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南昌市2020年(春秋版)英语四年级下册Module1单元测试卷D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题选出不同类的一项1 . AbeefBfriendlyCchickenDsoup2 . AdoctorBdriverCstrongDnurse3 . ApuppyBbowlCforkDspoon4 . AbedBbedroomCkitchenDbathroom5 . AthinBstrongCquietDhat6 . 找出每组中不同类的一项。(_) 1. A. swim B. skirt C. T-shirt(_) 2. A. eat B. drinkC. pool(_) 3. A. shout B. hat C. talk(_) 4. A. ice cream B. orange juiceC. shoes(_) 5. A. summer B. can C. spring7 . 选出不同类的词,将序号填在题前括号内。(_)1. A. table tennis B. basketball C. ball D. football(_)2. A. when B. what C. welcome D. where(_)3. A. her B. they C. we D. you(_)4. A. Sunday B. Monday C. Mum D. Saturday(_)5. A. Chinese B. subjects C. Science D. Maths8 . A: _did he do? ( )B: He helped his people and his country.AWhatBHowCWhere给单词选择正确的汉语意思。9 . front ( )A背面B侧面C正面10 . house ( )A搬家B老鼠C房子11 . dirty ( )A弄乱B脏的C干净的12 . live ( )A住所B喜欢C居住13 . their ( )A他们的B他们C它们14 . -Can you _ me your bike? ( )-Sure.AborrowBlendCkeep15 . Sometimes he _ books at home. ( )AreadBreadsCreading读一读,根据图片提示,选出正确的选项。16 . Touch your _. ( )AmouthBear17 . I have a_. ( )ApenBpencil18 . I see _. ( )AblackBwhite19 . Look at me! This is my _. ( )AfaceBnose20 . Show me your _.( )AbagBbook21 . Whos the girl in the picture? ( )Its _.AIBmeCyou22 . How _ she feel? ( )AdoBdoesCis23 . -_ do you feel? ( )-I feel angry.AHowBWhatCHow much24 . -your birthday?- Its on the 1st of January. ( )AWhensBHow isCWheres25 . We can see _ birds in the tree. ( )Aa lotBlot ofCmany二、情景交际26 . 当你想表达“穿上我的鞋子”时,你应该说:_ ( )APut on my shoes.BPut on my socks.27 . 同学David帮助我关门后,我对他说:AClose the door.BThank you.28 . 你想让孩子们过来,你应说:_( )AWelcome, children!BCome here, children.29 . 当你看到有的同学在图书馆大声说话,你会说:( )ADont speak loudly in the classroom!BKeep quiet in the library.CDont talk in the library!30 . 当你想对别人说“不用担心”时,应说:_ ( )ADont worry.BDont do it.31 . 当朋友参加足球比赛时,你会说:( )ACome here.BCome on!32 . 让我们吃蛋糕吧。你怎么说:_( )AHere are fish.BLets eat some cake.33 . 邀请别人唱歌时,你可以说:( )ALets sing, OK?BLets go to fly the kite.三、填空题根据图片提示,选择正确的单词补全句子。dinner get lunch English music34 . Its time for _ class. 35 . I have _ at twelve oclock. 36 . Do you like _ class? 37 . Its seven p.m. Lets have _.38 . I _ up at six oclock. 四、判断题判断句子与图片内容是否相符,相符的写“T”,不相符的写“F”。39 . Go to the library and read some books. (_)40 . Time for breakfast, drink some milk. (_)41 . Its 9:00. Its time to go to bed! (_)42 . Its sunny today. (_)43 . Go to the playground and play football. (_)44 . Its time for music! (_)45 . 根据图片,判断句子正(T) 误(F):Its very hot today. Take off your cap. (_)46 . 判断下列对话是()否()合理。(_) 1. Nice to see you again! Im fine. (_) 2. Where are you from? Im from China. (_) 3. We have a new friend today! Goodbye!(_) 4. Can you read this? Sure!(_) 5. Lets play a game! OK!47 . Show me your pencil.Read and judge.根据图片判断句子正(T)误(F)。48 . Its rainy. Open up your umbrella. (_)49 . Go to the teachers office. Say hello. (_)50 . Its time for breakfast. Lets drink some milk. (_)51 . These are tomatoes. Theyre yummy. (_)52 . The gloves are nice. (_)53 . 判断正误。读一读,判断句子是否与图片一致,一致打“”,不一致打“”。(_)1. Go straight on. (_)2. Hes playing chess. (_)3. Shes talking to her friend. (_)4. He can ride fast. (_)5. Do you want some apples? (_)6. Hes rowing a boat. 下列句子与图片是否相符,相符(T),不相符(F)。