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111 义务教育(江苏)三年级英语下册教案 Unit 1 In class 第一教时教学目标:1. 能听懂、会说、会读、会写词汇open, the, door, close, window。2.能听懂、会说、会读词汇in class,stand up,Mr, sit down, please, sorry,come in.3. 能听懂、会说、会读日常用语与句型Open the door/the window. Close the door/ the window . Stand up. Sit down. Come in, please. Im sorry.教学重点1. 句型:Open the door/ the window. Close the door/ the window . Stand up. Sit down. Come in, please. Im sorry. 2. 词汇: in class,stand up,Mr, sit down, please, sorry,come in. open, the, door, close, window.教学难点:1. 句型:Open the door/ the window. Close the door/ the window .Stand up. Sit down. Come in, please.的正确读法和在情境下的正确运用。2.词汇:open, close的用法教学准备:1.第一单元Story time部分的挂图、多媒体、磁带、录音机。2.人物Mr Green, Liu Tao, Mike, Wang Bing的头像卡片。3.句型:书写Open the door/the window. Close the door/ the window . Stand up. Sit down. Come in, please. Im sorry.的条形卡。4. 在黑板上画好四线三格。教学过程:一、GreetingsT: Good morning/afteroon, class.Ss: Good morning/afteroon, . . .出示人物头像,T: Whos he?S: Hes Liu Tao/ Mike/ Wang Bing.T: Whos he?S: Hes Mr Green.(引导学生说)领读并教学Mr, 区别Mr与Miss的用法。二、Listen and act 1.事先安排一名学生站在门外,教会迟到了说Im sorry. 教师关门上课。 门外学生敲门, T: S1, please open the door.(做手势). S1:Yes, Mr/ Miss . . . S2(门外学生):Im sorry,Mr/ Miss . . . T: Come in , . . .出示句型条形卡,边做动作边领读: Please open the door.Im sorry.Come in .2.T:(教师指门)Whats this? S: Its a door.引导学生学习、拼读单词door.教师做关门、开门动作,并领学生说;Open the door.Close the door.同法教学window. Open the window. Close the window.出示句型条形卡,边做动作边领读。3. 做手势,让学生边做边说:Stand up. Sit down.出示句型条形卡,边做动作边领读。三、Look, read and act. 教师打乱句型条形卡顺序,指名学生认读并做相应的动作。四、Story time1. 出示本部分图片,引导学生看图说话。T: Look, Mr Green and his students are in class.( 教学in class.) What are they saying? Lets watch and listen.播放多媒体动画,引导学生理解在课堂上的各情境中老师和学生分别说了些什么。1) 刚上课班长说什么?2) 师生是怎样问候的。3) Mike迟到了,他怎么说,老师怎么说。4) 老师请开门、关窗上怎么说的。2. 学生看图、听录音跟读,注意语音、语调。五、Do a role-play.1. 请一名学生上来,做“小老师”用学过的语句来上课,并请其他同学做动作。2. 小组活动。一名学生做老师,用学习的句子命令其他同学做动作。六、Read and write1. 教师在黑板上示范板书open, the, door, close, window。2. 领读并让学生模仿抄写。七、Homework1. 抄写单词open, the, door, close, window。2. 听录音跟读Story time。义务教育(江苏)三年级英语下册教案Unit 1 In class 第二教时教学目标1.能听懂、会说、会读、会写单词open, the, book.2.能听懂、会说、会读句子Mr Robot,please open / close the book.3.复习巩固语句Stand up. Sit dowm. Im sorry. Come in, please. Open/ close the door / window. 并能在具体的情境中正确运用这些句子。教学准备:1. 学生在家长的帮助下根据教材P8的内容制作“声控机器人”及遥控器。2.学生把第一节课学过的语句分别写在不同 的卡片上并编号。3.教师准备多媒体、写有Stand up. Sit dowm. Im sorry. Come in, please. Open/ close the door / window.的条形卡。