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青海省2019年六年级下册小升初综合训练英语试卷(十)C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . There are seven _ at the party. ( )AchildsBchildrenCchildrens2 . What shape do you like? ( )I like that .AcircleBcircle ballCball3 . 找出不同类的一项:( )AtheyBthemCI4 . Did you _?( )Abuy it meBbuy me for itCbuy it for me5 . This _ my English teacher. ( )AisBamCare二、阅读选择选出正确的选项Long long ago, there was a cat and a mouse. They were good friends. They lived together. One day, a cow came and said, Hello, my friends. There is a football game in the forest tomorrow. Do you want to join us? If you win, youll get much food.”“Really?” The cat and the mouse were very excited. They wanted to take part in this match. So the cat said to the mouse, my dear, I often sleep, sleep, sleep. You get up early every day. Please call me tomorrow.” The mouse said, “Sure.”The next day, the mouse got up. He went to the football match. But he didnt call the cat. At last, the cat was very angry with the mouse.6 . _ were good friends. ( )AThe cat and the cowBThe mouse and the cowCThe cat and the mouse7 . There was a _ game. ( )AbasketballBfootballCvolleyball8 . _often got up early. ( )AThe CatBThe mouseCThe cow9 . _ went to the football match. ( )AThe mouseBThe catCThe mouse and the cat10 . Did the mouse call the cat? ( )AYesBNo.CSorry, I dont know11 . 阅读短文,选择正确答案。It is on Saturday . The sun is shining . We have no classes . We are playing in the park . Some girls are singing and dancing under a big tree . Some boys are climbing the hill . Tom is drawing by the lake . Mike and John are swimming in the lake . Betty and Mary are sitting under a small tree . They are reading a picture book . We are very happy ( )1、Whats the weather like today ?A、Its raining . B、Its fine . C、Its Saturday .( )2、Where are they playing ?A、In the lake B、On the hill C、In the park( )3、Who is climbing the hill ?A、Some teachers B、Some boys C、Some girls ( )4、Where are Betty and Mary ?A、They are in the lake . B、They are under the tree . C、They are on the tree .( )5、What are Betty and Mary ?A、They are playing . B、They are dancing . C、They are reading a picture book .三、填空题12 . Look, the computer _ red.用所给动词的适当形式填空。13 . Oliver is_ (read) a book under the tree.14 . Im_ (jump) like a rabbit.15 . John is_ (run) in the park.16 . I like_ (swim). I want to swim like a fish.17 . My sister and I are_ (listen) to music in the living room.四、单词拼写单词拼写。18 . elep_ant19 . Beijing is a big c_. 20 . Lets go to the _(教室).21 . Red is my favourite c_.五、判断题判断下列句子正(T)误(F)。MaryMikeTomAmyJohn( 代表拥有)22 . This is Marys scarf.(_)23 . These sunglasses are Toms.(_)24 . That umbrella is Mikes. (_)25 . Those are Amys gloves.(_)26 . John has a scarf.(_)六、选内容补全对话27 . Choose the right sentences.(选择正确的问句或答句)AWhat did he invent?BWhy is he famous?CWhere was he from?Dhe composed great music.EWho was Beethoven?FWhich famous person do you like?A: Look, this is Thomas Edison, he was a great inventor.B: (1)_.A: He was from America.B: (2)_ A: He invented the first light bulb in the world. I like Edison very much.(3)_B: I like Beethoven.A: (4)_. B: Beethoven was a German musicianA: (5) _. B: He is famous because(6)_.七、音标题选出下列每组词中画线部分发音与所给例词发音相同的一项。28 . school ( )AlookBfoodCgood29 . talked ( )AplannedBlikedCtried30 . bus ( )AbutBuseCmusic31 . try ( )ArainyBhappyCmy32 . meet ( )AbeachBheavyCsweater33 . Mike ( )AbigBpickCdriver八、书面表达34 . 书面表达。根据图片内容,写一写Lingling和Amy昨天的三餐情况。NameBreakfastLunchDinnerAmyLinglingAmy had two eggs and milk for breakfast. _Lingling had _第 6 页 共 6 页

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