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广西壮族自治区2019年三年级下册期中测试英语试卷D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . _ do you live in? ( )AWhereBWhenCWhat2 . Two months ago The Whites went to see Tower Bridge in_. ( )ANew YorkBSydneyCShanghaiDLondon3 . 选出不同类的单词:( )AcatBdogCfish4 . Our classmates _ surprised. ( )AareBisCwas5 . Beijing is the_ of China. ( )AnorthBcountryCcapital6 . 选出与句中画线单词同类的一项:There were many flowers on the hill. ( )AarriveBmountainCtrip7 . runAunderBblue8 . Amy _ very sad. Whats wrong _ her ? ( )Alooks, withBlook, withClooks, to二、情景交际9 . 早晨一起床,你跟妈妈打招呼说( )AGood morning, Mom.BGoodbye, Mom.10 . 你想知道“那是吴一凡吗”,可以这样问:AIs he Wu Yifan?BHe is Wu Yifan.11 . 你想让你的朋友看你的这些照片,你会说:( )ALook at this picture.BLook at these pictures.12 . 你想问李梅远处的那些动物是什么,你这样问:_( )AWhat are these?BWhat are those?三、任务型阅读阅读理解,判断句子正(T)误(F)。One day, Mr. and Mrs. White went shopping by car. They stopped their car near a shop. They bought many things and they wanted to put the things into the car. But Mr. White couldnt open the car. A policeman came to help. Then a man came up and shouted(喊),“What are you doing? This is my car.” Mr. and Mrs. White looked at the cars number. It wasnt their car.13 . Mr. and Mrs. White went shopping by car.(_)14 . They stopped their car in front of a restaurant.(_)15 . They didnt buy any things.(_)16 . The policeman helped Mr. White.(_)17 . Mr. White couldnt open the car, because this was not his car. (_)四、判断题18 . 判断图片与句子是(T)否(F)相符:Lets fly the kites.(_)五、选内容补全对话选词填空,完成短文。Hi, Im Lili. Im from China. Im a 19 . (student teacher). This is my family. Look at the man, 20 . (Hes Shes) my father. Look at the woman, 21 . (Hes Shes) my mother. 22 . (Hes Shes) a 23 . (student teacher). I love my family.第 3 页 共 3 页

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