教学过程:一、Greetings教师做手势,引导学生说:Stand up.T: Good morning/ afternoon, class.Ss: Good morning/ afternoon, Mr/ Miss . . .T: Sit down, please.Ss: Thank you.二、Review1. T(指门、窗):What s this?S: Its a door / window.T: Yes. Open / close the door, .S: Yes, Mr/Miss . . . . . . . .2. 出示语句条形卡,指名学生认读并做动作。3.播放Story time动画,静音,让学生给画面配音。三、Play games1.T(出示书本)Whats this?引导学生回答。S: Its a book.教学a book.T: Open your books.根据学生反映,引导学生理解并领读。同法教学Close your books.2 教师与一位学生示范游戏。(给学生戴上“声控机器人”头套,教师对着遥控器发出指令)T: T his is Mr Robot.S: Yes.(模仿机器人声音和动作)T: Mr Robot, close the window.S: Yes.3. 学生分组玩这个游戏。4.学生把准备的写有语句的卡片拿出来,分组游戏。一人拿牌,其他人抽取卡片,认读并做动作,比一比谁读得对,做得对。四、Homework1. 同学间继续玩机器人游戏。2.抄写四会单词。义务教育(江苏)三年级英语下册教案Unit 1 第三教时教学目标1.复习巩固第一课时学习的语句,并能在具体的情景中正确运用。2. 能听懂、会说、会读词汇 blackboard, rubber, robot, ruler, parrot.3.能听懂、会说、会读句子Look at the blackboard. Dont listen to the parrot.教学准备: 句型条形卡、Cartoon time 的多媒体动画。教学过程:一、GreetingsSs: Stand up.T: Good morning/ afternoon, class.Ss: Good morning/ afternoon, Mr/Miss . . .T: Sit down.Ss: Thank you.二、Play games1.1)教师请一名学生上台,抽取一张句型条形卡,看完后做动作,其他同学说相应的句子。 2)学生分组玩这个游戏。2. Simon says游戏。三、Cartoon time1.出示Cartoon time部分图片,引导学生看图。T: Look, our friend Bobby becomes a teacher today. Whats on the blackboard?(提示学生作答)Ss: A robot, a ruler, a rubber.T: Whats this?(引导学生看Bobby所指)Ss: A robot.T: Does Sam know the answer?(引导学生理解所问的意思)引导学生理解Dont listen to the parrot.2. 播放多媒体动画或学生自主阅读。3. 问答检查学生理解情况 T: Whats in the tree? Ss: A parrot.(教师提示)让学生说说对parrot.的了解。4. 学生看动画跟读,引导学生注意观察人物动作、表情,朗读时模仿语音、语调。5. 小组内开展趣味朗读,比一比谁读得有趣。三、Consolidation1. 请一名基础好一点的学生上台示范扮演“小老师”,要求他能合理运用学过的语句Stand up. Sit down. Open /Close your Look at the blackboard. Whats this ? Its a . . .2. 学生分组活动。四、Homework1.听录音跟读Cartoon time2.抄写四会单词。 义务教育(江苏)三年级英语下册教案Unit 1 第四教时教学目的1. 复习巩固本单元学习的词汇、语句,并能在具体的情境中熟练运用。2. 能听懂、会说、发准字母b在单词中的读音。3.会诵读歌谣Open the window教学准备: 多媒体、球、书等实物教学过程:一、Greetings二、Review1.拼读四会单词T: Whats this?S: Its a book.T: Spell “book”, please.Ss: b-o-o-k, book.(教师板书)T: Open your books, please.T: Lets spell “ open” (教师板书)Ss: o-p-e-n, open.T: Good. Now, close your books.T: Spell “ close”, please.Ss: c-l-o-s-e, close.同法拼读door,window. (教师板书)2.认读本单元语句(把句子条形卡贴在黑板上)T: Look at the blackboard. Lets read the sentences.3.多媒体出示Cartoon time的画面,请学生给人物配音。三、Rhyme time1.出示韵律诗,学生尝试认读,根据图片了解小诗意思。2.教师范读,学生跟读。3.教师带读重点句,用动作帮助学生理解。4.同桌练习朗读,并配以动作。5.加上节奏,学生跟节奏说韵律诗。四、Sound time1. 教师通过实物、图片或单词卡让学生认读单词ball, book, birthday, robot, 让学生体会字母b在单词中的读音。2.结合图片教学生说句子Big books, big books, Bob has two big, big books. 教师让学生注意观察老师的口型,认真模仿跟读。3. 把Big books, big books, Bob has two big, big books.