山西省2019年英语三年级上册Unit 1 Hello! 单元测试卷D卷

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山西省2019年英语三年级上册Unit 1 Hello! 单元测试卷D卷_第1页
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山西省2019年英语三年级上册Unit 1 Hello! 单元测试卷D卷_第3页
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山西省2019年英语三年级上册Unit 1 Hello! 单元测试卷D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . _ are the chairs? ( )They are in front of the bed.AWhatBWhereCWhy2 . Miss White的汉语意思是:( )A、怀特先生B、怀特C、怀特小姐3 . 看图选词( ) 1. Show me your . A. pencil B. ruler C. eraser( ) 2. Open your. A. pencil box B. ruler C. eraser( ) 3. Carry your.A. ruler B. crayon C. bag( ) 4. Close your. A. book B. crayon C. eraser4 . Please _ the cake, Alice. ( )ACutBcutCdown5 . 符合图意的是( )AB6 . 当你想和怀特教师说再见时,你会说:_ ( )AHello, Miss White.BGoodbye, Miss White.CSorry, Miss White7 . Show me your pen.8 . _ it cloudy yesterday? ( )Yes, it was.AWereBIsCWas9 . Heistalkinginthelibrary.Whatcanwesaytohim? ( )_ATalkquietly.BKeepyourdeskclean.CWorkquietly.10 . Mothers Day is in . ( )AMarchBOctoberCMay11 . In the _, we ask “Where is the toilet?” ( )AUNBUKCUS12 . 尺子( )A、bookB、ruler13 . 找出不同类的单词:( )AdeskBkiteCchairDtable14 . some juice in the glass. ( )ATherereBTheresCThese are15 . 选出每组单词中不同类的一项。(_) 1. A. go B. do C. to(_) 2. A. door B. duck C. dog(_) 3. A. cat B. car C. cow(_) 4. A. horse B. house C. hospital(_) 5. A. girl B. goat C. giraffe二、情景交际16 . 你叫别人来吃晚饭,你应该说:( )ACome and have breakfast.BCome and have dinner17 . John想向别人介绍自己,他应该说:( )AIm John.BIm Chen Jie.18 . 你叫什么名字?( )AMy names Alice.BWhats your name?CIm Alice.19 . 你想对外国小朋友介绍你来自山东,你应该这样说:( )AIm from Shan Dong.BIm from shandong.CIm from Shandong.20 . 当你想问对方叫什么名字时,你应说:( )AWhats your name?BMy names Liu Xin.21 . 当你和别人见面打招呼时,你说:AMe too!BHello!CBye!三、排序题22 . 给下面句子重新排序,组成一段完整的对话。( )Bye!( )Good bye!( ) My name is Peter.( ) What is your name?( ) Hello! I am Li Yan.四、匹配题23 . 选择正确答句What time is it? _AIts twelve.When do you go to bed? _BYes, I can.What day is it today? _CAt eleven.I have four lessons in the morning._DIts Monday.Can you see the cake? _EMe, too.Look at my robot._FWhat a nice one!24 . 读句子,选图片ABCDE1.Put your storybook in your desk. _2.Put your eraser near your pencil box. _3.Its black and white. _4.Put your ruler in your schoolbag. _5.Put a book on your head. _五、字母题25 . 在四线三格中写出下列单词的大写或小写。g H I 六、连词成句26 . 连词成句1. please, is, the, where, hospital (?)(连词成句)_2.library, at, straight, lets, left, turn, the, and, go (.) (连词成句)_3. exercise, good, is, that(.)(连词成句) _4. there, No.85, over, take, the, bus(.)(连词成句) _5. science, to, teacher, I, want, a, be (.)_6. fun, walk, moon, the, its, to, on (.)_第 7 页 共 7 页

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