广州市2019-2020学年英语六年级下册Unit 3 Lesson 14 Tomorrow We Will Play 练习卷D卷

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广州市2019-2020学年英语六年级下册Unit 3 Lesson 14 Tomorrow We Will Play 练习卷D卷_第1页
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广州市2019-2020学年英语六年级下册Unit 3 Lesson 14 Tomorrow We Will Play 练习卷D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . (题文)This _ the leg. ( )AareBisCam2 . -Where _ you go for the summer holiday? ( )- I _ Taipei with my parents.Aare; are going toBwill; will goCwill; will go to3 . This is _ interesting storybook and it is also _useful one.Aa;aBan; anCan;aDa; an4 . Juice and water are healthy drinks,_ Coke isnt healthy drink.AandBbutCor5 . What _ you do tomorrow?AareBdoCwill二、任务型阅读6 . 阅读短文,完成表格。Tomorrow is June the first, Childrens Day. David will have a happy holiday. In the morning, he will go to the park and take pictures with his friends. In the afternoon, he will play computer games with his brother and go shopping with his parents. In the evening, he will watch TV and help his mother make dinner He will have a good time. What will he do?In the morningIn the afternoonIn the eveninggo to the park1. _2. _3. _go shopping with his parents4. _三、英译汉7 . 翻译下列句子1.我会游泳。_2.你会跳舞吗?_3.斑马正在公园里奔跑。_4.和我一起玩吧。_四、判断题判断句子正(T)误(F)。8 . She will picks some apples for her mother. (_)9 . What will we do tomorrow? (_)10 . In winter, many trees dont have any leaves. (_)11 . It will be hot soon. I need a fan. (_)12 . Sorry. Dont be angry. I will not do it. (_)五、连词成句连词成句。(只写序号)13 . Whats your name_14 . How blue many caps_15 . Im cat a black_16 . yellow Its a bird_17 . Point to green the door_六、连线题18 . Read and match.1. What are you going to do?A我快要十二岁了。2. Im going to be twelve.B你打算做什么?3. Are you going to have lunch?C这是他生日晚会的邀请卡。4. Its an invitation to his birthday party.D我要玩她的玩具。5. I am going to play with her toys.E你要吃午饭吗?19 . 看图读单词,将图片与相应的单词用直线相连_ Afan_ Blight_ Cpicture_ Ddoor_ Ewindow_ Fteachers desk_ Gfloor_ Hblackboard_ Icomputer_ Jwall第 4 页 共 4 页

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