作为绕口令让学生练习,慢慢练习,看谁说得又快又好。五、Homework1.有节奏诵读歌谣Open the window.2.练习绕口令Big books, big books, Bob has two big, big books.默写四会单词义务教育(江苏)三年级英语下册教案 Unit 1 第五教时教学目标: 能综合运用本单元所学的语句。教学过程:一、Greetings二、Checkout time1.出示句子条形卡,指明学生认读。2.出示Checkout time图片,学生看图说话。三、完成补充习题1. 做听力练习AListen and number.B Listen and match2参照教师用书补充习题教学建议,指导学生完成C、D、E。四、Ticking time引导学生结合练习情况,按Ticking time所列项目,对自己的学习作评价。义务教育(江苏)三年级英语下册教案Unit2 In the library 第一教时教学目标:1.能听懂、会说、会读、会写单词in, run, eat, talk.2.能听懂、会说、会读单词library, shh, shout, here, sleep3.能听懂、会说、会读日常用语Dont shout/eat/ . . .4.学会用英语制止或劝阻别人的不当行为。教学重点:1. 句型:Dont shout/eat/ . . .2.词汇:library, shout, sleep, in, run, eat, talk教学难点:1.句型:Dont shout/eat/ . . .在情景下的正确运用2.词汇:library,shout 的发音及talk的正确拼写。教学准备:1多媒体、录音机、磁带2.事先安排几名学生在上课做open, close, run, shout, talk, eat, sleep等动作(安排他们坐在前排)教学过程:一、GreetingsSs:(学生边说边做)Stand up.T: Good morning/ afternoon, class.Ss: Good morning/ afternoon, Mr. / Miss . . .T: Sit down, please.二、Free talkT: . . . , close the door, please.S: Yes, Mr./Miss . . .T: Close your books, please.有学生没有合上书,教师劝说:T: Dont open your book.(做动作引导全体学生理解,板书、领读)一学生开窗,教师劝阻T: Dont open the window. (做动作引导全体学生理解,板书、领读)几名学生分别做吃东西、说话、睡觉动作,教师劝阻,引导学生学习:Dont eat.Dont talk.Dont sleep.板书、领读.小结:当我们发现别人有不当行为时,可以用Dont. . .来劝阻。三、Story time1.出示Story time 图片1,引导学生看图T: Who is the boy?S: Hes Liu Tao.T: Whos the girl?S: Shes Yang Ling.T: Where are they?引导学生说In the library. 领读、让学生看图理解。引导学生讨论在图书馆应该怎么做。3. 播放动画,学生讨论Liu Tao.有哪些不当行为。模仿Liu Tao大声喊 “Hello, Yang Ling”, 引导学生学习shout.学习Yang Ling.是怎样劝阻的:Shh! Dont shout, Liu Tao.同法学习run, Don run.4. 听录音,跟读。四、Consolidation1. 请一名学生上台表演一些不当行为(提醒学生要是学过的、会说的动作),其他同学用所学语句劝阻。2. 学生分组活动。五、Homework1. 听录音跟读Story time5. 2. 抄写四会单词in, run, eat, talk.义务教育(江苏)三年级英语下册教案Unit 2 In the library 第二教时教学目标:1.能会用简笔画画标识牌,并能用本单元主要语言进行表达。2.会对四会单词书写教学准备:1.多媒体、写有Dont shout/run/. . .的条形卡。2.拍摄一些不文明的画面。教学过程:一、Greetings二、Review1.出示句型条形卡,指明学生认读句子。2.Listen and actT: Stand up.Ss: Yes, Mr./Miss . . .T: Dont stand up.Ss: Yes, Mr./Miss . . .T: Open your books.Ss: Yes, Mr./Miss . . .T: Dont open your books.Ss: Yes, Mr./Miss . . . . . . . .3.播放Cartoon time 的动画,学生给画面配音。三、Fun time1.Draw and say1) 教师在黑板上画人物shout, eat, run, talk, sleep, drink的简笔画,学生说出相应单词。教学 “drink ”2)请学生上台在每个简笔画下写出单词。2.就“shout”示范标识的制作。T: We all know what we shouldnt do in the library. The boy is shouting. What should we say to him?Ss: Dont shout.教师示范画标识。3.学生分组讨论、合作完成其他标识(引导学生模仿老师的简笔画)4.小组活动,谈论制作好的标识卡片四、Consolidation出示一些公共场合中的不文明现象的照片或录像,引导学生出示标识卡并说话:1.