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广州市2020年六年级下册期中测试英语试卷D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . I want _ to the London Eye. ( )Ato goBgoCgoes2 . ( ) In winter, its cold and_.AsnowyBsnow3 . - _ bird is this? ( )- Its Mr. Lis.AWhosesBWhoseCWhatDeat4 . ( ) The _ animal is pig.AtwelveBtwelfthCtwenty选出下列每组单词中不同类的一项。5 . AdressBautumnCspring6 . AsweaterBwinterCcoat7 . AshortBshortsCtrousers8 . AboatingBswimmingCbag9 . AwhoBhurtCwhat10 . Whats _ favourite food? ( )AherBhersCshe11 . Mr Smith is _ in Nanjing now. ( )Alive inBlivedClivingDliving in12 . _ you hungry, Liu Tao? ( ) Yes, _.AAre; I amBIs; I amCAre; I am not13 . What do _ have? ( )AthereBYao LingCthey14 . I feel too sick go to school!AtoBforCof15 . 1 want _ shirt. ( )Ato aBtoCa二、排序题16 . 排序。认真读句子,将它们重新排列组成一个合适的对话。1.It doesnt matter. We can go next week.2.Not well.3.Im ill. We cant go to the zoo today.4.Whats wrong with you? You look tired.5.Lets go to the hospital.6.How do you feel now?7. OK.Next week.( ) ( ) ( )( 7 ) ( ) ( ) ( )三、阅读回答问题根据表格内的信息补全句子。提示单词:often, sometimes, always, never, oncePeterJudyLucyLilySundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday17 . Peter had breakfast _ times last week. He_ has breakfast.18 . Judy had breakfast three times last week. She _has breakfast.19 . Lucy had breakfast on Sunday, _, _, _, Thursday, _and Saturday last week. She _has breakfast.20 . Lily _has breakfast.四、任务型阅读阅读短文,根据短文内容填空。We all need to exercise. Doctors say it is good for us. It makes our body strong. And we will feel better about ourselves. We can exercise twice a week. Twenty minutes each time is enough(足够的). There are many ways (方法) to exercise. We can walk, run, play sports or swim. Many people go to special(特别的)places to exercise. These places have a lot of equipment(设备). They exercise with their friends together. Some people have equipment in their homes. Exercising can be fun. How do you exercise?21 . We need exercise. And doctors say it is _ for us.22 . We can exercise _ a week.23 . _ minutes each time is enough.24 . Many people exercise with their _.25 . Some people have equipment in their _.五、句型转换26 . 按要求写句子:1.My mothers birthday is in June.(对划线部分进行提问)2. His birthday is in March. (对划线部分进行提问)3. My birthday is in February.(变一般疑问句及肯定回答)4. My fathers birthday is in January. (变一般疑问句及否定回答)5.are birthdays There three June in.(连词成句)6.January Is in birthday your ?(连词成句)7.month do best Which you like?(连词成句)8.birthday is April Alices in Cousin.(连词成句)9.我姐姐的生日在六月。(翻译句子)10.你的生日是什么时候?(翻译句子)六、匹配题中英文配对。A制作面条B加冰的果汁C中式快餐D西红柿鸡蛋面E谢谢你27 . Chinese fast food(_)28 . make noodles(_)29 . noodles with tomato and egg(_)30 . thank you(_)31 . juice with ice(_)第 5 页 共 5 页


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