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青海省2019版四年级下册期末测试英语试卷C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . This _the body. ( )AareBisCam2 . Do you_ a library? ( )AhasBhaveCto have3 . We should have _ sleep. ( )AenoughBsomeCa little4 . Do you often _ English? ( )AspeakBspeaksCspeaking5 . Tomorrowrainy in Shanghai . ( )AbeBwillCwill be请选出各小题中不属于一类的词。6 . AmonthBweekCdayDtail7 . AtomorrowBmagazineCdictionaryDnewspaper8 . AsubwayBbusCvapourDtrain9 . AvisitBsunCreadDbuy10 . AlambBtigerClionDsprout11 . There are three little _ . ( )AbearsBhorses12 . _ is the photo? ( )Its on the wall.AWhereBWhatCWhen13 . I _ see you now!AdoesBdoCcan14 . Lets _ a guessing game. ( )AplayingBplaysCplay15 . Lily, look my new shoes. ( )Theyre very nice.AinBatCon16 . _are his football clothes?Under the bed.AWhereBWhoCWhose17 . do I get to the library? ( )AWhatBHowCWhere18 . _ do you have breakfast? ( )I have breakfast at six oclock.AWhatBWhat timeCHow19 . There _ a hat. ( )AamBisCare20 . _ are you going to visit tomorrow? ( )My uncle.AWhatBWhereCwho21 . Its time _ lunch. ( )AtoBforCat22 . I have _ clocks. ( )AoBoneCtwo23 . I _ from Britain. ( )AcomeBcomesCcoming24 . It will help me _ the homework. ( )AdoBdoesCdoing25 . Where _ your mother yesterday afternoon ? She _ at home. ( )Aare, isBwere, isCwas, was二、填空题26 . Inthe_(第九)treeontheright,thereisabigbird.三、单词拼写27 . 根据中文提示写出下列英语单词1. 十二月_2. 大口袋_3. 圣诞节_4. 袋,包_5. 在一起_四、任务型阅读阅读下列短文,根据短文内容判断正误,正确的用“T”表示,错误的用“F ”表示。Wu Yifan had a race with his father and Max. There were many people there. His father ran very fast, but Wu Yifan could not. There was nothing he could do. He was so worried. I could run fast at school, he thought. Why am I so slow now? Then Robin said, Drink this! and gave Wu Yifan some water. Wu Yifan drank it and suddenly he felt good. He could run fast again.There was a second race. There were many animals in that race. Wu Yifan ran like a cheetah. He could win the race! But suddenly he tripped and fell. Then he woke up. He was in bed. It was all a dream!28 . WuYifanhadaracewithhismotherandMax. (_)29 . WuYifan ranveryfast,buthis fathercouldnot. (_)30 . Robin gaveWuYifansomewater. (_)31 . Thereweremanyanimalsinthe secondrace. (_)32 . WuYifanwoke upin hospital. (_)五、汉译英33 . 汉译英:那个是什么?_六、句型转换按要求完成下列句子。34 . Ihavefivepictures.(对画线部分提问)_35 . Itstimeforlunch.(改为同义句)_36 . Itistenoclock.(对画线部分提问)_37 . Itssunnyandwarm.(对画线部分提问)_38 . Thatisthemusicroom.(改为一般疑问句)_39 . Thegymisonthesecondfloor.(对画线部分提问)_七、改错选择正确的应答语。A. Of course. Here you are. B. Its $87. C. OK. D. Yes, they are. E. Its mine.40 . Are those hens? (_)41 . Whose coat is this? (_)42 . Can I try them on? (_)43 . How much is this skirt?(_)44 . Lets go to the playground? (_)八、匹配题Read and choose .读一读,找出合适的答句。A. We fly the flag and sing songs. B. Not very often. C. Oh, sorry. D. Yes, I have. E. To the library.45 . Where are we going? (_)46 . Dont talk in the library!(_)47 . What do you do on Flag Day? (_)48 . Do you often play with dolls? (_)49 . Have you got a book about the US?(_)九、连词成句50 . 连词成句【小题1】like you Do peaches_【小题2】have pears Lets some_第 6 页 共 6 页

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