戏院里T: At the theatre. People are watching movies, and someone is talking. What should we say to him?Ss: Dont talk here.2.公交车内T: On the bus. A child is running. What should we say to him?Ss: Dont run here.3.公园里T: In the park. A girl is sleeping on the bench. What should we say to her?Ss: Dont sleep here. . . . . .五、Homework.1. 用制作的标识卡玩游戏,读读做做2. 抄写四会单词。义务教育(江苏)三年级英语下册教案Unit 2 In the library 第三教时教学目标:1.能听懂、会说、会读句子Dont eat my cake. Dont drink my milk. Whats this? Its my English book. Is this your book?2.能听懂、会说、会读词汇drink, English, your.3. 能听懂、会说、会读会写词汇milk教学准备:1.多媒体、句型条形卡、标识卡片。2.食物、饮料的图片。教学过程:一、Greetings二、Review1. 出示食物、饮料图片,引导学生组短语:A, cake, Eat my cake. A pie , Eat my pie. . .出示milk图片,教学milk. Milk ,Drink my milk.2.学生上台抽取标识卡片,向全班同学展示,做动作并领读。三、Cartoon time1. 呈现Cartoon time故事图片,引导学生自己看图、阅读,要求:1) 看图猜测Bobby的语言,了解整个故事。2)通过上下文猜一猜最后一幅图中Is this your book?的意思,并猜猜Bobby可能怎么回答。2.学生分组讨论。教师请几个学生分别猜Bobby的语言,猜中后出示该句,无人猜中的教师最后呈现。T: Boys and girls, look, is this Bobby?Ss: No.T: This is Bobbys cousin.(教师简要介绍意思) He is very happy to see Bobby. Look! He is shouting, “Hello”. And look at Bobby. What does Bobby say? Guess!S1: Dont shout.T: Yes. Look, now he is eating Bobbys cake and drinking Bobbys milk.S2: Dont eat my cake.S3: Dont drink my milk. . . . . .3让学生读整个故事,猜测Is this your book?的意思。4观看动画,跟录音后朗读,注意模仿语音、语调。5.学生分角色朗读、表演。四、Enjoy a song Dont talk, Tom!五、Homework1.听录音跟读Cartoon time,同学间互相表演。2. 抄写四会单词义务教育(江苏)三年级英语下册教案 Unit 2 In the library 第四教时教学目标:1.会唱歌曲Dont talk, Tom!2.能听懂、会说、准确发字母p在单词中的读音。3.在具体情景中能正确运用本单元学习的语句。教学准备:1.多媒体2.Sound time部分图片、一些情景图片、标识卡片教学过程:一、Greetings二、Review1.出示标识卡片,学生认读。2. 播放Cartoon time画面,学生给画面配音。3.出示情景图片,请几组学生(两人一组)上台表演对话如:S1:Dont talk here. S2: Im sorry. . . . . .三、Sing a song Dont talk, Tom!1.播放歌曲动画,引导学生理解歌词。2.学生分句示范演唱,学生跟唱。3.学生再听歌曲,尝试跟着歌曲一起唱。4.引导学生配上动作唱。5.小组以汇报方式进行演唱。四、Sound time1.出示单词cap, pie, sleep, up 领读,让学生体会字母p在单词中的读音。提醒学生注意观察老师的口型并进行模仿,让学生边读边体会读音。2. 发动学生找更多含字母p的的单词,进一步引导学生体会读音。3.出示Sound time图片,教学生说句子:Up and down, up and down, Paul is walking up and down.4.引导学生读 “cap”和 “book”, 用手摸着声带部位,感觉发 “p”和 “b”的不同。五、Homework1.跟录音学唱歌曲Dont talk, Tom!2.默写四会单词义务教育(江苏)三年级英语下册教案Unit 2 In the library 第五教时教学目标:1.进一步巩固本单元祈使句的否定句2.能综合运用祈使句的肯定句和否定句。教学准备: 录音机、补充习题听力磁带,Fun time部分制作的标识牌教学过程:一、Greetings二、Say a chantUp and down, up and down,Paul is walking up and down.三、Sing a songDont talk, Tom四、Checkout time1.请学生上台抽取标识卡,认读并领读2.同桌讨论Checkout time图片,并填写3.请学生上黑板板书所填单词,核对答案五、Do exercises参照教师用书补充习题教学建议指导学生完成补充习题本单元练习六、Ticking time引导学生结合练习情况对本单元的学习进行小结义务教育(江苏)三年级英语下册教案Unit 3 Is this your pencil? 第一教时教学目标:1.能听懂、会说、会读、会写词汇pencil, pen, ruler.2.