太原市2019年英语三年级下册Unit 2 Colors_单元测试卷D卷

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太原市2019年英语三年级下册Unit 2 Colors_单元测试卷D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . _?are you going this vacation? ( )AWhyBWhereCWhat2 . Its under the chair! ( )A它在椅子上面!B它在椅子下面!3 . 不好。( )ANot good.BFine.4 . Is _ strict? Yes, he is. ( )AsheBheCit5 . It is_orange.( )AtheBaC/6 . _ you happy?( )AIsBAreCAm7 . Does she_rice? ( )AlikeBlikesCto like8 . What are they doing? ( )AHe is playing.BThey are playing.9 . ( )AyellowBred10 . Your hair_ so short then. ( )AamBwasCis11 . The second season of the year is _. ( )AspringBsummerCwinter12 . Whats wrong with you? ( ) I had too jelly.AmanyBmuchClot13 . Last year we lived _York Avenue.AatBofCtoDon14 . Listen,the musicnice. ( )AsoundsBis soundingCis soundDwas sounding15 . You _ good kids. ( )AamBisCare16 . His son is ill and he is so _. ( )AworryBworriedCangry17 . There fifteen apples. ( )AareBisCdo18 . There an apple. ( )AareBisCdo19 . What color is ?AredByellowCbrown20 . 读一读,选出与其他不同类的选项:( )AfirstBsecondCplayground二、填空题Read and write (写出划线部分单词的同类词,首字母已给)21 . What do these animals eat? Rabbits eat grass and dogs eat m_ and b_.22 . It is rainy today, but tomorrow will be s_ and w_.23 . We are in the park. I am sitting in front of Peter. Peter is b_ me. John is b_ Mary and Jerry.24 . 根据图片或上下文提示,选择合适的单词,补全句子或对话。schoolbag are teacher Im school morning1. Whats this? Its a2. This is my3. How you? Im fine, thank you. 4. a pupil. 5. This is my English.6. Good.25 . 写作题谈谈我们生活的城市补全文章Our city is 1._. There isare2._. The rivers are3._. The air is4._. We should keep our city clean and beautiful. We should5._it. We mustnt6._ it.三、任务型阅读阅读短文,判断正误:正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”。Jane White is an American girl. She is a student. She is fifteen. Her father is Mr. WhitE.Her mother is Mrs. White.Bob is her brother. He is a student, too. He is in a black jacket. Jane is in a red jacket. She is a nice girl.26 . Jane White is English. (_)27 . She is a student. (_)28 . Mr. White is her mother. (_)29 . Jane is fourteen. (_)30 . Jane is Mrs. Whites daughter. (_)31 . Bob is Janes brother. (_)32 . Jane is Bobs brother. (_)33 . Bob is a teacher. (_)34 . Jane is in red and Bob is in black. (_)35 . Jane is a nice girl. (_)四、英汉混合36 . 单词互译。1.take care of_2._保持3._健康的4. _慢跑5.exercise _五、判断题判断, 正确的写T, 错误的写F.37 . 你让别人画一个香蕉,可以说:Draw a banana,please.(_)38 . 你想知道鸡蛋是什么颜色,可以问:What color is the egg?(_)39 . 你让别人把树涂成黄色,可以说:Color the tree yellow. (_)40 . 你想知道这是不是一个礼物,可以问:Is this a hat? (_)41 . 告诉别人这顶帽子是她的,可以说:The hat is for me. (_)六、匹配题选出对应的答句。ASorry, I dont know.BIm at the school gate.CIm sorry.DThank you.EIt means we cant swim in this river.FYes, I am.GNo, it doesnt.H. No, you cant.42 . What does that sign mean?(_)43 . Can I go in with this cup of coffee?(_)44 . Look! There are lots of signs. (_)45 . Does this mean “Danger”?(_)46 . Where are you now? (_)47 . Are you smoking?(_)48 . Dont smoke here. The sign says “No smoking”.(_)49 . Here is some juice for you.(_)七、连词成句50 . Put the words in the right order. (连词成句,10分。)(1)tall buildings, in ,the nature park ,are , there, any(?)_(2)on, do, do, Sundays, what, you (?)_(3)a big bed is there,(.)_ _(4)young, is, teacher, English,Our, (.)(5)to eat, like , would, what you (?) _第 7 页 共 7 页

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