that he started in 1952. He traveled across the country by car from restaurant to restaurant, cooking batches of chicken for restaurant owners and their employees. If the reaction was favorable, he entered into a handshake agreement on a deal that stipulated a payment to him of a nickel for each chicken the restaurant sold.By 1964, Colonel Sanders had more than 600 franchised outlets for his chicken in the United States and Canada. That year, he sold his interest in the U.S. company for $2 million to a group of investors including John Y. Brown Jr., who later was governor of Kentucky from 1980 to 1984.For years, Colonel Harland Sanders carried the secret formula for his Kentucky Fried Chicken in his head and the spice mixture in his car. Today, the recipe is locked away in a safe in Louisville, Ky. Only a handful of people know that multi-million dollar recipe (and theyve signed strict confidentiality contracts). Today, security precautions protecting the recipe would make even James Bond proud. When 90 year old Colonel Sanders died of leukemia in 1980 - still possessing the arteries of a much younger man - his body lay in state in the Kentucky capitol rotunda. How did we begin?We started our life in 1958 when Frank and Dan Carney opened the first Hut in Wichita, Kansas. The first Pizza Hut restaurant was only small, with enough room for 25 seats; the restaurant sign only had space for nine letters. Frank and Dan wanted to have Pizza in the name, which left space for just 3 more letters. Because the building looked like a hut. Pizza Hut was born! Fifteen years later, the first UK restaurant opened. Since then we have grown to become the biggest Pizza Company on the planet. Were the UKs leading pizza restaurant and delivery chain too, with over 600 outlets across the country. We are part of Yum Restaurants International (who also own KFC, Taco Bell, Long John Silvers, A & W and Pizza Hut Worldwide).Pizza Hut is the family pizza place.As a matter of fact, we are rooted in family - literally. Two brothers, mom and $600 turned into the recipe for the worlds largest pizza company in 1958, when a family friend with the idea of opening a pizza parlor approached the two college-age brothers in Kansas. The concept was relatively new at the time and the brothers quickly saw the potential of this new enterprise. Borrowing $600 from their mother, they purchased second-hand equipment and rented a small building on a busy intersection in Wichita, Kansas. The result of their efforts was the first Pizza Hut and the foundation for what would become the largest and most successful pizza restaurant in the world. Look how far weve come.Pizza Hut franchisees exemplify the entrepreneurial spirit which launched our system back in 1958. Through interest and initiative, the Pizza Hut system was able to develop new territories both in the United States and overseas.Today, franchisees and joint venture partnerships account for more than half of the Pizza Hut systems total units. Our development on the international front is a good indication of the growth that has characterized our system. Following the opening of the first international restaurant in Canada in 1968, Pizza Hut restaurants quickly appeared in Mexico, South America, Australia, Europe, the Far East and Africa. Today, Pizza Hut operates in more than 100 countries and territories throughout the world.How to be the bestFamily ties. Another important step in our growth came in 1977 when Pizza Hut was acquired by one of the true giants of international business: PepsiCo, Inc. As part of the PepsiCo corporate family, Pizza Hut shared its leadership position with such fine products as Pepsi-Cola brand soft drinks and Frito-Lay brand snack foods.In October 1997, PepsiCo spun off the restaurant businesses (Pizza Hut, KFC and Taco Bell) and Tricon was founded. May 16, 2002 Tricon officially became YUM! Brands with the addition of two new brands, Long John Silvers and A&W. YUM! Brands is now the parent company Pizza Hut, Taco Bell, KFC, A&W and Long John Silvers and is the worlds largest restaurant company in terms of restaurants with more than 34,000 restaurants in more than 100 countries and territories.客服唯一联系qq 1119139686 欢迎跟我们联系


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