哈尔滨市2020年英语四年级上册英Unit 4 I can play basketball 单元测试卷D卷

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哈尔滨市2020年英语四年级上册英Unit 4 I can play basketball 单元测试卷D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . 找出下列单词中不同类的一项,将其序号填入题前括号内。( ) ApenBfootballCpencil2 . -What _ you like?-Id like a cup of tea.A、does B、do C、would3 . I like_. I have a small_.( )Aball; ballBballs; ballsCballs; ball4 . 根据所给中文,选择正确的英文表达,写序号。( )我能看一看吗?ACan I have a try?BCan I have a look?CCan I have one?5 . -What can you do at the party? ( )-_.AI can swimBI can sing a songCI can play football6 . -I cant play basketball. ( )-.AOKBHave a tryCGreat7 . _ you like apples ?AAreBIsCDo二、填空题根据句子意思,用所给单词的适当形式填空。8 . How many _(lesson) do you have every day?Six.9 . Its nine oclock. Its time _ (go) to bed now. Lets _ (say) “Good night.10 . _ (not play) football now, its late.11 . My brother _ (have) a _ (swim) lesson on Sunday.12 . Do you have _ (some) friends?13 . Look at these pandas, they _ very lovely.14 . Is this _(you) bike?Yes, my father buys it for _(I).根据要求填空。15 . have a try (汉语)_16 . what about you (汉语)_17 . play basketball (汉语)_18 . cant(完全形式)_19 . 踢足球(英语)_20 . they are(缩写形式)_21 . 下面的动词形式需要变化吗?如果需要,请将变化后的形式写在空格处。1. Xiaomings grandpa _ to the music every day. (listen)2. My father is _ a book now. (read)3. The shoes _ under the bed. (be)4. Amys good friend _in the USA. (live)5. Can you_? (sing)三、任务型阅读22 . 阅读并判断下列句子。正确的打“T”,错误的打“F”。This is my classroom. Its very big. The doors are yellow. The windows are green. The floor is red. The wall is white. There is a computer on the teachers desk. There are six lights and two fans in the classroom. The desks and chairs are very new. The wall and the floor are clean. I like my classroom.(1)The floor is yellow.(2)There is a computer on the teachers desk.(3)There are two lights in the classroom.(4)The windows are green.(5)The fans are red.四、英汉混合英汉互译。23 . 醒来_24 . 几点了?_25 . 该吃早饭了。_26 . 该睡觉了。_27 . Hurry up!_28 . my bag_29 . Its time for class._30 . Whats this?_五、判断题读一读,判断下列每组单词画线部分读音是(T)否(F)相同。31 . catbag (_)32 . applecake (_)33 . Canadahand (_)34 . chinapanda (_)35 . facename (_)六、填内容补全对话根据图片补全对话Liu Tao: Can you36 . 37 . , Mike?Mike: 38 . , I can. Liu Tao: Great! What39 . you?Wang Bing: I can40 . 41 . well, 42 . .Liu Tao: 43 . go and44 . .Mike&Wang Bing: 45 . right. Liu Tao. Its your turn.Liu Tao: OK. Wow! I can46 . 47 . .七、匹配题选出相对应的答句。A.Im in the kitchen.B.Its on the desk.C.Thank you.D.Its in the tree.E.Yes, it is.F.How nice!48 . Heres a cake for you.(_)49 . Where are you, Mike? (_)50 . Look at my doll.(_)51 . Where is your rubber? (_)52 . Is the pencil behind the book?(_)53 . Wheres the bird? (_)第 5 页 共 5 页

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