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山东省2019版六年级下册小升初模拟测试英语试卷(八)D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . Its _. Its _.Asummer; hotBautumn; coldCwinter; warm2 . Sorry, sir. You cant _ in front of our shop. ( )AparkingBparkCparks选词填空。3 . These are my_.( )ApenBpens4 . This is your _.( )AchairBchairs5 . Lets go _ the zoo.( )AtoBin6 . It is warm in _.( )AspringBsummer7 . Tom likes autumn. It is _.( )AcoldBcoolRead and choose. (读一读,选出每组中画线部分读音不同的一项。)8 . ArainbowBairCwait9 . AreadBbreadCtea10 . AwayBwaitCfat11 . AgoodbyeBafternoonCtoo12 . AbookBlookCfood13 . -Is Sarah quiet? ( )-_.AYes, she isBNo, she doesntCYes, she does14 . 选出下列单词画线部分发音不同的一项:( )ApointBgoCboy15 . -Are they cleaning the windows? ( )- _.AYes, they do.BYes, they are.CYes, they is.16 . 在街上不要拿陌生人的食物。( )ADont take any money from strangers in the street.BDont take any candy from strangers in the street.CDont take any food from strangers in the street.17 . He often reads newspapers_news. ( )AtoBwithCforDof18 . Where _ you go last weekend? ( )AdoBdidCdoesDare19 . 选出划线部分发音不同的一项,将序号写在括号里。(_) 1. A. name B. catC. bag(_) 2. A. car B. waterC. tiger(_) 3. A. bed B. heC. red(_) 4. A. fish B. window C. rice(_) 5. A. bird B. girl C. sister20 . 找出下列单词中划线部分发音与众不同的一项:( )AthisBthereCthree选出每组单词中画线部分发音不同的一项。21 . AbigBlikeCkite22 . AwhatBwhiteCwho23 . AcanBcatCskate24 . AheBtenCshe25 . AdoctorBjobCdo26 . Im going _ a big trip. ( )AtoBonCfor27 . Theres a lot of _ here every year. ( )ArainyBrainsCrain根据汉语意思选择英文句子28 . 这是我的。( )AIts me!BIts mine!29 . 怎么了?( )AWhats the matter?BHow is it?30 . 艾米的蓝色连衣裙湿了。( )AAmys blue skirt is dirty.BAmys blue dress is wet.31 . 这个包是她的。( )AThis bag is his.BThis bag is hers.32 . 这是谁的包?( )AWhos it?BWhose bag is it?二、阅读选择阅读短文,选择正确的答案。My name is Mike. Im eleven. I like hot dogs. This is my sister, Helen. She likes sandwiches. We both like hamburgers. But we dont like noodles.33 . Mike is . ( )AtenBelevenCtwelve34 . Mike likes. ( )Ahot dogsBhamburgersChot dogs and hamburgers35 . Mike is Helens. ( )AbrotherBsisterCfather36 . Helen likes. ( )AsandwichesBhamburgersCsandwiches and hamburgers37 . They dont like. ( )Ahot dogsBnoodlesChamburgers38 . 选择正确答案A dog is walking along a road. It is a big dog. It is carrying a piece of meat. The piece of meat is in the dogs mouth. The dog is walking across a bridge now.There is water under the bridge. The water is very deep. The dog is looking into the water. It can see a dog in the water. This dog has a piece of meat in its mouth, too. The big dog is barking at the dog in the water. It wants its piece of meat, too. The big dogs piece of meat is falling into the water.(1)Where is the dog walking?A、In the yard.B、Along the road.C、In the park.D、Near the house.(2)How is the water under the bridge?A、Very clear.B、Very shallow.C、Very deep.D、Very dirty.(3)What can the dog see in the water?A、Himself.B、Another dog.C、A catD、A horse(4)Why does the dog bark at the dog in water?A、He is looking at him.B、He is eating his meat.C、He is laughing at him.D、He wants the dogs meat.(5)The big dogs meat is falling into the _.A、waterB、poolC、wellD、ocean三、填空题39 . 根据图片提示把句子补充完整。(36分)How many_can you see? Only one.Do you like_?Sorry,I dont like them.The boy is short.The man is_Where is the cat?Its_the box.The elephant is big.The mouse is_Whos that _?Shes my mother.选择合适的单词,将句子补充完整。waves heavy decorate mooncakes shorter40 . There will be a _snow tomorrow. I will make a snowman.41 . Christmas falls on 25th December. People _their Christmas trees with colourful balls and lights.42 . The Mid-Autumn Festival is coming. We enjoy eating_.43 . Its time to go to school. Katie always _ goodbye to her father.44 . Amy is 1.54cm. Jane is 1.63cm. So Amy is _ than Jane.四、句型转换Rewrite the sentences(根据要求改写句子)45 . This pair of pink shoes is Kittys. (改写一般疑问句)_46 . Fold the card, please. (改为否定句)_47 . Kitty reads newspapers at 6:30 in the evening. (对划线部分提问)_48 . My birthday is on the 20th of August. (对划线部分提问)_49 . Andrew is colouring the invitations. (对划线部分提问)_五、选内容补全对话50 . 补全对话。A: How many days are there in a week?B:1. .A:Which days do you like?B:2.A:Why do you like these days?B:3. .A:Do you like English?B: 4.A: We can read English together then.B: 5.AI like Monday and Friday.BYes,I like English best.CThere are 7 days in a week.DThere are two English lessons on these days.E. Sure.六、连词成句51 . 连词成句:give DVDs the please back three days in (.)_第 9 页 共 9 页

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