南京市2020年英语四年级上册Module3 Unit 1练习卷D卷

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南京市2020年英语四年级上册Module3 Unit 1练习卷D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . People put a_ in the room during Christmas. ( )AChristmas cardBChristmas treeCturkeyDroasted goose2 . Please put the books in the _.( )AcupboardBshelfCchair3 . Im 50kg. He is 48kg. He is _ than me. ( )AstrongerBthinnerCheavier4 . Its rainy today. Lets play basketball in the _.( )AplaygroundBclassroomCgym5 . ( )(2)如何询问对方来自哪里:AWhere are you want to go ?BWhere are you from ?找出下列不同类的单词。6 . AWang BingBfriendCLiu Tao7 . AgoodBhiChello8 . AmorningBafternoonCclass9 . AamByesCare10 . AfatherBmotherCfamily11 . Mary is visiting the office. Mr Zhang is showing _ around. ( )AhimBherCthem12 . Dont stand _ me. I cant see the show. ( )AbehindBin front ofCbeside13 . I can eat with my _ and run with my _. ( )Amouth; handsBears; legsCmouth; legs14 . Welcome _ our school, dear grandmother. ( )AtoBinCat15 . A: How _ you? ( )B: Fine, thank you.AamBareCbe二、填空题16 . 选择适当的单词填空,完成下列句子sure funniest swim in cousin1.Its too cold to _ now.2.Tonights winner is the _ play I have ever seen.3.When is autumn _ Australia?4.This is my _ Fangfang.5.Im _ we can win.根据汉语提示完成句子。17 . This is _(她的)dog.18 . Where is_(你的)cap?19 . Look!This is _(汤姆的)mother.20 . _(她)is tall and beautiful.21 . Is this _(你的)hat?三、阅读回答问题阅读短文,回答问题。This is a picture of Mrs Liangs office. Its not big, but very clean and tidy, There is a photo on the wall. Its a photo of Mrs Liangs family. In the photo, you can see Mrs Liangs husband and her daughter. They all look happy. There is a laptop on the desk. Mrs Liang prepares lessons (备课), reads news and chats with her friends with it. Beside the laptop, there is a bottle. It has some carnations in it. Theyre pink and yellow. The bookshelf is beside the desk. You can see many books and magazines on it. Mrs Liang likes riding, so there is a bicycle behind the door. I like Mrs Liangs office. How about you?22 . Is Mrs Liangs office clean and tidy?_.23 . Whats on the wall?_.24 . Is the laptop a computer?_.25 . What does Mrs Liang like doing?_.26 . Is the bicycle in front of the door?_.四、判断题27 . 判断下列各组单词中画线部分的发音是(T)否(F)相同_game name_lot got_read bread_traveltrip_fun use五、选内容补全对话选择正确的句子完成对话。AMy classroom is in it.BLet me show you our school, Granny.CThere are two.DIs that the playground?EIts the gym.Jenny: 28 . Granny: Thats good!Jenny: This is our classroom building.29 . Granny: Whats that behind it?Jenny:30 . We can have PE lessons there on rainy days.Granny: Its cool! Are there any libraries in your school?Jenny: Yes, Granny.31 . One is big, and the other is small.Granny:32 . Jenny: Yes, it is. Look, some students are playing football.Granny: Its very big, Jenny. Can I play football with the students?Jenny: Oh, Granny!六、匹配题33 . 选出与句意相符的图片。( )1.I have music at school today.( )2.We fly kites in spring. ( )3.The pen is on the desk. ( )4.They go to school by bus. ( )5.Ive got brown shoes. ABCDE七、书面表达34 . 请你描述一下你学校的操场。不少于50个词,三种句型。My school playground_八、其他35 . 按要求换句子。【小题1】That young lady is our math teacher. (翻译成中文)_【小题2】Whats your music teacher like? (用young和active回答)_【小题3】Is she quiet? (否定回答)_【小题4】我有一位新的英语老师? (翻译成英文)_【小题5】Our principal is strict and active. (写出中文意思)_第 6 页 共 6 页

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