I love English——英语演讲稿

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I love English英语演讲稿目录第一篇:英语演讲稿I love englIsh第二篇:英语演讲稿I love englIsh第三篇:小学英语演讲稿 I love englIsh第四篇:小学生英语演讲稿 I love englIsh第五篇:英语演讲 I love englIsh更多相关范文正文第一篇:英语演讲稿I love englIshI love englIshas everyone knows, englIsh Is very Important today. It has been used everywhere In the world.but for myself, I learn englIsh not only because of Its Importance, but also because of my love for It. when I learn englIsh, I can feel a dIfferent way of thInkIng whIch gIves me more room to touch the world. when I speak englIsh, I can feel the confIdence from my s.I love englIsh. It gIves me a colorful dream. I hope I can travel around the world some day. wIth my good englIsh, I can make many foreIgn frIends.I also want to use my good englIsh to(请收藏本站:.) Introduce our great places to the englIsh spoken people. I hope that they can love our country lIke us.I am sure that I wIll realIze my dream one day! thank you!亲爱的老师,同学们:我很高兴可以在这个课堂上做一次演讲。这一次,我想谈谈英语。我的话题是我爱英语。正如每个人所知,英语在今天十分重要。它已经被应用到世界的各个角落。但是对我而言,我学英语不仅仅因为它的重要性,更是因为我喜爱英语。当我学英语时,我可以体会到一种不同的思维方式,它可以给我更多接触世界的空间。当我说英语时,我可以感到自信。我爱英语,它给了我一个色彩斑斓的梦。我希望有朝一日我可以畅游世界,用我流利的英语,我可以和世界各地的人交友。我能看到许多的名胜。我也希望用我流利的英语来将我们的名胜介绍给说英语的朋友,我希望他们可以像我们一样的爱我们的国家。我相信总有一天我会实现我的梦!第二篇:英语演讲稿I love englIshas everyone knows,englIsh Is very Important today.It has been used everywhere In the world.It has bee the most mon language on Internet and for InternatIonal trade. If we can speak englIsh well,we wIll have more chance to succeed.because more and more people have taken notIce of It,the number of the people who go to learn englIsh has Increased at a hIgh speed. but for myself,I learn englIsh not only because of Its Importance and Its usefulness,but also because of my love for It.when I learn englIsh, I can feel a dIfferent way of thInkIng whIch gIves me more room to touch the world.when I read englIsh novels,I can feel the pleasure from the book whIch Is dIfferent from readIng the translatIon.when I speak englIsh, I can feel the confIdent from my s.when I wrIte englIsh,I can see the beauty whIch Is not the same as our chInese.I love englIsh,It gIves me a colorful dream.I hope I can travel around the world one day. wIth my good englIsh, I can make frIends wIth many people from dIfferent contrIes.I can see many places of great Intrests.I dream that I can go to london,because It Is the bIrth place of englIsh.I also want to use my good englIsh to Introduce our great places to the englIsh spoken people,I hope that they can love our country lIke us.I know, rome was not buIlt In a day. I belIeve that after contInuous hard study, one day I can speak englIsh very well.If you want to be loved, you should learn to love and be lovable. so I belIeve as I love englIsh everyday , It wIll love me too.I am sure that I wIll realIze my dream one day!thank you!亲爱的老师,同学们:我很高兴可以在这个课堂上做一次演讲,英语演讲稿I love englIsh,演讲稿英语演讲稿I love englIsh。这一次,我想谈谈英语。我的话题是我爱英语。正如每个人所知,英语在今天十分重要。它已经被应用到世界的各个角落。它已经成为商业上最为通用的一门语言并广泛的用于国际贸易。如果我们能说好英语,我们就有更多的机会成功。因为越来越多的人注意到这一点,学英语的人数正在已很高的速度增长。但是对我而言,我学英语不仅仅因为它的重要性以及它的实用性,更是因为我喜爱英语。当我学英语时,我可以体会到一种不同的思维方式,它可以给我更多接触世界的空间。当我读英语小说时,我能感受到不同于阅读翻译文的快乐。当我说英语时,我可以感到自信。当我写英语时,我能够感到不同于汉语的那种美&hellIp;&hellIp;我爱英语,它给了我一个色彩斑斓的梦。我希望有朝一日我可以畅游世界,用我流利的英语,我可以和世界各地的人交友。我能看到许多的名胜。我希望我能够到伦敦去,因为那里是英语的故乡。我也希望用我流利的英语来将我们的名胜介绍给说英语的朋友,我希望他们可以像我们一样的爱我们的国家。我知道,罗马不是一天筑成的。(成功需要日积月累。)我相信在持续不断的努力学习下,总有一天我可以拥有一口流利的英语。如果你想被爱,你就应该学着去爱他人。所以我相信我对英语的爱定将换来它对我的爱。我相信总有一天我会实现我的梦!谢谢!英语演讲稿I love englIsh第三篇:小学英语演讲稿 I love englIshIloveenglIsh.englIshlanguageIsnowusedeverywhereIntheworld.IthasbeethemostmonlanguageonInternetandforInternatIonaltrade.learnIngenglIshmakesmeconfIdentandbrIngsmegreatpleasure.whenIwasseven,mymothersentmetoanenglIshschool.atthere,IplayedgamesandsangenglIshsongswIthotherchIldren.thenIdIscoveredthebeautyofthelanguage,andbeganmycolorfuldreamIntheenglIshworld.everyday,IreadenglIshfollowIngthetapes.sometImes,IwatchenglIshcartoons.ontheweekend,IoftengototheenglIshcorner.bytalkIngwIthdIfferentpeoplethere,IhavemademoreandmorefrIendsaswellasImprovedmyoralenglIsh.IhopeIcantravelaroundtheworldsomeday.IwanttogotoamerIcatovIsItwashIngtonmonument,becausethepresIdentwashIngtonIsmyIdol.ofcourse,Iwanttogotolondontoo,becauseenglandIswhereenglIshlanguagedeveloped.IfIcanrIdemybIkeIncambrIdgeunIversIty,IwIllbeveryhappy.IhopeIcanspeakenglIshwItheveryoneIntheworld.IllIntroducechInatothem,suchasthegreatwall,theforbIddencItyandanshan.Iknow,romewasnotbuIltInaday.IbelIevethataftercontInuoushardstudy,onedayIcanspeakenglIshverywell.Ifyouwanttobeloved,youshouldlearntoloveandbelovable.soIbelIeveasIloveenglIsheveryday,ItwIlllovemetoo.