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哈尔滨市2019-2020年度英语六年级下册小升初专项训练:一般将来时(选择题)D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . It will be clear tomorrow and there _a light wind. ( )AisBareCwill be选出下列每组单词中不同类的一项。2 . AalwaysBwhyCusually3 . AwhenBworkCwhat4 . AlateBhaveCeat5 . AlunchBbreakfastClive6 . AmorningBbedCnight7 . Sams going to visit Australia. He _ a kangaroo. ( )AseeBsawCwill see8 . Lets go out to play football, shall we? ( ) OK. I _.Awill comingBbe going to comeCcomeDam coming9 . Mother _ me a new pen next Monday. ( )Awill givesBwill giveCgivesDgive10 . How_these fish?Amuch isBmuch areCmany isDmany are11 . Shanghai is in the east _ China. ( )AinBofCon12 . They will_to the museum tomorrow. ( )AgoBgoesCwent13 . What will the weathertomorrow? ( )AlikeBbe likeCbeing like14 . - Where _ they have a picnic this weekend? ( )- Sunshine Park.AdoBshouldCwillDshall15 . He says that Mr Zhang _ to the factory next week. ( )Ais sentBwould sendCwas sentDwill be sent16 . Everyone _to eat ice cream. ( )AlikeBlikesCliking17 . This_ a photo. ( )AareBisCmany18 . Its _ warm. ( )AtoBtwoCtoo19 . _ is a doctor.What about _ father?AHis,yourBHer, yoursCHis,you20 . _that your pencil?AIsBAreCis21 . 从方框中选择恰当的句子,将对话补充完整。ADo you want it for your teacher?BHow much is it?CCan I help you?DWhat is her favourite colour?E. Can I look at that green one?F. What about this one?A: Good morning. _1_B: Yes,Id like a birthday card.A:_2_B: No,I,d like one for my mother.As What a good daughter! _3_B: It looks nice. But my mother doesnt like red.A:_4_B: She likes blue and green._5_A: Of course. Here you are.B : Its nice. Its my mothers favourite. _6_A: Two yuan, please.(1)_(2) _(3) _(4) _(5) _(6) _22 . There _ a cat. Its climbing a tree.AareBisCam23 . Shanghai is _ the east of China. ( )AtoBinCto24 . In summer, I drink orange juice. ( )AB25 . I will _ them.( )AtakeBtakesCtaking26 . ( )Jim and I_ students. We_in the same class.Aare, areBam, areCare, isDis, are27 . It will tomorrow.( )A/BsnowyCsnow28 . Lingling is going to row a boat. Shes going to _ too.AfishBplays footballCflies a kite29 . Mike will _ five pictures and _ songs.Adraw singsBdraw singCdraws sings30 . -How_ he go to work? ( )-He _ to work by bike.Adoes; goBdo; goesCdo; goDdose; goes31 . A: Are you a dragon? ( )B: ANo, Im not a dragon.BYes, Im a rooser.32 . My sister English food ( )Adoesnt likeBlikeCnot like33 . I am going to buy a _ book. ( )AshopBstoryCsorry34 . I will miss Canada, but I will feel happy _ China again.AmeetBto seeCsee第 5 页 共 5 页

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