能听懂、会说、会读词汇isntis not, thatsthat is, schoolbag, crayon, pencil case.3.能听懂、会说、会读日常用语和句型Is this/that your pencil? Yes, it is. /No, it isnt.教学重点:1.句型Is this/that your pencil? Yes, it is. /No, it isnt.2.词汇:pencil, schoolbag, crayon, ruler, pencil case.教学难点:1.句型Is this/that your pencil? Yes, it is. /No, it isnt.的正确读音和语调。2.词汇:pencil,schoolbag, crayon, ruler的读音和用法。教学准备:1.多媒体、录音磁带、挂图、各类文具、文具图片。2.学生收集各种形状的书包、钢笔、铅笔、蜡笔、尺、橡皮、文具盒等文具。3.在黑板上画好四线三格。教学过程:一、GreetingsS: Stand up.T: Good morning/afternoon, boys and girls,Ss: Good morning/afternoon, Mr./ Miss . . .T: Sit down, please.二、presentation and practice1.教师出示文具,师生对话T: Look, whats this?S: Its a pen.(引导学生回答)。T: Yes, this is a pen.T: Is this your pen?S1: No, it isnt.T:(拿学生的钢笔问该生)Is this your pen?S2: Yes, it is.板书:pen(贴上图片或多媒体呈现) Is this your pen? Yes, it is./ No, it isnt.同法教授schoolbag, pencil, crayon, ruler, rubber, pencil case.2. 学生把各种文具放在桌上,教师拿学生学生的文具与学生对话:T: Is this your pencil?S1: Yes, it is.T: (to S2) Is this your pencil?S2: No, it isnt.T: (指着桌上的铅笔)Is that your pencil?S2: Yes, it is.反复操练,使学生理解拿在手上的可以问:Is this . . .?在远处的可以问Is that . . .?3. 让学生出示外形奇特的文具,师生对话:T: Is this a rubber?S: Yes, it is.T: Its a nice rubber.S: Thank you.T: Is that a pen?S: No, this is a pencil.T: Oh, I see. The pencil is nice, too.4. 学生小组就文具运用学习的语句对话。三、Story time1. 出示Story time的第一幅图片,指导学生看图T: Look, who are they? Do you know?S: They are Mike, Yang Ling, Su Yang and Liu Tao.T: Yes. They are in the Art room. They are drawing. What happened? Lets watch the cartoon and then answer my some questions.1) Whats Mike looking for? Mike在找什么?2) Who helps him? 谁帮他找东西呢?3) Can he find it ?他能找到吗?指导学生抓住关键词,简单做一些笔记。2. 学生观看动画,回答问题。3. Listen and repeat.学生听录音跟读,提醒学生注意模仿语音、语调。4. 学生分小组分角色朗读。5. 学生小组上台表演对话。四、Homework1.听录音跟读Story time对话2.抄写四会单词义务教育(江苏)三年级英语下册教案Unit 3 Is this your pencil?第二课时教学目标:1. 复习巩固上一节学习的词汇、语句。2. 在具体的情景中能正确运用学习的词汇、语句。教学准备:1. 教师准备外形特别的文具、文具类单词卡片,一个箱子写好Lost and found(失物招领),多媒体或挂图2. 学生准备好文具放在课桌里。教学过程:AGreetingsB Review1. 出示单词卡片,学生认读并拿出相应的文具。2. Free talkT: (拿学生的文具) Is this your pencil?S: Yes, it is.T: Is that your pencil?S: No, it isnt. . . . . .3. Look and say出示Story time部分图片,学生看图说话。C. Fun time1.引导学生看Fun time,讲解游戏规则:几个学生坐成一圈,其中以被蒙上眼睛,另外一个学生把一个文具放在蒙着眼睛的学生前面。被蒙眼睛学生把布条拿掉,拿起这样文具,开始在一圈学生内寻找物主并用Is this your. . .?来提问,直到猜到文具的主人。教师示范:T: Is this your ruler, S1?S1: No, it isnt.T: Is this your ruler, S2?S2: No, it isntT: Is this your ruler, S3?S3: Yes, it is.3. 学生分组开展游戏,教师巡视、参与游戏并提供帮助。D. Consolidation1.