54 . There is a picture on the wall. _55 . I have two pencils. _56 . Put your storybook on your head. _57 . -What colour is your eraser? -Its yellow._五、改错改错。58 . My brother havea ball. (_)_A B C59 . Welcomeback school, boys and girls. (_)_A B C60 . They have a PE lessonin Monday. (_)_A B C61 . How many lessondo you have? (_)_A B C62 . Yang Ling get upat five every morning. (_)_A B C选出下列句子中错误的一项,并在题后的横线上将其改正。63 . Do not smoking, please.(_)_ABC64 . It means you cantparking here.(_)_ABC65 . What does this signmeans?(_)_ABC66 . Noeatingand drinking.(_)_A BC67 . Liu Tao is askingIsome questions.(_)_A B C68 . 选出错误的一项将序号写在括号内,并把正确答案写在横线上。(_) 1. Ihaveanstorybook. _A B C D(_) 2. -Ihavea ruler. -Meto! _A B C D E(_) 3. ShowI your exercisebook._A B C D(_) 4. Lily haveanewEnglish book._A B C D改错,把正确答案写在横线上。69 . Whathelike?_A B C70 . My fathercandraws very well._A B C71 . There is threeapples and one bananahere._A B C72 . Whocanplay pipa?_A B C73 . IllhaveaEnglish class tomorrow._A B C74 . Read and circle the extra words:There are all types of on books in the library.75 . 下列句子中有一处错误,请找出并改正在后面横线上。(_) 1. -Isthis a panda? -No, it is._A B C(_) 2. HisnameBonnie._A B C(_) 3. Itisan cat._A B C(_) 4. isthis a dog?_A B C(_) 5. -Whats this? -Its a lion._A B C76 . 选出错误的一项并改正:Look in the tiger. (_)_A B改错77 . She wentfish last Sunday._A B C78 . Whats the matterand you?_A B C79 . We alwaysgo to school by foot._A B C80 . My arms arelong than my sisters._A B C81 . Miss Li isa English teacher._A B C选出下列句子中错误的一项,并改正。82 . What the weatherlike? (_)_A B C83 . Itshot and sun in Sydney. (_)_A B C84 . Hassome lunch, Mike. (_)_A BC85 . Can I goingoutside? (_)_A B C86 . Yes, you cant. Its cold outside. (_)_A B C87 . Read and correct the wrong words:You can all have a bag about crisps. (_)88 . 改错。Its one dollar and seventy-fivecent.(_)改为_A B C89 . 改错。I wants a hotdog. (_)改为_A B C90 . I go swim. _六、匹配题91 . 补全下列单词的字母。1._onkey2. _oddles3. _ranges4. cooki_5._alloon七、看图题根据图片提示,写出相应的单词或短语。92 . _93 . _94 . _95 . _96 . _97 . _98 . 根据下面图片写单词。1. _ 2. _3. _4. _5._根据图片,把下列被打乱的字母重新组合成正确的单词。99 . (ktisr) _100 . (pca) _101 . (tjecak) _102 . (amfyil) _八、连词成句103 . 连词成句。1. at, cinema, turn, the , right ( . )_2. what, do, we, should ( ? )_3. it, is, to, next, library, the( . ) _4. secretary, type, a, fast, very, can ( . )_5. does, how, now, father, your, feel ( ? )_104 . 连词成句。1. When the is vacation summer (?)_2. have party an We summer in Easter(.)_3. always in is April It (.)_4. When the is singing contest (?)_5. your May Is birthday in (?)_连词成句105 . can, tennis, Liu Tao, play, table(?)_106 . crayons, have, many, do, they, how(?)_107 . not, we, either, can, fly(.)_108 . have, nice, I, for, a, my, robot, sister(.)_连词成句,注意标点符号及字母的大小写。109 . likes, to, my, go, shopping, mother(.)_110 . speak, do, English, you(?)_111 . year, there, cat, is, of, the, no(.)_112 . holiday, is, what, favourite, your(?)_113 . do, you, do, for, Spring Festival, what, the(?)_九、连线题114 . 将单词与对应的图片连线。1. English a. 2. math b. 3. PE c. 4. music d. 5. Chinese e. 115 . 将下列句子与其对应的汉语意思连起来。1A red dress for you.A这是一件好衬衫。2But its too short.B但是它太短了。3This is a nice shirt.C给你一条红色的连衣裙。4What colour is your vest?D那么让我们做一件外套吧。5Then lets make a coat.E你的背心是什么颜色?6The dress is yellow,too.F那件连衣裙也是黄色的。第 18 页 共 18 页

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