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广西壮族自治区2019-2020年度六年级下册小升初模拟测试英语试卷(六)D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . Its an office_. ( )AbuildBbuildingCbuilt2 . Will you make with Tom? ( )AfriendBa friendCfriendsDthe friend3 . I like _, but I dont like this _ ( )Atiger, tigersBtigers, tigersCtigers, tiger4 . Hello, Sarah. This _ myfriend, Mike. ( )AamBisCare5 . I _home _5:30. ( )AgoesBgo to; atCgo; at6 . We do a lot _ interesting things _ science class. ( )Aon; inBfor; onCof; inDan; on7 . They sit _ the classroom. ( )Ain the front ofBin front ofCin front from8 . _writer and _ poet is coming to give us a talk this afternoon. ( )AA; aBThe; theCThe; aDThe; /9 . Are there _small houses in your village? ( )AanyBsomeCa10 . 这是一个橙色的橘子。( )AThis is a orange orange.BThis is an orange orange.11 . There _ an apple on the plate. ( )AamBisCare12 . She can _ her clothes. ( )AwashesBwashCclean13 . 多少个女孩?( )AHow many girls?BHow many boys?14 . _is in December. ( )AChristmasBChinas National DayCNew Years Day15 . Amy likes _ in the sea. ( )AswimingBswimsCswimming16 . She _up at six in the morning. ( )AgetBto getCgetsDgetting17 . George in this factory five years ago, so hehere for five years. ( )Abegan to work, has workedBwas working, workedChas worked, has workedDworked, worked二、阅读选择根据短文内容,选择正确的答案。Hi, my name is Amy. Im from the UK. Im twelve years old. I like drawing very much. I have sixteen crayons. And I have twenty books. John is my brother. He is nine years old. He likes cars. He has eighteen toy cars in his toy box.18 . Where is Amy from? ( )Shes from _.Athe USABChinaCthe UK19 . How old is Amy? ( )_.ANineBTwentyCTwelve20 . Amy has _ books. ( )A20B16C1921 . Amy has _ crayons. ( )AnineteenBeighteenCsixteen22 . You can see _ toy cars in the toy box. ( )AfifteenBeighteenCsixteen三、填空题读句子,根据图片提示选词填空,将序号填在横线上AbagBsixCwhiteDmilkEhead23 . Lets make a puppet. This is the _. 24 . I have a blue _. 25 . Have some _, please. 26 . One, two, three, four, five, _, seven. Wow! I see seven pears. 27 . I see orange. I see _. 看图片,根据题目写出相应的单词或短语。28 . How tall are you?Im _. (1.64m) 29 . The dinosaur isnt tall. Im _ than this one. 30 . She is _ than her grandpa. 31 . John is _ than Zhang Peng.32 . Chen Jies skirt is _.四、任务型阅读33 . 阅读理解Today is Saturday. Peters family is all at home. They would like to do some housework. His father says: I can sweep the floor, and clean the windows. His mother says: I can wash the clothes and cook the meals. Peter and his sister say: Lets water the flowers, empty the trash and put away the clothes.(1)It is Saturday today.( )(2)Peters brother is not at home.( )(3)His father can sweep the floor.( )(4)His mother can cook the meals.( )(5)Peter cant put away the clothes.( )五、句型转换Rewrite the following sentences按要求改写句子:34 . I like this book. ( 一般疑问句)_ like this book?35 . Jill lives near the school. (否定句)Jill _ near the school.36 . Ginger likes to eat fish. (一般疑问句)_Ginger _ to eat fish?37 . They walk to school every day. ( 一般疑问句)_ they _ to school every day?38 . Ben and Alice canswim very fast. (对划线提问)_ Ben and Alice _?39 . HernameisJane.(划线部分提问)_ his name?六、匹配题40 . 在II栏中找出与I栏中句子相应的答句,I II(_)1. Whats your favourite sport?AYes, he can(_)2. Whats the time now?BSorry, I cant. Im busy.(_)3. Who is the girl with big eyes?CIve got a backache.(_)4. What are you going to do tomorrow?DIts a quarter to two. (_)5. Can David cook nice food?EShes my sister.(_)6. How far is it to the cinema?FHere they are.(_)7. Show us your new books, please.GI like running.(_)8. Whats wrong with you?H. Were going on an outing.(_)9. Ive got a headache.I. Im sorry to hear that.(_)10. Lets go and play football.J. Its three kilometers away.七、连词成句41 . 连词成句1. leave,things ,Dont,like , your , this ( .)_2. away,them , put ( .)_3. this ,your , ruler , is (?)_4. my ,is ,that ,activity ,book (.)_5. big ,long ,and ,eyes ,she ,hair ,has ._6. Put ,Remember ,your,away ,class ,after ,things (.)_7. singer ,This s ,my,Shes , a ,mother (.)_第 7 页 共 7 页

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