收集一些学生文具放在招领箱子中,引导学生对话T: Look, a pencil, a nice pencil. S1, is this your pencil?S1: No, it isnt. S2, is this your pencil?S2: No, it isnt. S3, is this your pencil?S3: Yes, it is.2.教师用手绢把桌上文具蒙上,让学生猜:T: Whats this? Guess.S: Is this a rubber?T: Yes, it is.T: What that?S: Is that a ruler?T: Yes, it is. . . . . .4. 教师出示一些外形特别的文具与学生对话:T: Can you guess what it is?S: Is that a toy?T: No, it isnt.S: Is that a pencil?T: No, it isnt.S: Is that a pen?T: Yes, it is. Its z pen. . . . . .E. Homework1. 继续玩Fun time中游戏, 运用Is this your. . .?句型。2,抄写四会单词。义务教育(江苏)三年级英语下册教案Unit 3 Is this your pencil? 第三教时教学目标:1. 能听懂、会说、会读、会写单词where.2. 能听懂、会说、会读词汇lunch box, wheres where is, over there.3. 能听懂、会说、会读句子Is this my lunch box? Wheres your lunch box? Its over there.This is for you, Bobby. No! thank you.教学准备:1. 多媒体、录音磁带、挂图,食物图片。2. 教师自备午餐盒。教学过程:A. GreetingsB. Free talk1.T; Is this your ruler?S1: Yes, it is.T: How nice!S: Thank you.T: (拿出自己的钢笔)Is this your pen?S2: No, it isntT: Yes, its my pen. (把钢笔放在讲台上,离开讲台)T: Wheres my pen? (做寻找状)S: Its over there.(引导学生回答)板书:Wheres pen? Its over there.领读并教学where3. T: (出示食物图片)Whats this?S: Its a cake.T: This is for you,S: Thank you. . . . . .4. T: (出示午餐盒)Whats this?S: Its a box.(引导学生说)T: (打开盒子)This is for my lunch.教学lunchT: So its my lunch box.C. Cartoon time1. 出示Cartoon time图片,引导学生看图,了解故事内容。2. 播放动画,引导学生体会故事的趣味3. 学生听录音跟读,注意模仿语音、语调。4. 学生分组分角色朗读。5. 布置场景,学生上台表演对话。D, Homework1. 听录音跟读Cartoon time2.抄写四会单词义务教育(江苏)三年级英语下册教案Unit3 Is this your pen? 第四教时教学目标:1. 能诵读歌谣A ruler2. 能听懂、会说、准确发字母r在单词中的读音。3. 能熟练运用本单元学习的词汇、语句。教学准备:多媒体、录音磁带、文具类单词卡教学过程:A. GreetingsB. Review1. Free talkT: Is this your pencil?S: Yes, it is.T: How niceS: Thank you. . . . . .2. 出示文具类单词,学生拼读3. 播放Cartoon time画面,引导学生给画面配音。C. Rhyme time1. 光盘播放歌谣动画,学生欣赏并理解歌谣大意。2. 领读歌谣句子。3. 听录音跟读。4. 师生齐读,边读边做动作;击掌诵读,感受歌谣的旋律。D. Sound time1. 教师示范朗读单词,学生边听边体会,找出共同读音。2. 听录音跟读。3. 指导学生朗读句子,进一步体会字母的读音。4. 绕口令比赛,看谁读得又准确又流利。E. Homework1.听录音跟读Rhyme time、Sound time2.默写四会单词 义务教育(江苏)三年级英语下册教案Unit 3 Is this your pen?第五教时教学目标:1. 进一步熟练运用本单元学习的词汇、语句谈论自己或他人的学习用品。2. 进一步熟练运用 “my”和 “your”3. 能正确运用 “this”和 “that”4. 学会综合运用本单元的语言知识。教学准备.本单元的录音磁带、文具、单词卡片教学过程:A. GreetingsB. Say a rhymeA rulerC. Look, say and write1.教师示范, 拿着钢笔: This is my pen. 指着桌上的书:Thats my book 拿起学生的文具问:Is this your . . .? 指着学生桌上的文具问:Is that your . . .?2.学生同桌操练3.快速出示文具类单词卡片,学生认读、拼写.4.学生同桌谈论Checkout time,填写所缺单词。5全班核对答案。D. Do exercise参照教师用书补充习题教学建议指导学生完成本单元练习。E. Ticking time引导学生结合练习情况,自己对本单元的学习进行评价 义务教育(江苏)三年级英语下册教案Unit 4 Wheres the bird? 第一教时教学目标:1. 能听懂、会说、会读、会写词汇bird, under, desk, behind, on, chair.2. 