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广西壮族自治区2019-2020学年英语六年级上册专项训练:句子与情景交际D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、情景交际1 . 想赞美某个玩具十分漂亮时,可以说:( )AThank you.BHow beautiful!2 . 迈克想知道张朋几岁了?应该怎样问?( )AHow are you?BHow old are you?CHow many plates?3 . 同学问你多少岁了,你现在九岁,你会说:AHow old are you?BIm ten.CIm nine.4 . 当你看到朋友不顾车流横穿马路时,你该说:_( )AGo fast!BDont stop.CBe careful!5 . 表示认识对方很高兴时,说:_( )ASee you!BIm from China.CPleased to meet you.6 . Gogo想知道Jenny有没有盘子,他怎么问Tony:ADo you have plates?BDoes he have plates?CDoes she have plates.二、填空题用所单词的适当形式填空。7 . You cant see her now because she _ (have) a class in the classroom.8 . Now my father _ (tell) me about his childhood(童年).9 . Hows Mike_ (feel) now?10 . Look! The girls _(dance) in the classroom.11 . What is my uncle doing? _.看问句选择合适的答语。A. Its six thirty. B. At seven thirty.12 . When do you go home? (_)13 . What time is it? (_)14 . 用所给词的适当形式填空。1. I often _(have) dinner with my grandparents.2. She always _ (have) dancing lessons.3. What _(do)you do at weekends?4. They usually _(fly) a kite.5. What do you _(do) at weekends?15 . 根据答句,写出相应的问句。(1) ?I usually go to school by bus.(2)?I am going to wash my clothes this evening(3)?You can go to the cinema by the No. 15 bus.(4)?Yes, the park is next to the library. (5)_ ?I am watching TV now.三、英译汉16 . I am good at street dancing. ( )A我擅长街舞。B我想学街舞。17 . 将下列句子翻译成汉语:Today we are going to the park._18 . Read and translate: Ive got some orange juice. _四、汉译英19 . 汉译英。1. 超过_2. 一张的照片_3. 多长_4. 多大_根据汉语提示,完成句子。20 . 我将从网上看一些关于纽约的信息。Ill _ New York _ Internet .21 . 李雷将去图书馆找一些关于澳大利亚的书。Li Lei _ and _ some books _ Australia.22 . 悉尼是一座非常漂亮的城市。_ is a very _ .23 . 每年有许多人到香港去参观。_ visit _.24 . 等着瞧吧。Just _ and _ .五、句型转换25 . She plays basketball very well.(变为一般过去时)She _ basketball _.26 . I have got some Chinese stamps.(改为否定句)_27 . We want to go to the park. (改为一般疑问句)_want to go to the park?按要求完成句子。28 . bananas, Do, like, you (?) (连词成句)_29 . Do you like apples?(做肯定回答)_30 . Its in the bowl. (就划线部分提问)_31 . Do you like oranges? (做否定回答)_32 . 句型转换。按要求改写下列句子,每空只填一词。1. They had a good time in Beijing.(改为同义句)They _ _ in Beijing.2. I learn English by listening and speaking.(对画线部分提问)_ _ you _ English?3. She went to Beijing last year.(改为否定句)She _ _ to Beijing _ _.4. Tom does his homework carefully. (改为感叹句)_ _ Tom _ his homework!5. Mary, water the flowers.(改为现在进行时)Mary _ _ the flowers.六、填内容补全对话根据答句问问题。33 . A: _?B: I went hiking yesterday.34 . A: _?B: Amy is happy.35 . A: _?B: Yes, she watched TV last night.36 . A: _?B: No, I went fishing last Friday.37 . A:_?B:Yes, I am going to the park tomorrow.38 . 根据答句写问句,让对话合理、通顺,注意检查哦!1.A: You are always the first to school! _?B: At about 6:15.2.A: Tomorrow is weekend._?B: I usually help my mother do some housework.3.A: The two rabbits are so cute._?B: Yes, they are mine. I love them very much.4.A: Its summer in Beijing now. Its so fast._in Australia?B: No, I often make a snowman with my friends. Its winter in Australia.5.A: Peter,_?Lets go for a walk.B: Im doing my homework. Wait for a moment!39 . 看图片,补全下列对话。