广西壮族自治区2019年英语一年级上册 Module 6 Unit 2 It’s my ruler练习卷D卷

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广西壮族自治区2019年英语一年级上册 Module 6 Unit 2 It’s my ruler练习卷D卷_第1页
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广西壮族自治区2019年英语一年级上册 Module 6 Unit 2 It’s my ruler练习卷D卷_第2页
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广西壮族自治区2019年英语一年级上册 Module 6 Unit 2 It’s my ruler练习卷D卷_第3页
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广西壮族自治区2019年英语一年级上册 Module 6 Unit 2 Its my ruler练习卷D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . _ a pencil case. ( )AItBItsCIts2 . 选出不同类的单词:( )AheavyBdifferentCsweets3 . What _ Ann often _ on Friday?Ado , inBdoes, doCdoes, does4 . How Amy feel? ( )AdoesBdoCare5 . Read and choose the wrong one:Whatarethis?(_)A B C6 . ( )AeraserBpen二、填空题根据所给图片或首字母结合句意填空。7 . Some_are in danger now. We must protect(保护)them8 . Mike s_Chinese in China. 9 . My _ is blue and green. 10 . Look! The book shop is on the l_.单词拼写(词汇运用)。11 . _ the children like playing football. They are happy. 12 . Look at _(我).13 . Gina likes c_Chinese food. 14 . Where are the _?On the table.15 . I like this k _te.16 . Look, read and fill in the blanks:We are going _.17 . Count and write:- How many _ are there on the table? - There are _.根据所给图片及所给中文提示,完成句子18 . What colour is your skirt? Its _.19 . Look at my _ .20 . This apple is _.21 . What colour is your new _(帽子). Its _(白色的).22 . 根据图片,补全句子:Lets go to _ . 三、英译汉23 . 英译汉:Excuse me._24 . 英译汉:Whats this?_四、汉译英25 . 汉译英:这是我的书本。_26 . 汉译英:那个是什么?_五、英汉混合英汉互译。27 . 有一辆好看的车_28 . 喜欢车_29 . 一名工人_30 . 制作许多的汽车_31 . 如此多的车_32 . some sick people_33 . three nurses_34 . an English teacher_六、仿写对话35 . 仿照例子写句子。例:A: Help me! Im hurt.B: Where?C: I hurt my face.1. A:_B:_C:_2. A:_B:_C:_3. A:_B:_C:_4. A:_B:_C:_5. A:_B:_C:_36 . 根据例句写句子。例:Whose watch is this?Its my watch.1_2_3_4_5_七、连线题37 . 读一读,连一连。1. windowA2. snowB3. flowerC4. cowD第 8 页 共 8 页

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