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陕西省2020年四年级上册(Unit1-Unit2)第一次月考英语试卷C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . -Where_mykeys? ( )-Theyre_thedoor.Aare;inBis;inCare;on2 . The weather becomes _ in summer. ( )ArainyBsunCwindDcloud3 . There is a big river between the two cities. We can go there by _. ( )AtaxiBbikeCship4 . Have you got _stamps from China? ( )AsomeBmuchClittleDany5 . This is a nurse. _ my sister. AHes BShes CYoure6 . Id like some _,please. ( )AappleBnoodlesCnoodle7 . is Helen singing? ( )Shes singing in the music room.AWhatBWhereCWho8 . Where is the yellow bag? ( )_.AIts in the pencil box.BIts on the floor.CIts in the book.9 . Can I try ? ( )Athem onBon theyCon them10 . My mother is good _ drawing pictures. ( )AinBonCat11 . I have English, PE_ Maths. ( )AisBandCbe二、阅读选择阅读理解,根据短文的意思,选择最合适的答案。Jim lives on a farm. His parents are farmers. There are many animals on the farm. There are chickens, pigs and cows in the field. He likes to watch the cow seating grass in the fields. There are ducks in the lake. He loves the animals. They are his good friends.12 . Where does Jim live? ( )AIn an apartmentBOn the farm.CA t the zoo.13 . Whats Jims father? ( )AA farmerBA workerCA clerk.14 . How many kinds of animals are there on the farm?( )ATwoBThreeCFour15 . Does Jim like the animals? ( )AYes, he is.BYes, he does.CNo, he doesnt.16 . Are Jim and the animals good friends? ( )AYes, they are.BNo, he isnt.CI dont know.三、填空题17 . 选词填空。was is on when summer because birthday in1. He talked to Mocky the phone.2. It was December 1st. It _ Mockys birthday.3. I am Australia4. is your birthday? 5. it cold there? 6. It was hot. It was there. 7. Happy !8. He was very happy_ he had his own gift.四、排序题18 . 给下列句子排列顺序( )My friend. Hes tall, Hes got a big nose.( )Spotty! Spotty!( )Whos Spotty?( )Thats Spotty.( )Hi! Spotty.五、判断题19 . 判断题。(T or F)1. We are go to have a Sports Day. ( )2. Who will run 100 meter? ( )3. Who will do long jump? ( )4. I will try. ( )5. I will taking photos. ( )六、句型转换20 . 按要求完成句子。1. do/ like/ any/ you/ tomatoes? (?) (连词成句)_2. lot/ of/ rice/ she/ has/ a (.) (连词成句) _3.little/mouse/ in/ the/ there/ is /a/ house (.) (连词成句)_4. I like some noodles and a little juice. (对划线部分提问)_5. She likes drinking a lot of water every day. (变一般疑问句)_七、匹配题选出句子相应的答语。A.Its Nancys.B.They are Su Yangs.C.All right.D.Yes. Try them.E.Its too short.21 . Look at my dress. (_)22 . My gloves are too big. (_)23 . Lets go to the party. (_)24 . Whose jeans are these? (_)25 . Whose sweater is this? (_)26 . 找出相匹配的答句。(_)(1)Lets buy some presents first.(_)(2)Where are my shoes?(_)(3)There are some books for you.(_)(4)Can you open it for me?(_)(5)Thank you.(_)(6)Merry Christmas!(_)(7)What do you usually do?(_)(8)Does your father like eating turkeys?AThats all right.BThank you.COK, lets go.DI usually go swimming.ETheyre under the bed.FYes, he does.GSure.H. Merry Christmas!八、连线题27 . 连线题1.Afish2.Blion3.Crice4.Dcake5.Echocolate6.Fchess7.Gship8.H. chopsticks9.I. vegetable第 6 页 共 6 页

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