1._ is Susan? She is _ years old.2.Whats _ and _?Its _.3._ is the dress? Its _ yuan. 4._ is it? Its _.5.Whats your phone number? Its _.看图,写句子补全对话。40 . What time do you usually go to school?_41 . What does your mother do?_42 . Whats your hobby?_43 . What are those?_44 . Wheres the bus stop?_根据表格信息,补全问答句。45 . Whats the weather like in Sydney?Its _.46 . _?Its cool and rainy.47 . Is Moscow cold and snowy?_.48 . Is Toronto cool and cloudy?_.七、选内容补全对话选择正确的选项补全对话。A. Will you come?B. Thank you!C. At 8:00 p.m.D. Because today is my birthday.E. What will you do on your birthday?Sam: Hello, Amy. You look so happy today. Why?Amy: 49 . Sam: Happy birthday!Amy: 50 . Sam: 51 . Amy: I will have a birthday party. 52 . Sam: Sure. When is it?Amy: 53 . Sam: OK! See you later.Amy: Bye.八、改错54 . Read and correct the wrong words: Amy usually reads books in 7 oclock. _改错。55 . Ill learnsabout animals next week. (_)_A B C56 . They want tofindingabout the koalas. (_)_A B C57 . You can find many interesting things in Australian. (_)_A BC58 . The football gameis very excited. (_)_A B C59 . Many visitorcome to the Great Wall every year. (_)_A B C60 . 改错题。1. How is Jane yesterday? _2. He goes to school by bus last week. _3. He often goes home at 6:00 last month. _4. I can fly kites seven years ago. _5. Did you saw him just now? _修改病句,将正确的句子写在横线上。61 . Wang Yang wants to go to USA_62 . There is cloud in the sky._63 . Is there something in bag?_64 . The English dictionary is an useful book._65 . Would you like to play piano for us?_66 . 我是火眼金睛,我能找出错误并改正。(_)1. -What is they? -Theyremonkeys. _A B C(_)2. -Whatsthis? -Its a elephant. _A B C(_)3. She favourite colour is red. _A B C九、看图题67 . 根据图片,回答问题:-What did he do?-_68 . 看图,回答问题:Did she ride a horse? _69 . 看图,写句子:_70 . 看图,补全对话:A: How _bananas do you want?B: I want _ bananas.看图写句子。71 . The blue kite is _. The red kite is _.72 . The _ bag is heavy. The red bag is _.73 . The pink pig is _ . The white pig is_.十、连词成句连词成句。74 . very,She, friendly, is(.)_75 . tall, strong, He, and, is(.)_76 . your, Is, baby, this, brother(?)_77 . a, My, doctor, is, aunt(.)_78 . soup, you, Would, some, like (?)_连词成句。79 . music, the, is, next to, the, room, library (.)_80 . Where, is, office, teachers, the, (?)_81 . time, It, dinner, for, is, (.)_82 . is, there, What, it, time, (?)_83 . Is, hot, Sydney, it, in, (?)_连词成句。84 . I, want, rice, some, (.)_85 . schools, are, to, we, different, going (.) _86 . next, birthday, my, is , week, it, (.) _87 . is, bread, the, in, There, fridge, some, (.) _88 . Sorry, dont, I, one, have, (.)_89 . 连词成句,(注意字母大小写及标点符号的使用)1.is she a farmer (.)2.want be I to teacher a (.)3.they on farm do what have the (?)4.soup I and have chicken (.)5.classes do when have you (?)90 . 连词成句1. you are what doing (?)_2. your is coat where (?)_3. these, are, storybooks, whose, ( ? )_4. tomorrow, see, you(!)_5. can, Tom, what, do (?)_十一、连线题91 . Read and match.1. Where does your mother live? a. No, it isnt.2. How are you? b. He is playing football.3. What is he doing now?c. Fine, thank you.4. Is it cold in Beijing? d. She lives in China.第 16 页 共 16 页

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