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南昌市2019年三年级下册第二次月考英语试卷D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . May I borrow your markers, please? ( )_.AThank youBHere you areCYes, I do2 . Are these apples? ( )_AYes, they are.BYes, it is.CNo, they dont.3 . Look! Sam is eating some _.( )AmilkBjuiceCsandwiches4 . Here is your present. ( )_AThank you!BGive you!COf course!5 . The books are on the ground. Please_. ( )Apick them upBpick up itCpick it up6 . -Are you feeling angry? ( )-_AYes, I am.BYes,he is.CNo,he is.7 . 根据图片选择对应的单词(_)1.A.a planeB.a busC.a car(_)2.A.two horsesB.five cowsC.two pigs(_)3.A.a toy bearB.a toy elephantC.a toy pig(_)4. A.a lionB.an eggC.an orange(_)5. A.a beautiful cardB.a cup of teaC.a birthday cake(_)6.A.mouthB.photoC.eye(_)7. A.noodleB.robotC.farm(_)8.A.planeB.flowerC.there(_)9.A.cakeB.cowC.kite(_)10. A.teacherB.worker(_)11. A.readB.sing8 . Ann is my _ .AsisterBbrotherCfather二、阅读选择阅读短文,选择正确答案。My neighbour Mrs Brown is eighty, and she has a small car. She always drives to the shops on Saturday and buys some food. Her car is old. She doesnt drive fast, but she drives well, and never hits(撞击)anything. Sometimes her grandson says to her, Please dont drive your old car, Grandma. You are too old. We can drive you to the town. But she always says, No. I like driving. I drive for fifty years, and I am not going to stop now.One Saturday she stops her car at traffic lights when they are red. The lights become green, then yellow, then red again, but Mrs Browns car cant start. What am I going to do now? she says. Then a policeman comes and says to her with a smile, Good morning. You like all of our colours, dont you?9 . How many people are there in the story? ( )AOnly one.BThree.CTwo.10 . Mrs Brown always goes shopping _. ( )Aby busBby bikeCby car11 . She learnt driving when she was _. ( )AeightyBthirtyCfifty12 . Her grandson asks her not to drive, because _. ( )Aher car is too oldBshe is too oldCboth A and B13 . Does Mrs Brown like driving? ( )AYes, she does.BNo, she doesnt.CYes, she did.三、填空题从方框中选择合适的单词补全句子。(每词限用一次)dont bestmake on pick white14 . Weoftengo_apicnicinautumn.15 . They_have classes on the weekend.16 . Whendoyou_asnowman?17 . Thesnowis_.18 . Whichseasondoyoulike_?19 . Canyou_some apples for me?20 . 选词填空color like look Dont stars1._climb the tree. 2.How many_? 3.I am monkey. I_bananas. 4.What_is it? It is blue. 5._at the fox. It is thin. It likes meat.四、判断题我是小法官。读一读,判断句子或对话和图片是(T)否(F)相符。21 . I have dinner at six oclock.(_)22 . Its time to go to school.(_)23 . Whats the time? (_)Its 11 oclock.24 . Is it 5 oclock? (_)Yes, it is. Lets go home.OK.25 . Its time for PE class.(_)五、填内容补全对话读对话,填入适当的单词,使对话完整。A: 26 . is that boy?B: Hes my brother. A: Is 27 . your mother?B: Yes, she 28 . . A: She is beautiful. B: 29 . you. Shes an actress. A: Really? Thats 30 . . 第 6 页 共 6 页


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