第四篇:小学生英语演讲稿 I love englIshdear teacher and classmates:I am very glad to make a speech here In thIs class agaIn! thIs tIme, Id lIke to talk somethIng about englIsh. I love englIsh. englIsh language Is now used everywhere In the world. It has bee the most mon language on Internet and for InternatIonal trade. learnIng englIsh makes me confIdent and brIngs me great pleasure.when I was seven, my mother sent me to an englIsh school. at there, I played games and sang englIsh songs wIth other chIldren . then I dIscovered the beauty of the language, and began my colorful dream In the englIsh world.everyday, I read englIsh followIng the tapes. sometImes, I watch englIsh cartoons. on the weekend, I often go to the englIsh corner. by talkIng wIth dIfferent people there, I have made more and more frIends as well as Improved my oral englIsh.I hope I can travel around the world someday. I want to go to amerIca to vIsIt washIngton monument, because the presIdent washIngton Is my Idol. of course, I want to go to london too, because england Is where englIsh language developed. If I can rIde my bIke In cambrIdge unIversIty, I wIll be very happy.I hope I can speak englIsh wIth everyone In the world. Ill Introduce chIna to them, such as the great wall, the forbIdden cIty and anshan.I know, rome was not buIlt In a day. I belIeve that after contInuous hard study, one day I can speak englIsh very well.If you want to be loved, you should learn to love and be lovable. so I belIeve as I love englIsh everyday , It wIll love me too.第五篇:英语演讲 I love englIshteachIng englIsh makes me progress and Ilove englIshIve been workIng at *prImary school for three years,I love my job,I love englIsh and I enjoy sharIng my knowledge to my students.when I was a chIld,my older sIster always showed off she could speak englIsh,some very easy englIsh s.such lIke apple,pear,cat and doghowever,after she taught me,I showed off my lIttle frIends I can speak englIsh,they were very envy.then a dream appeared In my mInd slowly.I wanted to be a teacher,an englIsh teacher.to teach others speak englIsh,that must be fun!wIth great efforts,I achIeved my dream.now teachIng englIsh Is my job.I teach my students englIsh,speakIng,wrItIng,readIng and lIstenIng wIth them every day.we share everythIng,the dIalogues,the s,the englIsh storIes,I fInd that I and my students make progress together everyday.what a pleasure!teachIng englIsh Is a hard work.you have to prepare your lessons well,make your classes enjoyable.you have to learn to get along wIth your students and to deal wIth all kInds of trouble.teachIng Is also a lot of fun.you always have many students around.It gIves me a happy and meanIngfull lIfe.I lIke It! and they drove me progress.I love englIshas everyone knows,englIsh Is very Important today.It has been used everywhere In the world.It has bee the mostmon language on Internet and for InternatIonal trade. If we can speak englIsh well,we wIll have more chance to succeed.because more and more people have taken notIce of It,the number of the people who go to learn englIsh has Increased at a hIgh speed.but for myself,I learn englIsh not only because of Its Importance and Its usefulness,but also because of my love for It.when I learn englIsh, I can feel a dIfferent way of thInkIng whIch gIves me more room to touch the world.when I read englIsh novels,I can feel the pleasure from the book whIch Is dIfferent from readIng the translatIon.when I speak englIsh, I can feel the confIdent from my s.when I wrIte englIsh,I can see the beauty whIch Is not the same as our chInese.I love englIsh,It gIves me a colorful dream.I hope I can travel around the world one day. wIth my good englIsh, I can make frIends wIth many people from dIfferent contrIes.I can see many places of great Intrests.I dream that I can go to london,because It Is the bIrth place of englIsh.I know, rome was not buIlt In a day. I belIeve that after contInuous hard study, one day I can speak englIsh very well.thank you!除以上范文外更多的相关范本:I love englIsh 我爱英语I love englIsh 第一周I love englIsh 中英文why I love englIshI love englIsh第 9 页 共 9 页


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