能听懂、会说、会读词汇beautiful, tree.3. 能听懂、会说、会读日常用语与句型Wheres . . .? Its in/ on/ behind/ under the . . ., 初步会用所学的语句介绍物体所在的位置。教学重点:1. 句型Wheres . . .? Its in/ on/ behind/ under the . . .2. 词汇bird, under, desk, behind, on, chair,beautiful。教学难点:1. 句型Wheres . . .?的正确使用。2. 词汇:beautiful,behind, chair的读音和用法。教学准备:1. 多媒体、录音磁带、玩具鸟或纸折鸟(用水彩装饰)、一个小盒子、盆景树2. 把Story time部分的句子写在条形卡上,或用PPT准备3. 教室前放一把椅子.4. 黑板上画好四线三格。教学过程:A. Free talk1. Greetings2. t:3. T: Whats this?S: Its a door.T: Yes. Close the door, please. S1S1: Yes, Mr./ Miss . . .T: Whats that?S: Its a window.T: Yes. Open the window, S2.S2: OK.T: Whats this?S: Its a chair.(引导学生回答)板书:a chair.并领读同法教a deskB. Enjoy a song多媒体播放歌曲Wheres the bird?动画。T: Do you like birds? (引导学生理解)Ss: Yes. We do.板书: a bird并领读。C. Cartoon time1. T: Look, I have a bird.(出示玩具鸟或纸鸟)S: How nice.T: Yes. Its very nice. How beautiful!(教师用表情、动作引导学生理解beautiful)板书并领读beautiful2. T: The bird can fly. Look, where is the bird now?教师把玩具鸟或纸鸟飞到课桌、椅子的不同位置,引导学生对话T: Wheres the bird?S: Its on the chair.(引导学生回答,明确鸟的位置)T: Where is it now?S: Its behind the door.T: Whats this? (出示盆景树)S: Its a tree.(引导学生回答,并教a tree)T: Wheres the bird now?S: Its in the tree. . . . . .板书: Wheres the bird? Its on the chair. / in . . ./ under . . . / behind . . .3. 出示Cartoon time部分的第一幅图片,引导学生看图T: Look, a bird flies into Yang Lings classroom. Wheres the bird? Lets listen.4. Listen and number播放Cartoon time部分录音,边听边做记录(用学习的介词或介词首字母)小鸟飞过的地方和顺序。引导学生对小鸟飞过的地方排序:In the desk ( )In the tree ( )On the chair ( )Under the desk ( )Behind the door ( )5. 播放Cartoon time部分动画,核对排序答案。6. 学生听录音跟读对话,边读边指出小鸟的位置。7. 学生分角色朗读。DHomework1.听录音跟读Cartoon time2.抄写四会单词义务教育(江苏)三年级英语下册教案Unit 4 Wheres the bird? 第二教时教学目标:1. 会唱歌曲Wheres the bird?2. 进一步熟练运用句型Wheres . . . ? Its in/ on/ behind/ under the . . .教学准备:1. 多媒体、Story time部分句子的条形卡。2. 鸟的头饰、树的背景画。教学过程:A. Free talk1. Greetings2. T: Look, this is my pen. Where is it now?S: Its on the desk.T: Where is it now?S: Its under the book. . . . . .B. Sing a songWheres the bird?1. 引导学生按歌曲节奏诵读歌词。2. 听音乐哼唱。3. 播放动画,学生演唱。C. Review1. 出示句子条形卡,学生认读句子2. 播放Cartoon time画面,引导学生给画面配音。3. 摆放好树的背景画,设置场景,请一名学生上台,戴上小鸟头饰表演,师生对话。T: Look, a bird. How beautiful! Wheres the bird?S: Its . . . . . . . .D. Fun time1. 师生游戏T: Look, I have a pen, a book, a jacket. Now close your eyes. (教师把物品藏于不同地点) Wheres my pen? Guess. (引导学生用Is it in / on . . .?来猜)S: Is it on your desk?T: No, it isnt.S: Is it in your bag?T: Yes, it is. Wheres my book?S: Is it . . . ?. . . . . .2. 引导学

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